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Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (2): 32–37.
Published: 01 May 1985
...Art Borreca Copyright © THEATER 1985 1985 “Idi Amin Was the Supereme Actor
An Interview with Wole Soyinka
Art Borreca
Wok Soyinku’s patron Yoruba god, Ogun, is approprdely the god...
Journal Article
Theater (1997) 28 (1): 58–59.
Published: 01 February 1997
...Olesegun Ojewuyi Copyright © Theater 1997 1997 OLESEGUNOJEWUYI
A hunter himself, he lives the life of the hunt. When Wole Soyinka finally stole...
Journal Article
A World Of Amusement And Pity: Wole Soyinka, Interviewed by Olesegun Ojewuyi and Shawn-Marie Garrett
Theater (1997) 28 (1): 60–68.
Published: 01 February 1997
... to waste in the totality of your experience as “Ogun-
power. We are a very stupid and open sore of Kongi” Soyinka?
a continent.
Ogun, I’m afraid, has retreated to Ire Hills. I
You see, when we were students, we couldn’t...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 8 (1): 62–67.
Published: 01 February 1976
... characters in a Nige-
rian setting is not truly Nigerian unless its form derives
from an experience that is meaningful to Nigerians. Nor is
a play Nigerian if it expresses a foreign value that denies
the cultural context of the play.
Our major modern dramatists-notably Wole
Soyinka and J...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (3): 69–75.
Published: 01 November 1968
... by Vaclav Havel, translated
by Vera Blackwell. Directed by Joseph Papp.
New York Public Theatre. .
Kongi's Harvest by Wole Soyinka. Directed by
Michael A. Schultz. Negro Ensemble Company,
St. Marks Playhouse.
Daddy Goodness by Richard Wright and Louis
Sapin. Directed by Douglas Turner Ward...
Journal Article
Theater (1999) 29 (1): 139–141.
Published: 01 February 1999
Ojewuyi, Olesegun, “Wole Soyinka: The Sellar, Tom, “Body Language” [book review:
Hunter, the Hunt,” no. I, 58-59. Valere Novarina’s The Theater of the Ears],no.
I, 117-119.
Ojewuyi, Olesegun, and Shawn-Marie Gar-
rett, “A World...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (2): 4–5.
Published: 01 May 1985
... performers, but some leading ty: ”Why shouldn’t he laugh? He’s winning.”
statesmen could successfully transfer their acts onto a stage, as Wole AS part of Tha,!erj.policy of impartial criticism, this issue considers
Soyinka observes in this issue. Soyinka calls the former ruler of Russian as well...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 8 (1): 6–10.
Published: 01 February 1976
...-particularly the
Yoruba opera of Nigeria and a handful of plays by Wole
Soyinka and Athol Fugard. Peter Brook’s recent work, The
Ik, is derived from an anthropological account of a Ugan-
dan tribe, although it does not use techniques of African
theatre. These developments hardly constitute a trend...
Journal Article
Theater (1971) 3 (2): 79–83.
Published: 01 May 1971
... with the cast.
The problem of contemporary African playwrights is to evolve a dramatic form
based on the immense body of already existing folk drama. The bridge from the
oral to the literary tradition has led to many false starts. Wole Soyinka cautious-
ly began by simply incorporating elements...
Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 99–101.
Published: 01 February 1990
... five centuries of im- Because I Will Marry When I Want
in Kenya, Ingrid Bjorkman, Zed Press, perialist domination. While Soyinka reached non-English speaking
London and New Jersey, 107 pp. sought to graft western theatrical tradi- Kenyans, Ngugi threatened the neo...
Journal Article
Theater (2008) 38 (1): 19–29.
Published: 01 February 2008
..., including South African sign
Classics such as Soyinka might work, espe-
language. While some languages may be mutually
cially a play with local resonances. I’ve directed
comprehensible (such as Zulu, Xhosa...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (2): 4–5.
Published: 01 May 1992
... about the
play’s issues: drinking, sex, social behavior - all
commonly on the mind of a new college student. Later in
the year, two productions of The Bacchae were
performed on campus. One was Wole Soyinka’s modern
version: the other, a more “traditional” rendition.
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 17 (1): 97.
Published: 01 February 1985
... with Wole Rouse, John. “Robert Wilson, Texts and History: CIVIL wad, German
Soyinka,” (Interview) Vol: 16, no 2, p. 32. Part,” (Review) Vol. 16, no. 2, p. 68.
Case, Sue-Ellen. “From Formalism to Feminism,” (Essay) Vol. 16, no. 2, p. Sainer, Arthur.. The Several Stages...
Journal Article
Theater (2006) 36 (2): 1–3.
Published: 01 May 2006
... of political dissent in their respective countries. Like
Jelinek, Dario Fo, Gao Xingjian, Wole Soyinka, and other playwright-novelists who
have received the prize in recent years, Pinter has expressed for decades an underlying
commitment to social justice, freedom of expression, human rights...
Journal Article
Theater (1998) 28 (2): 6–9.
Published: 01 May 1998
... of honoring dissidents, often those in danger from their governments. But they have usually been dissidents from authoritarian Third World or Communist regimes: in the last ten years, Joseph Brodsky, Wole Soyinka, a chain of Eastern Europeans. Not since Pablo Neruda (1971)has the prize gone to a dissident...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (3): 142–144.
Published: 01 November 2003
... provides ample informative inter- The Performance Arts in Africa and The Athenian
pretations ofW ole Soyinka’s The Bacchae of Sun in an African Sky illuminate a vibrant
Euripides, Clark’s Song ofa Goat , Ola Rotimi’s panoply ofAfrican theatrical aesthetics and
The Gods Are Not to Blame , Guy...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (3): 145–147.
Published: 01 November 2003
... provides ample informative inter- The Performance Arts in Africa and The Athenian
pretations ofW ole Soyinka’s The Bacchae of Sun in an African Sky illuminate a vibrant
Euripides, Clark’s Song ofa Goat , Ola Rotimi’s panoply ofAfrican theatrical aesthetics and
The Gods Are Not to Blame , Guy...
Journal Article
Theater (1982) 14 (1): 32–40.
Published: 01 February 1982
... of Wole Soyinka's The Trials simply the desire to use the stage for a much more immediate and
of Brother Jero, with Zakes Mokae as Jeroboam. Fugard was also direct relationship with our audience than had been possible with
persuaded by Loder and Michael White, who had helped produce the 'ready...
Journal Article
Theater (1999) 29 (2): 26–31.
Published: 01 May 1999
artistic muscles, we should embrace the Great Tradition warmly and thoroughly, read-
ing Mr. Aristotle and Mr. Soyinka, enjoying Ms. Stein along with Mr. Williams,
immersing ourselves in Mr. Shakespeare as well as Ms. Shange. And cross fertilize (or
“cross-train: as they call it these days...
Journal Article
Theater (1995) 25 (3): 19–23.
Published: 01 November 1995
... or Wole
They know they can vote. They’ve got the Soyinka. I know that’s harsh, but that’s the
power and the sense of living in a democracy. truth. We need to come up with contemporary,
commercial, relevant projects. I can assure you,
Jozi Jozi...