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Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2008) 117 (2): 300–303.
Published: 01 April 2008
...Ernesto V. Garcia Paul Franks, All or Nothing: Systematicity, Transcendental Arguments, and Skepticism in German Idealism . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005. viii + 440 pp. Cornell University 2008 BOOK REVIEWS Paul Franks, All or Nothing...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2006) 115 (1): 112–115.
Published: 01 January 2006
...James Kreines Dieter Henrich, Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism , edited by David Pacini. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003. liv + 341 pp. Cornell University 2006 BOOK REVIEWS Peter Railton, Facts, Values, and Norms. Cambridge...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2010) 119 (4): 565–591.
Published: 01 October 2010
...Andrew Chignell; Derk Pereboom This essay highlights the important contributions Watkins's books have made to our understanding of theories about causation developed in eighteenth-century German philosophy and by Kant in particular. Watkins provides a convincing argument that central to Kant's...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2012) 121 (2): 285–290.
Published: 01 April 2012
...Paul Guyer Beiser Frederick C. , Diotima’s Children: German Aesthetic Rationalism from Leibniz to Lessing . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2009 . x + 295 pp . © 2012 by Cornell University 2012 BOOK REVIEWS Frederick C. Beiser, Diotima’s...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (2): 318–323.
Published: 01 April 2002
...Klaus Brinkmann Karl Ameriks, ed. The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xvi, 306. Cornell University 2002 BOOK REVIEWS wherein the mind [i.e., God] we depend on excites in us the ideas of sense...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (1): 113–116.
Published: 01 January 2002
..., in a modified form, the practice of several German study editions (by R. Schmidt, I. Heide- mann, and W. Weischedel for Meiner, Reclam, and Insel/Suhrkamp publish- ers, respectively), in which the two original editions of the first Critique are compiled in one volume, with precise indications of which...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (3): 429–435.
Published: 01 July 2002
..., is highly accurate when it confines itself to rendering Kant’s German. However, it is often more of a reconstruction than a translation, containing so many interpretative interpolations that it is often difficult to separate out Kant’s original text from the translator’s contributions. Paul Guyer...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2018) 127 (2): 232–236.
Published: 01 April 2018
... for Kant scholars as it convincingly makes the case for the inscription of critical philosophy in the metaphysical tradition of the German Enlightenment and eminently shows, through the example of the Paralogisms, that in order to understand Kant it is imperative to understand his predecessors...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (2): 314–318.
Published: 01 April 2002
.... The Philosophical Review, Vol. 111, No. 2 (April 2002) Karl Ameriks, ed. The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xvi, 306. The contributions to this volume offer a rich, detailed, and in some respects innovative and remarkable account of that uniquely...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2015) 124 (3): 299–352.
Published: 01 July 2015
.... These arguments are all fairly abstract. There are other, completely independent reasons for thinking that no predicate of sentences can play the right diagnostic role. To demonstrate this, let T be any sentence that means in German that T is true in German. For my purposes, it does not matter what T...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2000) 109 (3): 444–447.
Published: 01 July 2000
... German Philosophy: hnt and hw he- decessors, as culminating and summating the work of the next generation of scholars working within the historiographical canons of American Kan- tianism. 444 BOOK REVLEWS This is not how Schneewind...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (1): 116–119.
Published: 01 January 2002
... in the second edition. There is also a short bibliography of German editions and English translations of the first Critique and of second- ary literature, and a glossary (German-English and English-German) that records the translation of philosophically significant terms. The volume’s index is about ten...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (2): 323–326.
Published: 01 April 2002
... that the usual aggregate or “rhapsody” of ordinary knowledge could become “scientific knowledge” [Wissenschaft] (cf. CPR B 860). Furthermore, again taking its clue from Kant’s diagnosis of reason’s desire for the unconditioned, post-Kantian German Idealism came to be singularly preoccupied...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2001) 110 (2): 305–313.
Published: 01 April 2001
... of the Faith. By John L. Allen Jr. New York: Continuum, 2000. Pp. xii, 340. The Cambridge Companion to German Idealism. Cambridge Companions. By Karl Ameriks, ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. xv, 306. Unnecessary Evil: History and Moral Progress in the Philosophy of Immanuel...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2013) 122 (2): 329–336.
Published: 01 April 2013
... Nietzsche: Life and Works. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture. Rochester, NY: Camden House. Blum, Paul Richard. 2012. Giordano Bruno: An Introduction, trans. Peter Henneveld. Value Inquiry Book Series. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Borg, Emma. 2012. Pursuing Meaning. Oxford: Oxford...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2015) 124 (2): 263–268.
Published: 01 April 2015
... of moral requirements, and in metaphysical and moral contexts, it grounds the inviolable dignity of rational beings. Kant's German idealist successors enthusiastically modify and expand his conception of autonomy, though Anglo-American philosophers mostly ignore it (Mill being a noteworthy exception) until...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2001) 110 (3): 485–494.
Published: 01 July 2001
.... 1966. Reprint. Northwestern University Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. By Hans Jonas. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2001, Pp. xxv, 303. Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche: Philosophy, Culture, and Agency. Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2017) 126 (4): 541–547.
Published: 01 October 2017
... into the 1990s, right-wing Germans protested the exhibit's besmirching of the “knightly” behavior of the Wehrmacht in which they and their forefathers had fought. We cannot understand Nazi moral psychology so long as we view it as primarily motivated by racial hatred of the Jews. Many undoubtedly were...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2010) 119 (2): 265–271.
Published: 01 April 2010
.... 2009. After the Holocaust: The Book of Job, Primo Levi, and the Path to Affliction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xi + 172 pp. Ameriks, Karl, and Otfried Hoffe,¨ eds. 2009. Kant’s Moral and Legal Philosophy. The German Philosophical Tradition. Translated by Nicholas Walker...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2000) 109 (2): 299–302.
Published: 01 April 2000
... these qualities of Heidegger’s writing in any other language; and I have even heard it said by Germans that no German could write in any comparable way now. The best a translator can hope to achieve is a rendering that does not too seriously distort the text or mislead the reader. On the whole, in spite...