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Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (4): 10–17.
Published: 01 November 2013
...JOY LADIN However radical this may seem in terms of religious belief, practice, and community, this truth is as down-to-earth as a grass-fringed mudhole, where, without fuss or fanfare, binary human categories collide, collapse, and coalesce into more capacious, messier forms; where bullfrogs...
Published: 01 November 2013
Lauren Quock ( ) “It’s cold outside the gender binary, but you can’t beat the view of the gloriously category-confounding universe,” Ladin writes. Artist Lauren Quock tears up dictionary pages to create these modified bathroom signs, which affirm queer and trans gender identities.
Published: 01 November 2014
Above: YoHana Bat Adam—Heartist ( ) “God has no way to demonstrate or perform a gender,” Ladin writes. “The gender binary requires at least two of a kind, and God, as Jews affirm in the Shema prayer, is One.” Union of Opposites by YoHana Bat Adam.
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (3): 39–43.
Published: 01 August 2015
..., or reproductive functions. Adam doesn’t mind the demotion; in fact, he is delighted, because being defined by the gender binary feels better than being alone. Indeed, being part of the gender binary inspires him, till now the only human being on earth, to imagine a future filled with gender-based...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (3): 67–68.
Published: 01 August 2017
... that mirrors that diversity. We know today that the world is even more complicated than the world of binaries suggested by a straight translation of the Genesis text. We know that the male-female binary is overly simplistic. While most bodies fit into those two categories, a significant minority doesn’t...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (3): 15–16.
Published: 01 August 2015
.... Historical movements in which victims become perpetrators, preserving the binary opposition between oppressed and oppressor, lead to endless repetition of violence. Although some form of indignation and anger is essential for one to demand justice, a victim’s moral indignation can become a manic defense...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2013) 28 (3): 72.
Published: 01 August 2013
..., waiting for you to ask them to dance. There is no binary opposition — identity is where and what time you stand to put your make-up on, relative to the points of time in space of those around you, their handfuls of brightly colored plastic, their recession so slow you don’t no tice it at first...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (4): 60–61.
Published: 01 November 2010
...—a U.S. towns, we make our kind of free
dominance inherently built on a gender dom abhorrent—the kind they see as
binary system that presumes hetero a blot on Allah’s creation. [We must
sexuality as a social...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2014) 29 (4): 17–23.
Published: 01 November 2014
...Above: YoHana Bat Adam—Heartist ( ) “God has no way to demonstrate or perform a gender,” Ladin writes. “The gender binary requires at least two of a kind, and God, as Jews affirm in the Shema prayer, is One.” Union of Opposites by YoHana Bat Adam. ...
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Journal Article
Tikkun (2009) 24 (5): 62–64.
Published: 01 October 2009
... to such an extent that the research hermaphrodites as aberrations from a
vive despite the handicap. The theory itself is being skewed and the wrong ques male/female binary norm. Roughgarden
would explain other protein-expensive or tions are being asked? posits that hermaphrodism...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2014) 29 (1): 34–40.
Published: 01 January 2014
... in (but know very well all the same). But the world prefers binaries. I am Muslim and I am Western. This is not a binary either/or, nor do I think it requires, in the manner of a scientific experiment, constant confirmation. That is not, however, how the world sees things — and it is not how many Muslims...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (5): 72–74.
Published: 01 October 2010
..., and that the gender binary is the front line exist because their founders believed in and prom oted the ten
of the culture wars. points Michaelson lists in his article. At times, an entire denomi
One way to parse Michaelson s argument is this: those who em n ation...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2018) 33 (3): 18–23.
Published: 01 August 2018
... is rooted has perceived and organized our world in binaries, often opposing ones. In present time, everything from Indigenous cosmologies to string theory and complexity science, to the demands and growing culture of LBGTQ movements who increasingly center trans and gender non binary people, reflect...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2012) 27 (1): 27–68.
Published: 01 January 2012
... Left is implicit in Fania E. Davis’s words in this issue: “I would say this movement is more subversive than any of the revolutionary movements in which I have been involved since the 1950s. All previous social justice movements have kept us trapped in discordant, binary, either-or, right-wrong, and us...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2015) 30 (4): 27.
Published: 01 November 2015
.... There are no win- lose or lose- win scenarios (not that this was ever a binary struggle). Here in (historic) Palestine, the lines of the struggle are also now clearer than ever: either you are siding with colonial racism and segregation, or you are committed to transforming the “Holy Land” (Israel/Palestine/Canaan...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (5): 74.
Published: 01 October 2010
... to locate basic human homosexuality is sin. The very number of our recombinant pos
rights in all bodies. Such discussions will invariably broaden sibilities reshapes the body contours of normalcy and counts
the knee-jerk sex binary, the assum ption of sex/gender anew the ecological niches...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (5): 80.
Published: 01 October 2010
... me. Haven’t I sp en t my life trying to make up my mind aboutsomething?
God, not God; soul, not soul. I’m like the Binary Kid: on, off; off, on.
But isn ’t that what we all are? Overgrown electrical circuits? Good, bad.
Hate, love...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (2): 55.
Published: 01 April 2010
.... understanding o f gender hut because, for all the changes o f the last
Secondly, early feminist liturgical creativity took for granted the forty years, such language still seem s trivial and degrading.
gender binary and was sometimes essentialist—characteristics W hat’s needed...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2017) 32 (3): 34–38.
Published: 01 August 2017
... and engagement against the Jews. We must repudiate how Luther’s devolution into binary categories against his enemies has had catastrophic consequences over the centuries and even up to our times. Though Luther embraced the centrality of the Jewish Torah’s command to “love your neighbor as yourself,” his actual...
Journal Article
Tikkun (2010) 25 (2): 55–56.
Published: 01 April 2010
.... understanding o f gender hut because, for all the changes o f the last
Secondly, early feminist liturgical creativity took for granted the forty years, such language still seem s trivial and degrading.
gender binary and was sometimes essentialist—characteristics W hat’s needed...