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Journal Article
Theater (1998) 28 (3): 50–60.
Published: 01 November 1998
...Richard Beacham Copyright © Theater 1998 1998 RICHARDBEACHAM SEX, CENSORSHIP, AND SUt!O??Ze IN 1968: OR,“I’M NOT ALLOWEDTO TAKEMY CLOTHESOFF!” The old believe everything; the middle-aged...
Journal Article
Theater (1991) 22 (2): 39–46.
Published: 01 May 1991
.... Vospominaniia o Mikhaife Bulgakove . Moscow, 1988 . Eikhenbaum , B. O literature: paboty raznyx let . Moscow, 1987 . Bulgakov , Mikhail : P'esy 20-x godov , ed. A. Ninov. Leningrad, 1989 . Stanislavsky , K. S. Sobranie sochinenii . Moscow, 1961 . "I'M AN ACTOR...
Journal Article
Theater (2018) 48 (2): 33–37.
Published: 01 May 2018
... back to Stalin, who “turned classics (from Pushkin to Tchaikovsky) into icons,” replacing religion with a sacred artistic canon. “Aesthetics,” Davydova contends, “is more important than politics. I’m sure that fascist ideology grows out of fascist aesthetics.” Copyright © 2018 Yale School of Drama...
Journal Article
Theater (2011) 41 (2): 37–61.
Published: 01 May 2011
..., turn and face me. booth I’ll make carve marks. booth (aside) My stupid sister. thurlow I’m sending the Secretary through. asia John, you and I are blood. I cherish you mary The man is sick. He is not well. dearer than any kin. I love you, brother. I...
Journal Article
Theater (2013) 43 (2): 99–119.
Published: 01 May 2013
... address you as president of the republic for They like my smile. the last time. They imagine one day I might give them a hug I’m here to say goodbye. with these life-­giving wings. I know you think you know what I’m about Forgive me if I...
Journal Article
Theater (1975) 6 (3): 1–31.
Published: 01 November 1975
...) Carroll: I told you not to talk while I’m I shout, he shouts-I shoot him the concentrating. finger. He jumps out of his car. We’re standing in a circle of headlights so every- (Harley claps once. Carroll does not look thing shines. He tears off his shirt and at him...
Journal Article
Theater (1989) 20 (2): 28–35.
Published: 01 May 1989
... question. I’m starting with facts. It’s kind of like a collage, and 1’11 just write for awhile. The easiest one to write is the one about Herculine. She...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 40–55.
Published: 01 May 1969
... for spitting it out. You embarrass me when you mention Barbara Stanwyck and me in the same breath. I don’t go to the movies, but I read movie magazines and I respect Barbara Stanwyck. I’m a churchgoer, and movies nowadays aren’t good for the soul. BERTHA: Church never did anything for my soul...
Journal Article
Theater (1974) 5 (3): 24–34.
Published: 01 November 1974
.... LION Fffff ! ELEPHANT You old nincompoop! LION May I . . . ELEPHANT (beating him) Back to your cage! LION But I'm the King. ELEPHANT So what? LION You can't talk to the King that way. ELEPHANT I've got a whip here for you. Back to your cage...
Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (2): 55–73.
Published: 01 May 2001
... Points at it. I mean he’ll give you a ride, but— erin Horses are nice. you know what I’m saying? lori Yeah, horses are nice. Horses—No but I erin There have been so many places...
Journal Article
Theater (2006) 36 (1): 75–95.
Published: 01 February 2006
... the translator, Yana Ross ([email protected]). 75 privalov A c t I Anyone! Hello! I’m not joking anymore, it’s...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 7 (3): 1urang–21-durang.
Published: 01 November 1976
... there? That's kind of you to worry, Mom, but I'm PAULA: feeling much better. My asthma is hardly Louie? bothering me at all today. (coughs lightly) BETTE...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 17 (1): 19–31.
Published: 01 February 1985
... a my husband’s latest affair. Buono in Trieste. Dario Fo directed the moan at least. Then at least I’ll have an idea MAN: (Trying to take the gun away frum the play, which opened in December, 1983. of what stage you’re at. I’m going now and woman) Try to be reasonable...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (3): 6–20.
Published: 01 November 1992
...?! Now, tell me who an amusement theme park - Six Flags Over Poundstone or Aristophanes is. And I’m ashamed that I don’t know. PaulaWorld - where the various “lands“ abut each other without immediately discernable rhyme or reason. One Aristophanes was the big gag writer of Ancient...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (2): 19–25.
Published: 01 May 2005
... Smith, whose Heaven and Earth Magic Fea- richard foreman Magic is more of an intel- ture was a great infl uence on me. I still think lectual-historical fact in my theater. Way back about it when I’m in trouble...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (2): 113–127.
Published: 01 May 2000
.... That’s when I lost control. 114 the gardening of thomas d. I’m walking down this aisle. Cheerios, canned the coming collapse. There was the day he chili, mermaids all in a row. I notice the moved the furniture to the middle of his living...
Journal Article
Theater (1970) 3 (1_Design): 51–55.
Published: 01 November 1970
...? (Later) I GREGORY: Hi. Rumble Seat Days JANE: Hi. A '30's dance song like Three Little Words comes up. The girl and the boy GREGORY: I'm Gregory Butchkin, we enter and begin...
Journal Article
Theater (1996) 27 (1): 35–64.
Published: 01 February 1996
... him that. normal pace. CATE He collects his gun andputs it in his under- IAN Your mother I feel sorry for. Two of you arm holster. like it. He smiles at CATE. CATE Like wh- what? IAN I’m glad...
Journal Article
Theater (1993) 24 (2): 53–66.
Published: 01 May 1993
... that are constantly over- Steven and I had in the past. Now Steven identi- looked, that you constantly overlook in your fies himself as exclusively heterosexual, and he plays, like getting out on the street.” thinks I might as well be an activist because I’m Steven, this is the thing, Steven finally says...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (3): 32–38.
Published: 01 November 1981
... still on our breath And I’m just passin on But the pain’s still on our breath I can feel the cold sting of my guilt But the pain’s still on our breath I look for a place to bury you, sweet BILL...