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Journal Article
Theater (2023) 53 (3): 88–99.
Published: 01 November 2023
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (1): 76–77.
Published: 01 February 2001
... Hopping here, skipping there the antifeminist Tra la la la . . . Tra la la A draft dodger did then appear...
Journal Article
Theater (1971) 3 (2): 30.
Published: 01 May 1971
... rriodert? eyiiivalet?t. Wheri sornethitig in the play itself stimiilates the clirector to plirsiie a radical tiew line of i?!yciiry,theti ever, [tie niost radical tra!isforinatioiis cat, be justified. What “iio more masterpieces‘‘ meatis for IIS, tlteti, is tio more piety, tin nwre...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (3): 27–31.
Published: 01 November 2000
... of I no longer believe in myself. longing for you! Out of longing for Dejanira! dejanira yesterday’s lover Believe in me, in me! women Tra la la...
Journal Article
Theater (2012) 42 (3): 65–67.
Published: 01 November 2012
... — Joseph freely blends these essential social justice questions with free-­flowing poetic introspection, allowing the piece to function as a public meditation in the tra- dition of the blues — another element central to the event, which begins as a walk-­ through installation of small blighted houses...
Journal Article
Theater (1994) 25 (1): 72–77.
Published: 01 February 1994
... to the troubles with considerable successes with nontraditional opera. Even venerable operatic institutions are staging of traditional material. For every tra- affected. The opera house of Barcelona burned ditionalist outraged by Peter Sellars’s staging down...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (2): 62–63.
Published: 01 May 2003
... for the literal. A the same thing that happens in my country. sense ofmetaphor has also been lost in the tra- Here’s this system that wants to create some ditional theater ofthe United States. kind ofequality...
Journal Article
Theater (1973) 4 (1): 117–120.
Published: 01 February 1973
... but for the dimensions they propose. Through these, the student might gain an understanding of the extremes of acting which would employ his entire being. It serves him as a point of reference. Thus, Commedia derte,where the play is action, and Greek Tra- gedy, where the word is flesh, are the forms...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (2): 69–71.
Published: 01 May 2005
... use regional music. How important are folk tra- actors as puppets, not in the sense of funny ditions in your work? puppets but in the eff ect of death. The body is dead to the stage because part of our human- The root is folk music. We had our own com...
Journal Article
Theater (2004) 34 (3): 134–142.
Published: 01 November 2004
... with excitement, arguing, quarrelling, challenging.”1 Halvdan Koht, one of Ibsen’s biographers who was a young boy at the time of the premiere, wrote that the play “exploded like a bomb into contemporary life. Pillars of Society . . . though it attacked reigning social conventions, still retained the tra...
Journal Article
Theater (2004) 34 (3): 143–145.
Published: 01 November 2004
... with excitement, arguing, quarrelling, challenging.”1 Halvdan Koht, one of Ibsen’s biographers who was a young boy at the time of the premiere, wrote that the play “exploded like a bomb into contemporary life. Pillars of Society . . . though it attacked reigning social conventions, still retained the tra...
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (2): 131–133.
Published: 01 May 2001
... interest in the plays’ theatrical possibility. Gives the Jews a Town as a Gift. The hideous Though Kermode has been widely praised for reality is that Terezín was only a way station to practicing criticism in the Enlightenment tra- more sinister...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (1): 6–9.
Published: 01 February 1968
... in the selection of the Christian faith, the King ancient plays for this summer's or the Government, undermine Greek theater festivals. the people's healthy social tra- Most ancient Greek plays are ditions or customs or damage touch liberally on political con• the esthetic advancement of cepts...
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (2): 128–131.
Published: 01 May 2001
... possibility. Gives the Jews a Town as a Gift. The hideous Though Kermode has been widely praised for reality is that Terezín was only a way station to practicing criticism in the Enlightenment tra- more sinister destinations from which few dition...
Journal Article
Theater (2010) 40 (1): 11–23.
Published: 01 February 2010
... among these is the notion of “con- 20 temporary” and its relationship to “traditional” 21 Poster for Festival of dance. A Kenyan artist faces a much higher level of expectation to represent the “tra- 22 International Dance...
Journal Article
Theater (1980) 11 (3): 36–42.
Published: 01 November 1980
... in three, Hecuba aJa Andromache each in two. The tra plays. The final section, "The Gods," included Helen, Orestes, cycle's subject matter is arranged to suggest variations on such pat• Andromache, and Iphigenia in Tauris. terns as crime, revenge, and reconciliation...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (3): 76–86.
Published: 01 November 1968
... who formerl y tend ed a k inqs teased an d t au nt ed by un kn own forces. forest , is incessantly and my steriously Such a vision is em ine ntly Kaf kaesq ue, driven to redi scover America . His bicvcle• but is it vali d for the immigrant-or, for tra nspo rted odyssey...
Journal Article
Theater (1977) 9 (1): 83–86.
Published: 01 February 1977
... or may feel this to be degrading, be- R.G. Davis, Interview, TRA Magazine, more, have been self-consciously cause they rank art as one of the Volume 3, Number 1. apolitical. Soviet Realism has been highest things, but mankind’s highest...
Journal Article
Theater (2019) 49 (3): 89–105.
Published: 01 November 2019
... traditional homelands is through meteoric/ atmospheric forms of §ight. The 60s scoop is hereby referred to as the time of the Great Damage brought about by the mass removal/tra©cking of Indigenous bodies from their kin. This thought project has been conceptualized from within a generative and sustaining...
Journal Article
Theater (2015) 45 (1): 114–121.
Published: 01 February 2015
... is what transpired between the Polish char- acters in the wake of the progressive collapse of tra...