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incomplete definite descriptions

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Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2015) 124 (1): 59–117.
Published: 01 January 2015
... that Predicativism does not have this consequence by showing that incomplete definite descriptions in general and incomplete denuded descriptions, such as ‘Ø the Ivan’, in particular are rigid designators. One could think of this as a kind of obligatory contraction: when nothing occurs “between” the definite...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (4): 497–537.
Published: 01 October 2002
... pointing or hand gesture), and “pure indexicals,” which do not (like ‘I’ or ‘tomorrow4 Moreover, according to Kaplan, demonstrations function rather like context-dependent definite descriptions: when performed (“mounted”) in a particular context, a demonstration takes on a representational content...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2011) 120 (2): 151–205.
Published: 01 April 2011
... “the author of Waverley” contributes no propositional constituent to the proposition expressed by [A]. This theory maintains that all definite descriptions are “incomplete symbols,” meaning thereby that they have no meaning in isolation but are merely defined in context (compare Russell and Whitehead 1990...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (2): 302–305.
Published: 01 April 2002
... and the interdependency theses. The first states that being and causality are linked: “what it is to be the basic essence of a thing is (inter alia) to be a per se cause of a given type” (257). The second thesis states that our definitional and explanatory practices would be incomplete if they did not draw on one...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2022) 131 (1): 51–98.
Published: 01 January 2022
... but elucidate ones already in use. Second, philosophical definitions are results , not, as with constructive (mathematical) definitions, “the beginning of our enquiries.” Third, philosophical definitions result from an expository progression: “the incomplete exposition precedes the complete one.” 62...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (1): 99–117.
Published: 01 January 2008
... a common semantic feature as a result of which they exhibit the same differences in behavior with definite descriptions is unaffected. Hence, the evidence that all occurrences of complex demonstratives share a uni- fied semantics (contrary to the +DRCD that is the conjunction of DRCD and the claim...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2015) 124 (1): 119–152.
Published: 01 January 2015
... that even if this were the only reason for using higher-level descriptions, it would still not undermine the distinction between objective chance and epistemic probability, relative to the higher level . However, incomplete information about a system's lower-level state is not the only reason for using...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2016) 125 (1): 83–134.
Published: 01 January 2016
... to the state of the discourse itself. The resulting account is applied to a number of ways of exploiting the lying-misleading distinction, involving conversational implicature, incompleteness, presuppositions, and prosodic focus. The essay shows that assertion, and hence lying, is preserved from subquestion...
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Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2023) 132 (3): 499–503.
Published: 01 July 2023
... enables a more abstract description of systems than what scientists may have started with, and this process of making the description of the behavior more universal serves to identify common causal structures implemented in very different physical mediums. Different descriptions of causal relata...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2020) 129 (2): 302–308.
Published: 01 April 2020
... not a description of the physical world but a set of authoritative and objectively correct prescriptions about how agents should act. The book provides a detailed development and defense of that idea, and it contains interesting discussions about a wide range of philosophical issues such as representation...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2016) 125 (3): 397–430.
Published: 01 July 2016
... for G. And it is this latter condition that is usually associated with the definition of ‘indefinitely extensible’. It's a vestige of the definition's origin in Dummett's intuitionistic interpretation of the paradoxes of set theory. Russell's Paradox and the Burali-Forti paradox, for instance, yield...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2017) 126 (2): 219–240.
Published: 01 April 2017
... to what Daniel Rothschild (2007) calls role-type definite descriptions . 16 According to Rothschild, role-type definite descriptions are those descriptions used in a context in which it is part of the common ground that there is exactly one individual satisfying the descriptive content across...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (3): 341–371.
Published: 01 July 2002
...- matics reduces to logic. I intend this in a pre-theoretical, neutral sense that allows that these expressions may function in different ways semantically while ultimately designating the same thing—in the way in which, for example, a definite description and a name function dif- ferently (in my view...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2001) 110 (3): 315–360.
Published: 01 July 2001
... a definition in terms of minimality among the class of metaphysical possibilities. For example, on a view on which it is necessary but not a priori that God exists, ‘God exists’ might be entailed by P conjoined with an assertion of metaphysical minimality, but not conjoined with an assertion...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2020) 129 (4): 651–656.
Published: 01 October 2020
... construals of ourselves” (170). In chapters 3–5, Papish turns to the core of her project—the nature of self-deception and its relation to moral evil. Kant often refers to self-deception as an “inner lie,” but Papish finds this description unhelpful. When treated as an ordinary form of deception...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (4): 525–554.
Published: 01 October 2008
... to the description theory (“descriptivism names are seman- tic kin to definite descriptions.3 Others (such as Burge [1973]) have 1. The name ‘Ernest’ occurring in the construction is mentioned rather than used. 2. See also Grice 1969, Donnellan 1974, Salmon...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (1): 119–122.
Published: 01 January 2008
..., but rather that it exhibits confirmation theory’s still incomplete grasp of the notion of relevant evidence is not among them. To see that this might be the problem indeed, consider the following. You are fin- ishing a book. Although you have the feeling that you should do some more research on each...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (1): 123–126.
Published: 01 January 2008
..., but rather that it exhibits confirmation theory’s still incomplete grasp of the notion of relevant evidence is not among them. To see that this might be the problem indeed, consider the following. You are fin- ishing a book. Although you have the feeling that you should do some more research on each...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (1): 126–130.
Published: 01 January 2008
..., but rather that it exhibits confirmation theory’s still incomplete grasp of the notion of relevant evidence is not among them. To see that this might be the problem indeed, consider the following. You are fin- ishing a book. Although you have the feeling that you should do some more research on each...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (1): 130–133.
Published: 01 January 2008
..., but rather that it exhibits confirmation theory’s still incomplete grasp of the notion of relevant evidence is not among them. To see that this might be the problem indeed, consider the following. You are fin- ishing a book. Although you have the feeling that you should do some more research on each...