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Journal Article
Theater (1985) 16 (3): 36–67.
Published: 01 November 1985
... SEITING wood. Thy soM the use of thr much and their TROY: Ain’t said nothing. Figure if the nig- The setting is the yard which fronts the only bodies. Thcy cleaned howes and washui clothes, ger too dumb to know he carrying a entrance to the MAXSON household, an thq, shined...
Journal Article
Theater (1986) 17 (3): 63–88.
Published: 01 November 1986
... to the outhouse and to negotiate around SETH~ apparent orneriness. The World Premiere of SETH's workshop. The other to SETH's and JOE TURNER'S COME AND GONE BERTHA's bedroom. At left is a parlor. The SETH: (At the window, laughing) If that ain't By August Wilson...
Journal Article
Theater (1988) 19 (3): 35–68.
Published: 01 November 1988
.... BOY WILLIE: You gonna carry me down there first. LYMON: I told you I ain’t going back down there and take a chance...
Journal Article
Theater (1991) 22 (1): 40–72.
Published: 01 February 1991
.... 42 This version of the play was first in but Mellon ain’t gonna let you do and I bought the stove and carried it performed at the Yale Rerpertory Theater that. The numbers give you an up there and put it with her bed. I on March 27, 1990. It was subsequently opportunity. If it wasn’t...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (1): 71–82.
Published: 01 February 1992
... be reproduced in any form or by any up his leg beside a tree or a house or right here I’m about to tell you what means, electronic or mechanical, telephone pole or anything - it ain’t I’m going to tell you. I am a storyteller. including photocopying and recording, or necessarily no toilet but he...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 58–84.
Published: 01 May 1969
... it. KELLY: I don't know their names but it SESENTI: It's that friggin' Texas. It ain't was the bastards that feared him. They for people, it's for animals. That place was afraid he'd take all away from...
Journal Article
Theater (2015) 45 (2): 87–109.
Published: 01 May 2015
...” and inside the penitentiary. He does not believe “very dear” but knows that he would not survive in the so-called re-education of the prisoners. without his blackmail. “Carandiru ain’t nothing,” he likes to say. For him, being alone is the only option; it’s the right...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (2): 109–166.
Published: 01 May 1969
..., sir? For me? PAUL: That's what you want, isn't it? JUNIUS: Yes, sir! MAX: But you don't think we're going to give it to you for nothing, do you? Uh-uh. Life ain't so easy as all that. You gotta prove you deserve it, eh? Go on, boy, strip. We 1 14 wanna see...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 7 (3): 1arter–30-carter.
Published: 01 November 1976
.... A spot hits ABED-NEGO's face.) Iz you iz Or iz you ain't ABED-NEGO: Mah baby I can't find her. Morning 8 a.m. Not beside me. Not below. The other little girl asleep. I Judge...
Journal Article
Theater (1969) 2 (1): 113–116.
Published: 01 February 1969
... Abelson: Bring them in. they are. Johnson: You telling me to bring them in? Johnson: Yeah, because anybody would just get around a squad car just to get Student: Later on, later on. around the motherfucker ain't too cool...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (3): 32–38.
Published: 01 November 1981
... THE CATFISH And that bronc ain’t had his fill TOWARD CENTER STAGE. ALL THE WORDS ’ARE SUE: You called him “Widow Maker” SUNG. But the reverse was comin...
Journal Article
Theater (1997) 27 (2_and_3): 64–86.
Published: 01 May 1997
... is, child, ain’t it the truth? Turns to gold when it’s told, Oh, A strange pause. THE WILLIAMSON GIRL MRS. WILLIAMSON There are more Mysteries in Selma, Father, you are not allowed...
Journal Article
Theater (1981) 12 (3): 65–68.
Published: 01 November 1981
...Mark Bly Copyright © THEATER 1981 1981 the Refs and the critics and the public eye. We ain’t free no more! Goddamnit! We ain’t flyin’ in THEATER IN WASHINGTON the eye of contempt. We’ve become respectable and safe. Soft, mushy chewable ass lickers. What’s happened to our...
Journal Article
Theater (1992) 23 (1): 64–70.
Published: 01 February 1992
... a draft of Ain’t No Use in the late 1960s addressing issues of begin to sound like high school Goin’ Home, Jodie’s Got Your Gal and importance to the black community primers in post-Modernism, and so I Gone. It is the third part, he tells me, and to impoverished people through- wander...
Journal Article
Theater (1976) 7 (3): 1nnaurato–20-innaurato.
Published: 01 November 1976
.... (Lights up on the area Up Center and on OLD MAN: BENNO. BENNO has a flashlight with Can't. My Social Security check ain't come which HE plays for a moment before the this month. Down to my last dime. scene begins...
Journal Article
Theater (1987) 19 (1): 45–49.
Published: 01 February 1987
... of competitor you are! I know what you will do for an encore! I know you for a long time and this ain’t gonna be no pic...
Journal Article
Theater (1968) 1 (1): 75–77.
Published: 01 February 1968
....) into the stable. The horrible gobbling noise again.) (The stage is empty. Then Liza enters from the stable, a greatly exaggerated Rastus: Ain't dey no garbage collectors Aunt Jemina, in blackface, carrying a out dere silver tray with great dignity...
Journal Article
Theater (1988) 19 (3): 69–70.
Published: 01 November 1988
... OF A “help you get out of bed in the morn- ing. You get up knowing you ain’t alone. I There’s something else in the world MARKED...
Journal Article
Theater (1975) 6 (3): 2–37.
Published: 01 November 1975
... Bubber: You’re only talking that way Ain’t heard the news ’cause you’re scared, yeah, that’s it, Oh blues lady scared. You ain’t paid your dues Hooch: Scared . . .scared...
Journal Article
Theater (1988) 19 (2): 64–85.
Published: 01 May 1988
... Man, returning. Some ghost yours, ain’t in the vicinity right now. Smithsonian anthropologists. Rush out warrior from the ancient race who first Better than waiting for either of them there. Get the poop on the vanishing built around here. Anasazi, you call is to learn to live...