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Journal Article
Theater (2007) 37 (2): 67–89.
Published: 01 May 2007
...Andrew Steggall Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2007 Andrew Steggall, Iraq, 2005. Courtesy of Georgia Oetker Andrew Steggall Artist ’s Journal Directing Stravinsky’s  The Soldier’s Tale I’m afraid I had, since I was a boy, been rather suspicious of foreigners...
Journal Article
Theater (1996) 27 (1): 35–64.
Published: 01 February 1996
... window at the IAN street, then turns back to the room. CATE SOLDIER IAN I’ve shat in better places than this. (He gues down the gin.) SCENE ONE...
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (1): 51–69.
Published: 01 February 2001
... trench existence. This was a large part of the total war experience for most soldiers during the following four years. The front is not a fixed line, yet it is a clear one: arriving there, the soldier separates from the world behind. Gone...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 17 (2): 22–29.
Published: 01 May 1986
... initiation after a thrce wcck pausc In the cellar I was almost at home. The handshakc is rcplacctl by a kick of‘ the boot. \Yhen thq, picked up someone they took me along . In thcir finery. As if I was their informer. SOLDIER 4: We are starving for Germany...
Journal Article
Theater (1987) 18 (3): 49–53.
Published: 01 November 1987
... 49 Although this production was well- Soldier’s violin, the central metaphor of received, it was an infelicitous matchup the work, is replaced by Joe King’sjug...
Journal Article
Theater (2009) 39 (1): 45–81.
Published: 01 February 2009
..., Text journalists, soldiers, generals, citizens, vidtechies, functionaries, securitatae The Trial, with exceptions noted in the text, is excerpted from a transcript of the actual trial. A slash mark ( / ) used in the middle...
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (2): 35–43.
Published: 01 May 2001
...Igal Ezraty © 2001 by Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2001 03-Ezraty 5/21/01 3:20 PM Page 34 Igal Ezraty (standing) and a Hebron woman whose home was destroyed on three different occasions by Israeli soldiers. Photo: Zheev...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 72–74.
Published: 01 May 1969
... of the Empress bows, arrows, guns, dynamite, gren- 73 ades, all kinds of old and new weapons. Cheng, ba na look see kai tsu ut! Come Soldiers emerge from the hole, scream- here! You who like the places and times ing and chanting.) in which duplicity...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (1): 106–111.
Published: 01 February 1968
... soldiers become soldiers playing games CAPTAIN STARKEY STACY KEACH with building blocks, rattles, pacifiers, SERGEANT HENDERSON RON LEIBMAN CORPORAL BAI LEY ANTHONY HOLLAND and a ball which is a dangerous and CORPORAL SINCLAI R RICHARD...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (2): 72–74.
Published: 01 May 1968
..., guns, dynamite, gren- 73 ades, all kinds of old and new weapons. Cheng, ba na look see kai tsu ut! Come Soldiers emerge from the hole, scream• here! You who like the places and times ing and chanting.) in which duplicity and trickery are done...
Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 37.
Published: 01 February 1990
... the soldiers to move on, meet by Bim and Bom reir?fcrce~-ent,mc! escape the Cossacks. In the context of the ll-unsluted by Elise Thoron novel, Bim and Bom’s laughter is almost as dangerous as the Cossacks. Born: Hello, Bim Any clowns who can stop...
Journal Article
Theater (1982) 13 (2): 9–62.
Published: 01 May 1982
... ignores her.) Thirteen comes ed out under some tree - even though get to him. First - the prince. (They have after ‘twelve, doesn’t it? Twelve. Thirteen. it’s the first bit of real work he’s got in exited. A SOLDIER enters. He is wet, carries...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (1): 43–55.
Published: 01 February 2005
... of ignorance. trigger on these guys. They were workers and Behind their backs, their hands bound by cord refugees, not soldiers or spies. Their hands Were callused from work. had calluses like my Oaxacan father’s did 46...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 66–68.
Published: 01 May 1969
... Vietnamese soldiers shootin g sou ndI essl y convention meant a bakery up above; among the foliage. even at the theatre, you noticed that depending on the amount of urine and And on every single assault, at the top of the time...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (2): 66–68.
Published: 01 May 1968
..., covered with mud, bearded, you noticed that things didn't mean the going over the top, when they got to the same, that you didn't speak the same crest of the hill, what did they see? language. What for you was a cockroach Vietnamese soldiers shooting soundlessly convention meant a bakery up...
Journal Article
Theater (1983) 14 (3): 59–62.
Published: 01 November 1983
... by the very person of a conscript as 7’hDeud Class, directed by Tadeusz Kantor with the Cricot 2 ensemble. someone marked with death. Suddenly I realized that soldiers could become a new model for the actor. I shivered. Deep down in my soul...
Journal Article
Theater (1984) 16 (1): 68–74.
Published: 01 February 1984
... the scene, each time time, we are left with the experience of the That Wilson’s new interests have not sup- with a new member - first a tin man, next a individual productions. planted his old ones becomes apparent in the mechanical-toy American Civil War soldier. The German part...
Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 34–37.
Published: 01 February 1990
... the laughter. . . His violence ultimately allows the soldiers to move on, meet by Bim and Bom reir?fcrce~-ent,mc! escape the Cossacks. In the context of the ll-unsluted by Elise Thoron novel, Bim and Bom’s laughter is almost as dangerous as the Cossacks...
Journal Article
Theater (1998) 28 (3): 61–63.
Published: 01 November 1998
... an old soldier who can serve no longer because of his many wounds. “You may go home,” said the king. “I don’t need you any longer. You won’t get any more money, for nobody receives pay unless he renders me service for it.” Angered by this injustice, the soldier departs and begins walking down...
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 10 (1): 63–65.
Published: 01 February 1978
...Michael Hays Copyright © THEATER 1978 1978 Theater Abroad Besson's Hamlet Michael Hays Swiss director Benno Besson has worked exten• where Shakespeare's plays have never quite soldiers, physically at the periphery of the sively in East Berlin...