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Journal Article
Tikkun (2000) 15 (1): 88–90.
Published: 01 January 2000
Published: 01 April 2013
Creative Commons/John Andrews Spielberg’s film also obscures how fugitive slaves moved the struggle for abolition forward. This nineteenth-century portrait depicts Anthony Burns, whose arrest and trial under the Fugitive Slave Act sparked abolitionist protests and riots in Boston in 1854. More
Published: 01 November 2017
Picture of Israeli checkpoint in the West Bank, just outside the Palestinian city of Ramallah, also known as Qalandiya Checkpoint More
Published: 01 January 2013
Creative Commons/Sunset Parkerpix To truly protect democracy for the 99 percent, we would need to ban not just corporate campaign contributions, but also donations from the super-rich. More
Published: 01 November 2014
Chris Johnston/Eureka Street ( eurekastreet.com.au ) Building ramps is important, but congregations must also examine their theologies and metaphors to make sure they are not hostile to people with disabilities. Accessible Churches by Chris Johnston. More
Published: 01 April 2013
Annie Bissett ( anniebissett.com ) The jubilee note below is part of Cash for the Crash , a set of currency designed by Annie Bissett. The currency also includes four denominations that are free and priceless: earth, air, fire, and water. More
Published: 01 April 2013
Annie Bissett ( anniebissett.com ) The jubilee note below is part of Cash for the Crash , a set of currency designed by Annie Bissett. The currency also includes four denominations that are free and priceless: earth, air, fire, and water. More
Published: 01 April 2013
Creative Commons/Raphael Aristotle warned about the dangerous illusions created by the accumulation of money, but he and other Greek philosophers also laid the groundwork for the reductionist rationality associated with capitalism. Aristotle and Plato appear at the heart of this painting More
Published: 01 January 2013
Jonathan Burstein ( jburstein.com ) “The biblical tradition of hospitality recognizes the Other not only as brother or sister but also as potential angel,” Alexia Salvatierra writes. In this painting, Dumpster Dive by Jonathan Burstein, an angel digs through a trash bin in San Francisco’s More
Published: 01 April 2013
George E. Miller II ( gemartstudio.com ) What would it take to build a foster care system that not only maintains children’s physical well-being but also nurtures their interests in art, science, sports, music, drama, and more? Art Class by George E. Miller II. More
Published: 01 January 2014
Caitlin Ng ( caitlinng.com ) Sadness sets in as we realize how much climate change and pollution have already altered our world. Might ritual practices help us mourn and also act? Consider the Larger Implications of What You Do by Caitlin Ng. More
Published: 01 August 2014
Anne Paq/Activestills ( activestills.org ) The trauma of the Nakba — the forced exile of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians that occurred during the creation of the State of Israel — also continues to be passed down to new generations. Here, a Palestinian man takes part in a Nakba Commemoration More
Published: 01 January 2016
Flickr Barcelona En Comú/Creative Commons Greeks have experienced setbacks in the struggle against austerity, which is also ongoing in Spain. Housing rights activist Ada Colau was elected Barcelona’s first female mayor in 2015, backed by a coalition of anti-eviction and anti-austerity voters. More
Published: 01 August 2012
Cathy Maier Callanan/Creativity for Peace Large structural changes are needed to bring about peace in the Middle East, but social transformations also need to happen for those changes to feel possible. Therapeutic activities such as this art project at Creativity for Peace offer one small way More
Published: 01 August 2014
Magen Tzedek ( magentzedek.org ) “As religious people, we should eat foods that were grown with ecological foresight and raised with compassion,” Levy‐Lyons writes. This Magen Tzedek seal is placed on food that meets traditional kosher standards and is also produced in accord with Jewish ethics More
Published: 01 August 2013
Top: Creative Commons/Joods Historisch Museum. Bottom: Creative Commons/Mordecai Baron Jewish history’s best known false messiah was Rabbi Shabtai Zvi (top), a seventeenth-century kabbalist. Following the Holocaust, Hasidic Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (bottom) was also believed More
Published: 01 August 2013
Top: Creative Commons/Joods Historisch Museum. Bottom: Creative Commons/Mordecai Baron Jewish history’s best known false messiah was Rabbi Shabtai Zvi (top), a seventeenth-century kabbalist. Following the Holocaust, Hasidic Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (bottom) was also believed More
Published: 01 January 2014
Taslima Akhter ( taslimaakhter.com ) A narrow focus on sexual assault can obscure how the structural violence of the global economy is also a central source of women’s suffering in the Global South. This photo, Death of Thousand Dreams by Taslima Akhter, captures the final embrace of two workers More
Published: 01 November 2012
Creative Commons/Anne Fitten Glenn Many progressives are upset about how President Obama has coddled Wall Street. Yet he has also signed the biggest antipoverty bill in forty years and attained health coverage for millions of uninsured people. How is he doing on his promise to deliver the “change More
Published: 01 November 2012
Creative Commons/The U.S. Army Where does Obama stand on military policy? While he escalated the war in Afghanistan, he also withdrew American troops from Iraq and ended the Pentagon’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” mistreatment of gays and lesbians. Here, U.S. and Afghan forces assemble in Ghazni More