Rawls’s “A Theory of Justice” at Fifty is a superb volume, edited by Paul Weithman, that emerged out of a conference of the same name held at University of Notre Dame in 2021 for the purpose of celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of A Theory and the centenary of Rawls’s birth.

The volume consists of nineteen essays and an introduction by Weithman, who also has an essay in the volume. The volume is divided into four parts: (1) “Rawls and History,” with essays from Sharon Lloyd, Daniel Brudney, Aaron James, Elizabeth Anderson, and Peter de Marneffe; (2) “Developments between A Theory of Justice and Political Liberalism,” with essays from Stephen Darwall, Samuel Scheffler, Rainer Forst, and Japa Pallikkathayil; (3) “Rawls, Ideal Theory, and the Persistence of Injustice,” with essays from Erin I. Kelly, Henry S. Richardson, Tommie Shelby, and Laura Valentini; and (4) “Puralism, Democracy, and the...

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