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Published: 01 August 2014
Creative Commons/StarblindKing Is Miley Cyrus the paragon of sexual freedom? Or is she obe diently reproducing an image of female sexuality constructed by mass culture? More
Published: 01 January 2016
Flickr Barcelona En Comú/Creative Commons Greeks have experienced setbacks in the struggle against austerity, which is also ongoing in Spain. Housing rights activist Ada Colau was elected Barcelona’s first female mayor in 2015, backed by a coalition of anti-eviction and anti-austerity voters. More
Published: 01 November 2014
Adrean Clark ( adreanaline.com ) All Barriers Crumble and Fall by Adrean Clark. The hands in this artwork are making the sign for “sledgehammer.” The written sign language at the top is a quotation from the first female valedictorian at Gallaudet University: “This day women have many barriers More
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (3): 39–43.
Published: 01 August 2015
... inherited this world from our parents, who inherited it from their parents, and on and on, back to the dawn of humanness, when hominids began extrapolating the physical difference between male and female bodies into systems of meaning that go far beyond genitals, secondary sex characteristics...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (4): 10–17.
Published: 01 November 2013
... don’t know what “in the image of God” means, but we know what “male and female” mean, and the first chapter of Genesis prompts us to see the gender binary as a concrete, natural link between God and humanity. To truly include transgender people within Abrahamic religious traditions, we have to shatter...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (3): 67–68.
Published: 01 August 2017
... of God, God created him; male and female God created them.” So in one sense God is singular and creates one male earthling in his image; and in another sense, God is plural and creates male and female earthlings in their image. This is not science; it’s theology. To create humans in the image of a plural...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (4): 50–51.
Published: 01 November 2010
... negotiating the more or less impossible for traditional Jewish communities to ac­ conditions of my return—including which bathrooms I would be commodate those who aren't simply male or female. I can't even permitted to use. Finally, September arrived. After years of shame participate...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2009) 24 (5): 62–64.
Published: 01 October 2009
... politically and spiritually two forces: natural and sexual selection. evolutionary psychology. congenial truth to me, but for that very rea­ The latter usually means female choice of But now something new has happened. son I read skeptically. Nonetheless I am mate (more important than male...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (2): 55.
Published: 01 April 2010
... inant m ale im age o f God but does not o f itself women’s degradation, through the 1980s and 1990s, fem­ offer an alternative to a God separate from and above the world. inistsT both insisted on the importance of female language and Indeed, in som e ways...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2016) 31 (1): 50–53.
Published: 01 January 2016
... Kaur’s viral Instagram post showed that female voices on issues concerning gender equality are necessary not just for the sangat but for the world. The perception that women in the sangat do not face gender-based challenges to equality is a myth. It needs to be actively challenged, and the gurdwara...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (4): 43–45.
Published: 01 November 2010
.... The degree of resist­ wing organizations are also opposed to cross-sex dating and ance varies widely from family to family. romance. For over a decade, they have protested and attacked es­ Female-female unions are always love unions. Hence families tablishments that offer...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (2): 55–56.
Published: 01 April 2010
... inant m ale im age o f God but does not o f itself women’s degradation, through the 1980s and 1990s, fem­ offer an alternative to a God separate from and above the world. inistsT both insisted on the importance of female language and Indeed, in som e ways...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2016) 31 (2): 30–34.
Published: 01 April 2016
...-bodied” female body. A “bum burger” advertisement in 2013 in Australia showed a woman’s rear end as buns for a hamburger and was challenged for being sexist. The Advertising Standards Bureau Case Report summarized the problem: “The advertisement features a woman lying on the beach in a bikini...
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Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (4): 51.
Published: 01 November 2012
..., Romney’s proposals to increase military spending and balance the budget would drastically reduce social programs for mothers and children, the elderly, and the poor — all groups with female majorities. Even nuns are assailed as the Vatican formally reprimands the largest group of U.S. nuns for promoting...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (4): 56.
Published: 01 November 2010
... together. Our Maypole ritual reflects the evolution of our thinking about gender. When we began the revival of the Goddess movement in the seventies, many of us were drawn to Wicca as a surviving religious tradition that had strong female images of deity...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2011) 26 (3): 100–107.
Published: 01 August 2011
... — in a public ceremony — of the male child’s sexual organ. As Glick points out, “Female blood contaminates, male blood sanctifies.” Thus, he explains, “the shedding of male blood is an act of consecration.” By creating historical and social linkage through this sacrificial ritual, circumcision functions...
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Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (3): 40–42.
Published: 01 August 2012
... what it took for her to figure out what she means and come to peace with it. As a transgender person myself, I know this particular state of disorientation intimately. As I grew up I wondered, what did it mean that I, a biological female, could be so essentially male? What did it mean that I wanted...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (4): 13–66.
Published: 01 November 2012
... in a minute), but with primate ancestors who were anything but egalitarian: our nearest primate relatives, the chimpanzees, live in strongly hierarchal bands dominated by alpha males who attempt to maintain sole sexual access to the females of the group and keep both other males and females in subservience...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2018) 33 (4): 71–75.
Published: 01 November 2018
.... But in kabbalah, the tradition of Jewish mysticism, I discovered the Shekhinah. Originally an abstraction signifying “dwelling” and denoting God’s Presence, the gender of the word morphed over centuries into a persona—a female figure signifying God’s Presence among us, God’s estranged other self, a Divine Female...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (4): 13–16.
Published: 01 November 2013
... a provision in the 2010 Affordable Care Act that requires religious hospitals, charities, and schools to offer birth control coverage for their female employees. When the intent of this legislation became clear, religious conservatives objected that the provision undermined religious freedom on the grounds...