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Journal Article
Theater (2002) 32 (3): 138–143.
Published: 01 November 2002
...Kate Bredeson © 2002 by Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2002 Productions Kate Bredeson slanted eyebrows. When the puppet-actors enter the stage, they are guided by black-clad Human Puppets Dangling...
Journal Article
Theater (2015) 45 (1): 33–41.
Published: 01 February 2015
... by which to retrieve humanity and explains how the subsequent translation strives to honor the play’s lyricism and linguistic precision while also revealing translation’s own connection to globalization’s ill effects. © 2015 by Jean Graham-Jones 2015 Rafael Spregelburd translation globalization...
Journal Article
Theater (2016) 46 (2): 7–33.
Published: 01 May 2016
... reveal new, emerging understandings of the human, the global, and the live. © 2016 by Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2016 telegraph plays nineteenth-century plays William Gillette Dion Boucicault Elmer Vance Figure 1: Lithograph of a scene from Act II of Secret Service...
Journal Article
Theater (2019) 49 (2): 88–103.
Published: 01 May 2019
... spectacles of human suffering in the twenty-first century. In a time when art no longer shocks, argues Friedman, Findlay’s work repurposes the confrontational attitude of the avant-garde by orienting it toward the insoluble impasse of desire and reality. Tracing the arc of Findlay’s oeuvre, Friedman...
Journal Article
Theater (2020) 50 (2): 21–39.
Published: 01 May 2020
... ideas of the performances by various means—including architectures, human bodies, historical narratives, and digital technologies—to invoke past performances within the present. 21 Nicholas Lowe Discovering the Exhibition by Curating It Performing Goat Island s Archive I am struck again...
Journal Article
Theater (1990) 21 (1_and_2): 120–123.
Published: 01 February 1990
... the focus was to be on Hirsch's own adaptation of the classic Yiddish play The Dybbuk, and the students would find themselves called to a consideration of the spiritual side of human life. For this first two-hour session John Hirsch talked about his life in art; it was one of the things he did best. What...
Journal Article
Theater (2012) 42 (2): 79–89.
Published: 01 May 2012
... computers could ever successfully to converse with each other about it. Audi- imitate the processes of human thought.1 He ences watch their dialogue as it appears on proposed what became known as the Tur- large monitors and also hear it via two exces- ing test, a trial in which a human volunteer...
Journal Article
Theater (2023) 53 (3): 38–65.
Published: 01 November 2023
... opened a browser, navigated to the chatbot created by Openai and powered by the large language model called gpt-4­ , and typed the following into the chat field: Imagine you are a generative ai bot named Chatty who is convinced they are a human playwright. Write a play formatted like a script in which...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (2): 39–42.
Published: 01 May 1981
... expression of what it means to live a young socialist writer; instead he put on a dinner jacket to go and humanely has to change. We have to interpret our lives differently celebrate the umpteenth anniversary of ThMousetrap. or cease to be able to apply moral and rational criteria to them. Nowadays...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 17 (1): 92–94.
Published: 01 February 1985
...). These are for her a backdrop against which human panoramas unfold. But these latter are really secondary. Human history and all its...
Journal Article
Theater (1994) 25 (1): 23–31.
Published: 01 February 1994
... . French , Roderick S. “Is Ecological Humanism a Contradiction in Terms? The Philosophical Foundations of the Humanities under Attack.” Ecological Consciousness . Edited by Schultz, Robert C., and J. Donald Hughes. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981 . Harrison , Robert Pogue...
Journal Article
Theater (1982) 13 (2): 88–90.
Published: 01 May 1982
... of Days. There is the literal use of the idea of humans, walking down avenues and on sample days and incidents from the period, but more importantly there is the play...
Journal Article
Theater (2009) 39 (2): 33–41.
Published: 01 May 2009
... transcending national literature and specific national histories and contexts, and on the other, the kind of plays that could be called world poetry or Weltdichtung, the genre of Goethe’s Faust: texts which reach to express a fundamental human...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 8–21.
Published: 01 May 1969
...: It is the example. As surely as when they make love, when they expose themselves to an art human beings are seeking an intensification of their normal experience. And that may be what they are mainly seeking; and it may be the principal and normal raison d'etre for art. The quest may...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (3): 47–51.
Published: 01 November 1992
... the bottle instead of the small glass placed in stage at the start of the evening. Later a front of him. Children in the audience love to see the chimp's white rat raced across the dark tuxedo and trousers of its (planned) disobedience, which represents a freedom from human partner...
Journal Article
Theater (2002) 32 (3): 87–101.
Published: 01 November 2002
...Matthew Wilson Smith © 2002 by Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2002 Figure 1. “The inherent mathematic of the human body” Matthew Wilson Smith Schlemmer, Moholy-Nagy, and the Search for the Absolute Stage Some company recently was interested in buying my “aura...
Journal Article
Theater (2022) 52 (2): 55–65.
Published: 01 May 2022
... the words. Rather, as Coffeen puts it, We could say the art uses and incorporates documentary and science. This, in fact, is the very premise of the film: life is an ever-e­ merging set of dialogues and conversations between systems of every sort human, vegetal, cosmic, conceptual, linguistic...
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 9 (3): 82–87.
Published: 01 November 1978
... with the many painters, sculptors, dancers and characters, one contemplates the human In this theatre “suspension of dis- other artists who have, since the beginning...
Journal Article
Theater (1980) 12 (1): 56–64.
Published: 01 February 1980
... Bruce Schwartz, her manipulator. She is a event represented an invaluable - in fact puppet, and yet so exact have her move- unique - opportunity to see the perfor- ments been, so human, yet so other- mances...
Journal Article
Theater (2007) 37 (3): 27–35.
Published: 01 November 2007
.... II. In January 2003, an audience enters the Hebbel Theater’s balconies to see a crowd gathered in the orchestra section below. Those seats are already occupied, each claimed by a stuffed black rabbit, roughly human size and more anthropomorphic than not. Each head with its pair of ears...