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Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (2): 56–60.
Published: 01 May 1981
...Joel Schechter Theater on the Wrong Side of the Law: An InterviewU with Snoo Wilson Joel Sc,hechter The best introduction to Snoo Wilson’s personality may be the titles of his plays: The Pleasure Principle, The Beast, Vampire, Soul...
Journal Article
Theater (1993) 24 (2): 67–75.
Published: 01 May 1993
... that they'd been defunded for political reasons. Never interested in offering simple answers or definitions—especially for a word like “lesbian”—Hughes now found such simplifications both demanded of her and projected onto her. Becoming visible for all the wrong reasons brought daily reminders of her...
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (1): 76–77.
Published: 01 February 2001
..., “To pick some violette-es.” When Little-Red-Riding-Hood-Colinette, a There’s nothing wrong with that, Colinette cross-dressed soldier, goes out for a walk in the Nothing wrong, Colinette...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (3): 32–40.
Published: 01 November 1968
... with an air of superiority and counts to three, demanding their attention. One, two and three. He asks his first question. (He mouths a question and then puts his hand to his ear as if listening to the answer) Wrong. (Pointing in different directions) Wrong. Wrong...
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 9 (2): 91–109.
Published: 01 May 1978
...) if there is anything we can do te help you get settled 2) aren’t you working today 5) hello captain thank you sir 3) I must be doing something wrong why are the odds against 4) odds are that you gotta win some...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (1): 17–31.
Published: 01 February 2005
... really be here —I don’t get it. What’s wrong? —because we don’t belong here —I’m on fi re —at this height, in this place, at this point of —I’m beginning to spin time...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (1): 139–149.
Published: 01 February 1969
... Lear." "Why not?" asked Judith Malina softly. "That's true," said Mr. Beck, "but there are an equal number of theorists "Because, . . because. . . you are who hold the opposite view. And, of wrong. I know. You know...
Journal Article
Theater (1980) 11 (3): 108–112.
Published: 01 November 1980
.... tious, shiny structures that have no And it seems nothing but lack of integrity, spiritual or imaginative reality. The at• to choose, in our day, a Fascist subject mat• mosphere is all wrong for seriousness, and ter...
Journal Article
Theater (1973) 4 (3): 8–14.
Published: 01 November 1973
... to lose sight of his initial impression, and his initial impression is what makes him useful. Don't forget that a critic is merely expressing an opinion; he is not a god laying down an eternal truth. He can be wrong. In fact, some of the most famous critics...
Journal Article
Theater (1971) 3 (2): 4–13.
Published: 01 May 1971
... Marks, and John McCaf- fre y. Schechter: In The Death of Tragedy you concluded that Beckett's drama was "crippled and monotonous." Do you still find it to be that? Steiner: No, I think I was entirely wrong. I think it still represents an extreme reductionist position. I...
Journal Article
Theater (1993) 24 (2): 99–111.
Published: 01 May 1993
.... All inquiries should be sent to Helen Merrill, Ltd., 435 West 23rd Street, New York, New York 10011. FORNES GEORGIA Rob? AMALIA People are wrong. It’s Isabel la Catolica. She...
Journal Article
Theater (1999) 29 (1): 136–137.
Published: 01 February 1999
... correspondent is the closest of all to matter which master a person serves in the human misery and its absurdity,” observes one state, it is the wrong one This underscores narrator, who suspects that he “can endure the the modernity of his subject; his parables of so- experience only for a short time...
Journal Article
Theater (1987) 18 (3): 21–29.
Published: 01 November 1987
... in The Second and higher-tech future. According to Writing from a clown's perspective. I very unstable condition. But they Hundred Years Murphy's Law, whatever can go wrong faithfully adopt Murphy's Law as the and our little tragi-comedy ends will go wrong. Few people...
Journal Article
Theater (2019) 49 (3): 119–131.
Published: 01 November 2019
... this. We acknowledge the diµculty. We have to ¤nd you. Play Video Apology, from The Informants, as performed in Artists Space, New York, 2017. Transcript below. I want to say I m sorry. That was wrong. What I did. I m sorry. I apologize. That was wrong. Thank you. And I m sorry. I didn t understand...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (3): 2–35.
Published: 01 November 1969
... barking at the STANDER: Fuck! wrong tree. MARY BETH: Help! STANDER: You think I’m stupid to be- lieve in myself? STANDER: Fuck! MARY BETH...
Journal Article
Theater (1979) 10 (2): 72–75.
Published: 01 May 1979
.... What's wrong with you, And if they give alms now The devil take you, First Worker Life won't he life Am I your spiritual father or not? (spreading his hands) But manna...
Journal Article
Theater (1984) 16 (1): 4–32.
Published: 01 February 1984
... and arrive again. good scrub. When did you last have one? HELEN: He patient with me Elsie. I’m HELEN: Like that? (MISS HELElzI has to think about it.) Right, only . . . ELSA: Why, what’s wrong? settled. Your...
Journal Article
Theater (1984) 15 (2): 14–19.
Published: 01 May 1984
...- European in origin and yet in some funny way it has the best of vidence and Trinity because theyte become so much a part of this country, the kind of vitality that comes out of poverty and not me. Ite made so many wrong moves and done so many wrong being accepted. On the other hand, since we do have...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (2): 82–87.
Published: 01 May 1992
... to spreading of the legs, and rebounding with the assignment of observing and strike familiar “female” and “male” in an imaginary basketball game, judging her: poses. These movements alternate in look awkward and wrong. But why Keep a few things in mind as you...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 13 (1): 56–66.
Published: 01 February 1981
... on a moment in to approach Chekhov - not just in cherry orchard and a moon, nothing wrong time, a moment of change that still affects Romania but everywhere - because while with that. It served my purposes very well us somehow. Brook‘s production was much one has a very strong sensation...