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Leibniz on Divine Concurrence

The Philosophical Review (2004) 113 (2): 203–248.
This article has been cited by the following articles in journals that are participating in CrossRef Cited-by Linking.
  • Christian Henkel
The Southern Journal of Philosophy (2024) 62 (4): 486.
  • Juan Antonio Nicolás
Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica (2021) 54 (2): 313.
  • Stephen Puryear
The Philosophical Quarterly (2020) 70 (279): 350.
  • Julia Jorati
Philosophy Compass (2015) 10 (6): 389.
  • John Whipple
Journal of Philosophical Research (2011) 36: 1.
Midwest Studies In Philosophy (2011) 35 (1): 179.
  • Stephen Puryear
British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2010) 18 (5): 763.
  • John Whipple
Philosophy Compass (2010) 5 (10): 865.
  • Jeffrey K. McDonough
Noûs (2008) 42 (4): 673.
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