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Journal Article
Theater (2001) 31 (1): 101–105.
Published: 01 February 2001
... was consequences? just passing through. girl Like anyone else. voices Get him up there, make him talk. woman So, you have...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (2): 56–60.
Published: 01 May 1981
... on the goaty little feet. Anyone who knows anything about the us above the apes. But many animals use tools. Then people revels of Pan should think seriously before having anyone thought it was language that kept us apart from our low-rent connected with the mimetic arts in government. simian...
Journal Article
Theater (1983) 14 (2): 63–67.
Published: 01 May 1983
... and Arnold and his new lover, Alan, who are visiting for the weekend. The third act, Widows and Children ficult to imagine anyone else playing the emotion. He registers disgust, but at the First!, is a return to familiar, kitchen-sink, character. The author, actor, and play are same time seems...
Journal Article
Theater (2009) 39 (3): 111–143.
Published: 01 November 2009
... of our senses whenever we don’t get it. So where did all that oil go, unspent? Burning. Burning. Explosives set round the rigs where the oil wells up, where it goes up in flames and goes to waste. It’s impossible to imagine, and hard to foresee. And anyone who might manage to spare himself from...
Journal Article
Theater (1973) 4 (2): 6–7.
Published: 01 May 1973
... Kauffmann of the position. The two points of attack are clearly complementary. Eric Bentley‘s current indifference to the problems of regular reviewing and the commercial theatre is of interest to anyone who cares not only about the theatre, but about its social and political context as well...
Journal Article
Theater (1997) 27 (2_and_3): 5–8.
Published: 01 May 1997
... the issues at hand - there were dation for international human rights, or equal- several bursts of outrage, and comment on ity, or democracy. Brustein’s version, however, major questions Brustein and Wilson were assumes the status quo, smothers difference, ignoring. How can anyone talk about minorities...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (1): 50–53.
Published: 01 February 1992
... exclusion. disguised as humility, and by the pervasive attitude that He also argues that in the West, language is the most elevates him above the dissenting reader, or anyone else powerful agent of transformation: “It is via language that we who might...
Journal Article
Theater (1988) 20 (1): 72.
Published: 01 February 1988
... responsible for suffer- government of spy agencies, right wing says Y,” The writer says “I think” as ing, injustice, and the imminent risk of billionaires and military fanatics. Our often as anyone else: the assumption is extinction off the hook. Why wonder at oceans have been turned into chemical...
Journal Article
Theater (2023) 53 (2): 72–93.
Published: 01 May 2023
... story about a personal failure unrelated to theater, and then adds:) . . . and I will be playing Aya, starting now. aya 0 Thank you, everyone, for sharing. Is there anyone in the audience who d like to share a brief failure story? (Looks for any takers. If there is someone,) What is your name? (Audience...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (3): 96.
Published: 01 November 1985
... for the Delacorte “heavy” field being no place for a woman? fascinating field, Am‘can Set Design should seasons in Central Park radically altered the This is worth another book in itself. be savored. It’s crucial for anyone remotely Jo Mielziner “look” in favor of a starker, Aronson’s choice of photographs...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 40–55.
Published: 01 May 1969
... it. Martha's important to me. She means more to me than anyone else. Does she get enough to eat? BERTHA: Oh, yes. I feed her better than I feed myself. Martha doesn't live with me any more, goddamn bitch. MARGARET: You better not use God's name in vain. His name...
Journal Article
Theater (2003) 33 (1): 44–57.
Published: 01 February 2003
... anyone, even intellectuals, who might help them interpret the new age and define what the public wanted. Kauffmann—in a 1967 essay 46 the death (and life) of american theater criticism called “Drama on the Times,” which I think is still the most important piece written about...
Journal Article
Theater (1977) 8 (2_and_3): 78–91.
Published: 01 May 1977
... represent this “American style”?Or, if you feel that such a style doesn’t exist, is there anyone in the performing arts in the U.S. today working to create a future standard? Herbert Blau, director Our acting is still best when it is psychological. Our actors are still most...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (3): 4–7.
Published: 01 November 1985
... of their company. reasons for existence are not. Two decades ago, American stage The survey of these theaters began when we wondered why directors seeking work outside New York participated in the creation anyone would want to start yet another...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (1): 64–68.
Published: 01 February 1968
... please the other please From an Undiscovered latin Play If anyone seesher, please tell me. She said she was off to cook...
Journal Article
Theater (2004) 34 (2): 37–67.
Published: 01 May 2004
... a teakettle always orpheus Just kidding. I was thinking about boiling over. But it doesn’t seem to bother you. And music. anyone. And, for the most part, there is a eurydice Let’s go in the water. I’ll race you! pleasant...
Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (2): 87–92.
Published: 01 May 1985
... of frustration, Clov form. They would like to be animals and setting, stresses that the play could be about again launches into his automaton delivery, avoid their human crisis, but the technical anyone, and is about everyone, here and and Hamm joins him in kind, as if that type elements around them...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (3): 32–40.
Published: 01 November 1968
... in design. Balance is keeping my pants up. My groin in place. Any more questions? 4 . On Ambition Then, of course there is the qu estion of w ill. Oh, Will , w ill, w ill , w ill. Always will. Tell me, does anyone here know th e answer...
Journal Article
Theater (2011) 41 (2): 69–119.
Published: 01 May 2011
... — ] rosenda No necesito a nadie. [I don’t need marisol Sí, espérase un momentito por favor, anyone.] señora, que ahora no puedo — ¿Mauricio? [Yes, wait one moment, please, ma’am, right now javier A few dollars. Enough to get...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (3): 41–50.
Published: 01 November 1968
... that cross a murderer's mind Young Man: So there's really no reason it probably. And then yesterday morning, was you. Once I'd made my mind up, it overnight, just like that, I woke up think• could have been anyone. You just hap• ing "What the hell?" I'm young...