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Journal Article
Theater (2008) 38 (2): 5–7.
Published: 01 May 2008
Journal Article
Theater (2011) 41 (2): 3–5.
Published: 01 May 2011
Journal Article
Theater (2013) 43 (2): 45–49.
Published: 01 May 2013
Journal Article
Theater (2021) 51 (1): 63–79.
Published: 01 February 2021
... was doing one of these drawings of the borders, and as I looked down from the plane I saw a field of corn that was following the outline of a river. The corn wasn t planted on straight rows, instead it followed the contours of the landscape, and I imagined the border being planted as a line of corn...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (2): 150–155.
Published: 01 May 2000
... moist; some of life—a white circle where the shadow of a
the seeds have already sprouted. Corn and other woman appears. The traveler reaches for her
plants are to accompany the traveler like the outstretched hands. It is the dancer again—the
symbols of the tarot. A narrow hall full of mys- “lover...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (1): 71–82.
Published: 01 February 1992
... “Well we taken two fifty pound
organizing. I drove up to Jackson and and start to snap that cotton with sacks a feed corn from ya’ll’s store up
most to New Orleans organizing, so either hand. On top of that every ten in town, and dropped them off in a
when it come to cotton-picking...
Journal Article
Theater (1995) 25 (3): 5–7.
Published: 01 November 1995
...). ty, poverty, ecology). A Miiller-heavy theater
The rat became our totem; we all squeezed will host a Gilbert and Sullivan project-in an
through drainpipes to get to the Iowa idyll (to ideal world, we’d end up with a
find its corn). We looked...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 13 (1): 89.
Published: 01 February 1981
... in the Dramaturgy and Criticism program at the
Yale School of Drama. His reviews have appeared in hen News and Corn-
Michael Evenden is Managing Editor of Theater. His first essay on
Nestroy appeared in last springs issue.
Gerhard Fischer teaches at the German School of the University of New...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 13 (1): 89.
Published: 01 February 1981
... in the Dramaturgy and Criticism program at the
Yale School of Drama. His reviews have appeared in hen News and Corn-
Michael Evenden is Managing Editor of Theater. His first essay on
Nestroy appeared in last springs issue.
Gerhard Fischer teaches at the German School of the University of New...
Journal Article
Theater (1987) 18 (3): 46–48.
Published: 01 November 1987
... the act by going on without chline. Throughout the evening.
to play the myriad of roles once perform- traditional clown makeup and costume, language was used as a game piece, one
ed by the ten to twelve member corn- the circus did not approve, so he took his element of many in an elaborate sport...
Journal Article
Theater (1970) 3 (1_Design): 51–55.
Published: 01 November 1970
... like I Can't Get JANE: I'm lost.
No Satisfaction comes up. The girl and
boy enter and begin to dance, never corn- GREGORY: I'm Gregory-
ing close to one another. The music stops,
they share a join t. L ong pause. JANE: Am I??
JANE (on the inhale...
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 9 (2): 137–141.
Published: 01 May 1978
... and The Corn is Green.
theatrically political zealot if you’ve never
about fish.
heard of Brecht or, say, Eric Bentley. It
Millan’s Sunday Revolution also...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 17 (2): 65–66.
Published: 01 May 1986
... corn-
above - but it doesn’t, oddly, end up seem- the book is an example ofwhat we call, almost ing only from the stage right wing and from
ing like any of them. It doesn’t seem lih nostalgically, romantic decadence; but thc two square recessed opcnings that look like
anything at all. It is its...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 17 (1): 16–18.
Published: 01 February 1985
... at age 81, won the Nobel
prize. She discovered the idea of jumping
genes 40 years ago, and it was so out of
everyone’s line of thinking that they turned
their backs on her. She just continued to
work with her corn plants out at Cold Spring
I’ve come to a kind of watershed...
Journal Article
Theater (1973) 4 (2): 112–116.
Published: 01 May 1973
... there are: "Cornflakes, Rice Krispies, oatmeal,
Sugar Corn Pops, farina, Malto-Meal, Nutrina, Purina and many others."
In this way Shepard evokes a civilization of glut and waste. And the fact
that he does this in long monologues indicates that language itself is
becoming waste, merely another means...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (2): 67–86.
Published: 01 May 1985
... that. CARTMELL: People who, God forbid, something, his pants around his ankles,
CARTMELL: Got relatives in Corn Cob, have been forced to flee their own fucking flea\ ing arid pushing, arid he feels this worm
Georgia, someplace, send her north a homeland. You want another beer, Rodger? come...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 17 (2): 8–18.
Published: 01 May 1986
... wrong. His load (They p/ay.for u xhile, th-t ZIFFEL. continues. them. I am reminded of‘ something in
of bombs falls beside a big apartment block As for my personal txpericnce of the corn- modcrn phJxsics, ( alled the Heisenberg
instead of on top of it. A hundred people’s ing of fascism...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (3): 27–31.
Published: 01 November 2000
... in the brows of men.
hills and women prostrate themselves in
dejanira Tired, tired, tired of sun, of
the maize fields out of longing for us, out...
Journal Article
Theater (2000) 30 (2): 45–57.
Published: 01 May 2000
..., the day after her cham-
ber opera Magic Frequencies closed in New York City. Like much of her work, that piece
is organized around rites of passage and rituals of everyday life: a couple eats a summer-
time dinner of corn on the cob; another pair goes shopping; a man lies in bed dying, sur-
Journal Article
Theater (1978) 9 (2): 142–146.
Published: 01 May 1978
... of characters from home historic Corn King rituals, from the structure of the play goes far beyond the
erotic to heteroerotic relationships may Oresteia and Oedipus at Colonus, inclusion of literal music, including as
well be related to the existence of those through Shakespeare (e.g. As You Like well...