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Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (1): 101–105.
Published: 01 February 2001
...Max Aub © 2001 by Yale School of Drama/Yale Repertory Theatre 2001 14-Aub.final 5/2/01 11:29 AM Page 101 Translated by Ruth Juliet Wikler What Have You Done Today to Win the War...
Journal Article
Theater (1993) 24 (3): 9–13.
Published: 01 November 1993
...Erika Munk The following interview was done backstage at the Sarajevo Youth Theater, August 25, 1993, with actors from its productions of Alkestis and Waiting for Godot. Haris Pasovic—professor at Sarjevo's Performing Arts Academy, Alkestis's director, and head of the Sarajevo Theater Festival...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (3): 36–67.
Published: 01 November 1985
... the union. Well, hell, that’s what I done! Now -follower. His commitment to their friendship of they wanna come up with this pack of lies. 8 thirty-oaY y~msis rooted in hi3 admirdion of BONO: I told Brownie if the man come...
Journal Article
Theater (1977) 8 (2_and_3): 20–29.
Published: 01 May 1977
... that they get. So I mean, it’s nonsensical, why would anybody be talking about the Method if it doesn’t give results? Because we didn’t start talking about the Method; it gave results in the Group Theatre, which was already established and had done and.continued to do wonderful work, supposedly...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 17 (3): 63–88.
Published: 01 November 1986
... to royalty. All rights, including professional, where there were few other forms of news or have to tell it well, and suitably for the time. amateur, motion picture, recitation, lecturing, public entertainment. All of this is done by August himself, as he reading, radio...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (1): 71–82.
Published: 01 February 1992
... fact, shut by that bolt of lightening. He them down and catch them and beat what they done was taken him off swore he would kill ‘air man who went them up real bad, maybe even kill down in the Cypress Swamp turned down there in the Cypress Swamp to them, unless that first...
Journal Article
Theater (1979) 10 (3): 40–46.
Published: 01 November 1979
...; at other regional to the work done here. Although I would never violate the stan- theaters, and in New York. He has received two Tony dards or tenets of what I believe ought to happen on the Long Wharf stage to include...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (2): 43–48.
Published: 01 May 1981
... of course) and haven’t done anything about it is because of their ability to laugh at it, laugh at the terrors that have afflicted them. Perhaps if they didn’t laugh...
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 10 (1): 43–46.
Published: 01 February 1978
... and the writer is continuing . . . Rosen: Do you have a stable of writers, people whose work you have done and to whom you are committed for future produc...
Journal Article
Theater (1988) 19 (3): 6–11.
Published: 01 November 1988
... for stage and fllm bused on the Gilgamesh epic. Copyright © THEATER 1988 1988 ICOLLABORATION LAURENCE SHYER avid Byrne is the celebmted lead singer they would be done and I...
Journal Article
Theater (1993) 24 (3): 31–36.
Published: 01 November 1993
... the only play you could the beginning and the end, da capo, they don’t do this with. I would not take the last two acts all say the same lines, the text is simply passed off ,Hamlet and say that by doing the first three from one group to another. There was a lot of I’d done Hamlet. But I think...
Journal Article
Theater (1988) 19 (3): 35–68.
Published: 01 November 1988
... and Lymon selling she broke down. We got it going and got BOY WILLIE Hell, I ain’t done nothing watermelons. We got a truck out there. all the way to West Virginia before she but come in and say hi. I ain’t got in the Got a whole truckload of watermelons. broke down again...
Journal Article
Theater (1973) 4 (1): 64–72.
Published: 01 February 1973
... of Boesman and Lena and also is when you stop smoking cigarettes, and is also a change in your career. A: Ja Ja 0: In what sense? A: Well, after I had done my last really commercial run of Boesman and Lena in South Africa, I decided to try and do something which had been sort...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (3): 20–39.
Published: 01 November 2005
.... Pattern of performance as follows: one play done impromptu, by the audience; i.e. impro- visations. Jackson Maclow’s chance plays lend themselves to this; i.e. games; but also plays in which audience and spectators’ parts written in; or could be classics, as Blake, Noh, or Chalk Circle plays...
Journal Article
Theater (1973) 5 (1): 131–138.
Published: 01 February 1973
... with shrieks and leaks and lamentations?Do you know anything that I can do and have not done? Chorus of the Oedipus, King of our country, we all stand here Sceptics...
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 9 (3): 30–34.
Published: 01 November 1978
.... I had a series of one-page outlines, but I found that they were of no use when I sat down to write it. There was no real homework Tell me about the Theater of Cruelty season. done except in the sense that I knew a great deal about...
Journal Article
Theater (1983) 14 (3): 43–49.
Published: 01 November 1983
... the same problems too - the only difference is mask off this wall and started talking about it from an anthropo- that the bourgeois gay woman has the possibility of escaping from logical point of view, and hadn’t done a bit of research about it or society and working as a costume designer...
Journal Article
Theater (2005) 35 (3): 92–133.
Published: 01 November 2005
.... robert moses (turns to the audience, he’s the real protagonist. grimacing, presentational) What in God’s robert moses (stepping forward, eager) What name is going on here? Monsieur Le Corbusier has done here...
Journal Article
Theater (2017) 47 (1): 69–83.
Published: 01 February 2017
... that? Was your impulse to bring what you had that collects, we will try to save gestures from always done as an artist to an institutional level? the past, recall what should be recalled. We recorded these questions that are important, boris charmatz  Yes...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (3): 16–21.
Published: 01 November 1981
... working on this decorative scenic approach than I normally would like but which, I opera wbh Lloyd Evans because - let’s face it - while the designs think, served this piece. that Lloyd has done in the past might be marvelous for the things he’s doing, it’s not the type of design that one would tend...