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Journal Article
Theater (1989) 20 (3): 46–49.
Published: 01 November 1989
...Anton Antonov-Ovseenko; Vladimir Klimenko, translated by Translator's note: Anton Antonov-Ovseenko is a Soviet historian whose critical writings on the Stalinist terror are_finally, under glasnost, being published in the USSR. The author himself spent most of 1940–1953 in Stalin's camps and prisons...
Journal Article
Theater (1991) 22 (2): 5–13.
Published: 01 May 1991
... AND STALINISM ANATOLY SMELIANSKY translated by Susan Larsen and Elise Thoron he Moscow Art Theater marked its thirtieth What happened to the Art Theater...
Journal Article
Theater (2018) 48 (2): 33–37.
Published: 01 May 2018
... back to Stalin, who “turned classics (from Pushkin to Tchaikovsky) into icons,” replacing religion with a sacred artistic canon. “Aesthetics,” Davydova contends, “is more important than politics. I’m sure that fascist ideology grows out of fascist aesthetics.” Copyright © 2018 Yale School of Drama...
Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 123.
Published: 01 February 1990
... Editors: What Shaw stresses is that Stalin laugh- synagogue. He was a very saintly man, Not long ago I saw an otherwise very ed at them - the Shaw party which hadn’t hurt a fly in his life. And we were good documentary on TV - about the consisted of Shaw, Lord and Lady Astor...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 7 (2): 4–7.
Published: 01 May 1976
... an the meretricious strategies of theatrical elaborate self-deception that did not always producers. The increasing popularity of work. Gorky’s complicity in Stalin’s brutalities Gorky’s plays more or less parallels the dra- and lies is taken up at length in this issue, matic politicization...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (3): 47–51.
Published: 01 November 1992
...-like wars among animals begin with the led the fox to attack it in public. earliest mock-epic, The Battle Between Frogs and Mice," Durov brought these animals together in training and continue beyond the Stalin-inspired Animul Farm to sessions, and in the ring, with the help of food. His...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 7 (2): 78–87.
Published: 01 May 1976
... as “formalist This nerve-wracking tug-of-war bet ween ex peri- ment and ideology was, in fact, basic in every art form in Russia during the Stalin years. We...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 7 (2): 88–94.
Published: 01 May 1976
... ,permanently in 1931 and began to churn out propaganda for Stalin’s govern- ment, including celebrations of the Soviet Craig Latrell is a D.F.A. candidate in forced-labor projects. Because of Gorky’s...
Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 120–123.
Published: 01 February 1990
... is that Stalin laugh- synagogue. He was a very saintly man, Not long ago I saw an otherwise very ed at them - the Shaw party which hadn’t hurt a fly in his life. And we were good documentary on TV - about the consisted of Shaw, Lord and Lady Astor, all called into the synagogue and asked Ukrainian...
Journal Article
Theater (1998) 28 (2): 10–18.
Published: 01 May 1998
... of biomechanics are quite a bit different politically from those of Stanislavsky. GORDON There are many different ways of looking at the meaning of biomechanics, and at the meaning of Stanislavsky s system. For instance, biomechanics can be seen as a kind of Stalinism: the great engineer efficiently reshaping...
Journal Article
Theater (1983) 14 (2): 4–26.
Published: 01 May 1983
... against Stalinism, call her a swine and prescribe that she be shot. One of his son’s friends The Coronet Theater, Beverly Hills, California, July 31, 194 7. Let was a son of Viertel named Hans who reports that Brecht would me drop some names: I...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 18 (1): 94–97.
Published: 01 February 1986
... and his (their first co-production) yet it retains other masked characters - Churchill. Ttascist army began dancing across the imagination, poetry, intelligence, F.D.R., Leon Blum, and Stalin - did not the stage of the Los Angeles humor, vitality and bold politics of their support...
Journal Article
Theater (1991) 22 (2): 4.
Published: 01 May 1991
..., as Anatoly Smeliansky reveals in his essay past few years, while American visual artists and about the director’s friendly letters to Stalin. performers were criticized by elected officials in Stalinism and censorship have not yet fully returned to Washington, D.C., Soviet artists experienced new...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (1): 84–88.
Published: 01 February 2003
... beloved lead- Fifty years ago, on August 12, 1952, thirteen ing actor and for some twenty years the direc- Soviet Jewish activists and writers were exe- tor of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater (or cuted by Stalin after a secret trial. Yiddishists GOSET, the Russian acronym by which it’s commemorating...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (1): 89–92.
Published: 01 February 2003
... of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater (or cuted by Stalin after a secret trial. Yiddishists GOSET, the Russian acronym by which it’s commemorating the loss of such modernist typically known). masters as Dovid Bergelson, Itzik Fefer, Dovid During the war, Mikhoels was sent Hofshteyn, Leyb Kvitko, and Peretz...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (1): 92–96.
Published: 01 February 2003
...— was Solomon Mikhoels, a widely beloved lead- Fifty years ago, on August 12, 1952, thirteen ing actor and for some twenty years the direc- Soviet Jewish activists and writers were exe- tor of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater (or cuted by Stalin after a secret trial. Yiddishists GOSET, the Russian acronym...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (1): 96–98.
Published: 01 February 2003
... years the direc- Soviet Jewish activists and writers were exe- tor of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater (or cuted by Stalin after a secret trial. Yiddishists GOSET, the Russian acronym by which it’s commemorating the loss of such modernist typically known). masters as Dovid Bergelson, Itzik Fefer...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (1): 98–102.
Published: 01 February 2003
... the direc- Soviet Jewish activists and writers were exe- tor of the Moscow State Yiddish Theater (or cuted by Stalin after a secret trial. Yiddishists GOSET, the Russian acronym by which it’s commemorating the loss of such modernist typically known). masters as Dovid Bergelson, Itzik Fefer, Dovid...
Journal Article
Theater (1998) 28 (2): 50–55.
Published: 01 May 1998
... of steel (in Russian, Stalin) - was the only hope. O r so proposed the man of steel himself. I n this Russia of the m i d - ~ p o s ,beset by crisis on all fronts - economic, political, moral, and artistic - Meyerhold chose to produce Russia s most beloved farce. It ran for years to full houses...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 17–19.
Published: 01 May 1969
..., generals, armies, and revolutionaries of his time materialized on Piscator's stage. 4. Andrei Zhdanov, Stalin's cultural commissar, issued these instructions to artists in 1934: "Socialist real ism requires truthful, historically concrete representa tion of reality in its revolutionary...