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Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 38–51.
Published: 01 February 1990
...Dario Fo; Ron Jenkins, translated by Copyright © THEATER 1990 1990 The Story of the Tiger wasflrstper- The street performer had updated an why. You remember what it was like. formed by Dario Fo in Milan, Italy, ancient tiger legend to satirize the Com- Peter Jennings reporting...
Journal Article
Theater (1974) 5 (3): 24–34.
Published: 01 November 1974
... Tiger Wolf Act One (Elephant and Monkey) Scene One MONKEY (to himself) He's not at home. ELEPHANT Yes I am. MONKEY...
Journal Article
Theater (1989) 20 (2): 43–53.
Published: 01 May 1989
... rifle, he rips open the mother's through her window. shawl. shawl. In her arms she cradles a crying ' Tiger tale #1: As the hunter bangs on human baby. The hunter stomps angri- 'Ikansition: The room turns to the the door, Mr. Bones dances out, followed ly out...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (2): 129–143.
Published: 01 May 2000
...Jack Zipes © 2000 by Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2000 Cultural Industry’s production of Shockheaded Peter. Photo: Sheila Burnett. Jack Zipes The Perverse Delight of Shockheaded Peter Shockheaded Peter: A Junk Opera by the Tiger Lillies, a three-piece band...
Journal Article
Theater (1970) 3 (1_Film): 25–30.
Published: 01 November 1970
..., cars, and men burn questionable whether Brecht or Godard one another. The gasoline and napalm in himself can surv'ive prosecution by Movie both films are associated with a beast of Exhibitors any more than Emily Bronte prey, Standard Oil's international tiger. Interrogation...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (1): 67–91.
Published: 01 February 2005
... in this theater is Escape their “ungovernability” has been revalued. from New York, and I escaped from that to THE UNGOVERNABILITY OF THE the screening room of Tiger of Eshnapur or SOUTH HAS CONSIDERABLY RISEN Bangladesh, and I’m standing in front of the IN VALUE...
Journal Article
Theater (1991) 22 (1): 93–94.
Published: 01 February 1991
... 1 and 2, pp. 68 - 73. (essay),Number 3, pp. 30 - 33. Oxman. Steven, “MARZIPAN UPON A Bharucha, Rustom, LETTER TO THE Jenkins, Ron, THE STORY OF THE TIGER BIRTHDAY CAKE”: A TALK...
Journal Article
Theater (1989) 20 (2): 4–5.
Published: 01 May 1989
.... in Medievnl rn)x.tcr!' Ot hcr approaches to gender cmcrge in this issuc. 111 TdjFr-nor pla~~s.rcxitcratcd this honiogcncous perspect ix-e on gender, I arid Golderir hal's legend of a tiger-horn human: thc animal- cariring Eire out of Adam's rib &rid punishing hcr dilfcrcncc masked feminism...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (2): 10–11.
Published: 01 May 1968
... leader's call to arms inspired illiterate Bengali peasants to realize that their landlord was "a paper tiger" and to oust him...
Journal Article
Theater (1994) 25 (1): 115–116.
Published: 01 February 1994
... On Dramaturgy in America 18:2 Green Card 17:3 18:i On Translation/Adaptation BY Dario Fo: 18:3 On Clowning 17:i An Open Couple 19:i On Paratheater 213 The Story ofthe Tiger...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 17 (2): 65–66.
Published: 01 May 1986
... question understands word rips a gash, cvcry smile bares a ing a speech that “tops,” as it were, her seduc- these concerns, has given us an American ap- f‘ang. We should let tigers play our tion speech in part two by showing that he proxiniation to an intense European cx- parts. Another bite...
Journal Article
Theater (1983) 14 (3): 83–98.
Published: 01 November 1983
... in Garden Two Giraffes and two tigers General Lee alone on his horse Soldier still crossing Tigers sing, Giraffes speak Duet betwen Boy on beanstalk and Tallest Woman Old Man watches Act II,B...
Journal Article
Theater (1994) 25 (1): 62–71.
Published: 01 February 1994
...: Long time ago, under water. Fishes and eels swimming here. Not true people had webbed feet but did walk on stilts. Wild people, fen tigers. In 1630 rich lords planned to drain fen, change swamp into grazing land, far thinking men, brave investors. Fen people wanted to keep fishes...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 8 (1): 74–77.
Published: 01 February 1976
... cheer in staging the songs. Mackie headdress. Fat, squat, sinister-voiced C. K. Alexan- and Tiger Brown clasp their genitalia in grotesque der, physically perfect for the role of Peachum or masculine pride during their rambunctious army Victoria, resembles the Queen in more than head- song...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (3): 27–31.
Published: 01 November 2000
...! and fixed stars into our laughter, and deck with tomorrow’s innamorato I love you! tiger-skin coats the shoulders of our mountains, and you believe you possess us. You husband I own you...
Journal Article
Theater (1994) 25 (2): 92–95.
Published: 01 May 1994
... 19:i On Paratheater 21:1 The Story of the Tiger 19:2 Peter Brook Retrospective 20:3 On Soviet Theater By Ah01 FugiuxL 23:2 On Theater and Education 14:1 Master Harold and the Boys 16:1 Road...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (2): 7–11.
Published: 01 May 1968
... to realize that their landlord was "a paper tiger" and to oust him from his land is supposedly based on real events...
Journal Article
Theater (2011) 41 (1): 1–3.
Published: 01 February 2011
... by young playwrights such as Heather Raffo, Betty Shamieh, and Rajiv Joseph, who was shortlisted for the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for his play Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. Issaq, Noor Theatre’s artistic director, cites these writers, among others, as inspi- rations for her fledgling venture, and she...
Journal Article
Theater (2011) 41 (1): 3–5.
Published: 01 February 2011
... by young playwrights such as Heather Raffo, Betty Shamieh, and Rajiv Joseph, who was shortlisted for the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for his play Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. Issaq, Noor Theatre’s artistic director, cites these writers, among others, as inspi- rations for her fledgling venture, and she...
Journal Article
Theater (2011) 41 (1): 6–7.
Published: 01 February 2011
... by young playwrights such as Heather Raffo, Betty Shamieh, and Rajiv Joseph, who was shortlisted for the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for his play Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. Issaq, Noor Theatre’s artistic director, cites these writers, among others, as inspi- rations for her fledgling venture, and she...