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Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2000) 109 (1): 98–101.
Published: 01 January 2000
...Øystein Linnebo EARLY ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY: FREGE, RUSSELL, WITTGENSTEIN By William W. Tait, ed. Chicago: Open Court, 1997. Pp. viii, 291. Cornell University 2000 BOOK REvlEWS the reader can look forward to Rutherford’s explanation that not only gives us...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2000) 109 (4): 648–652.
Published: 01 October 2000
...Peter M. Sullivan FREGE: IMPORTANCE AND LEGACY. Edited by Matthias Schirn. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1996. Pp. ix, 466. Cornell University 2000 BOOK RETrIEWS tion of Kant’s arguments. Consequently, her account cannot provide the insights into specific aspects...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (1): 25–65.
Published: 01 January 2002
... . “The Consistency of Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic.” In On Being and Saying: Essays in Honor of Richard Cartwright , ed. Judith Jarvis Thomson, 3 -20. Cambridge: MIT Press. Reprinted in Boolos 1998, 183-201. Citation is to reprint. ____. 1997 . “Is Hume's Principle Analytic?” In Language, Thought...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2004) 113 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 January 2004
.... Philosophical Review 83 : 3 -31. Evans, Gareth. 1982 . The Varieties of Reference . Oxford: Oxford University Press. Frege, Gottlob. 1952 . On Sense and Reference. In Translations from the Philosophical Writings of Gottlob Frege , trans. Peter Geach and Max Black, 56 -78. Oxford: Basil Blackwell...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2006) 115 (4): 487–516.
Published: 01 October 2006
...Robert May Cornell University 2006 Frege on Indexicals Robert May University of California, Irvine I. It is a characteristically Fregean thesis that the sense expressed by an expression is the linguistic...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2020) 129 (1): 53–94.
Published: 01 January 2020
..., mainly how to solve with Frege's puzzle and how to guarantee rigidity. In this article, the author focuses on a set of data that has been given less attention in these debates—namely, so-called predicative uses, bound uses, and shifted uses of names. The author first shows that these data points seem...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2018) 127 (4): 433–485.
Published: 01 October 2018
... theory and a dynamic system of contingent identity. I then consider a variant on the initial puzzle that helps us to choose between the two theories. The variant also sheds light on how the phenomenon discussed in this essay relates to Frege's Puzzle about attitude ascriptions. © 2018 by Cornell...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2003) 112 (2): 191–214.
Published: 01 April 2003
.... Philosophical Studies 108 : 65 -81. Caplan, Ben. 2002 . Quotation and Demonstration. Philosophical Studies 111 : 69 -80. Caplan, Ben, and Mike Thau. Ms. Frege on the Identity Relation and Identity Sentences: A Reply to Heck . Dever, Josh. 2001 . Complex Demonstratives. Linguistics...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (3): 442–447.
Published: 01 July 2002
... is a study of the philosophy of arithmetic in one of the most signifi- cant periods of its history—from Frege to Carnap—prefaced by an account of Kant. Potter aims at a philosophical history, a story told from an explicit inter- pretative perspective. These theories of arithmetic are seen as attempts...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (4): 497–537.
Published: 01 October 2002
...- tum leap in David Kaplan’s remarkable work, especially in his master- piece “Demonstratives” together with its companion “Afterthoughts.”1 In contrast to the direct-reference propensities of these two contempo- rary figures, Gottlob Frege, with his uncompromisingly thoroughgoing intensionalism...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2002) 111 (2): 327–330.
Published: 01 April 2002
... . “The Tractatus on Inference and Entailment.” In From Frege to Wittgenstein: Perspectives on Early Analytic Philosophy , edited by Erich H. Reck, 283 -307. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Whitehead, Alfred North, and Bertrand Russell. 1962 . Principia Mathematica to *56 . Cambridge: Cambridge University...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2005) 114 (2): 179–225.
Published: 01 April 2005
.... 1991 . Frege: Philosophy of Mathematics . Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Field, Hartry. 1989 . Platonism for Cheap? In Realism, Mathematics, and Modality . New York: Blackwell. Fodor, Jerry. 1987 . Psychosemantics: The Problem of Meaning in the Philosophy of Mind . Cambridge: MIT Press...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2006) 115 (4): 415–448.
Published: 01 October 2006
... does he still receive billing? More to the point, how is it that, under A, (1) makes no men- tion of Brando even though ‘x ’, which occurs twice therein, designates Brando? Frege admonished that one should never ask for the designatum or content of an expression in isolation, but only...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2015) 124 (2): 207–253.
Published: 01 April 2015
... 1977 . “ Belief De Re .” Journal of Philosophy 74 : 338 – 62 . Burge Tyler 1979a . “ Frege and the Hierarchy .” Synthese 40 : 265 – 81 . Burge Tyler 1979b . “ Individualism and the Mental .” In Midwest Studies in Philosophy . Vol. 4 , ed. French P. A. Euling...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2017) 126 (4): 532–535.
Published: 01 October 2017
... of occasionally treating the remarks of other philosophers—for example, Russell (114–15) and Frege (112–14)—as if those remarks by themselves constituted evidence for the correctness of his interpretations of Tractarian remarks. Moreover, these extraneous texts are even sometimes accorded more weight than...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2000) 109 (1): 94–98.
Published: 01 January 2000
... Colorado State University The Philosophical Review, Vol. 109, No. 1 (January 2000) EARLY ANALYTIC PHILOSOPHY: FREGE, RUSSELL, WlTTGENSTEN. By WILLIAMW. TAIT,ed. Chicago: Open Court, 1997. Pp. viii, 291. Analytic philosophy has traditionally been little concerned...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2000) 109 (1): 115–118.
Published: 01 January 2000
...Mark Steiner MATHEMATICS AS A SCIENCE OF PATTERNS. By Michael Resnik. New York: Oxford University Press, Clarendon Press, 1997. Pp. xiii, 285. Cornell University 2000 Frege, Gottlob. 1959 . The Foundations of Arithmetic. Trans. J. L. Austin. Oxford: Blackwell. Kitcher, Philip...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2017) 126 (1): 132–136.
Published: 01 January 2017
... is incoherent (more on this below). Chapter 2 poses the question of what it is for propositions to represent or have their truth conditions and criticizes primitivist refusals to explain this, Frege's and Russell's attempts, and Jeff King's “interpretivist” view. Chapters 3 and 4 set out Hanks's view in more...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2021) 130 (2): 330–335.
Published: 01 April 2021
... can be one-to-one correlated. The neo-Fregeans have sought to found arithmetic around this principle. One problem has been that other abstraction principles (like Frege's Basic Law V) are inconsistent and still others are consistent but incompatible with Hume's principle. Hume's principle has...
Journal Article
The Philosophical Review (2006) 115 (3): 389–391.
Published: 01 July 2006
... metaphysicians, who devote much energy to discussing being, some- how fail to notice the distinctions that since Frege and Russell we fi nd fundamen- tal, between the ‘is’-es of existence, predication, identity, and class-inclusion. Worse, much of the profundity they claim for the concept of being seems...