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Journal Article
the minnesota review (2013) 2013 (80): 106–118.
Published: 01 May 2013
...Andrew Cole This essay is a critique of actor-network theory (ANT), vitalism, and object-oriented ontology (OOO, or “speculative realism”), as advanced by Bruno Latour, Jane Bennett, and Graham Harman and his colleagues. It focuses on the contradiction within these newer philosophies. Each holds...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2013) 2013 (80): 119–130.
Published: 01 May 2013
...Bruce Holsinger This essay investigates the compelling affinities between the premodern mythographic tradition and the various schools of thought grouped under the rubrics of speculative realism, object-oriented ontology, and vitalism. Like mythography proper, much of this work entails...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2018) 2018 (91): 10.
Published: 01 November 2018
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2021) 2021 (97): 53–76.
Published: 01 November 2021
..., and obscure objects, plastic triggers and challenges the imagination and builds a variety of aesthetic affordances. It constructs and inheres in a desire-principle where the material goes beyond consumerism, cultural habituality, economic viability, the eco-catastrophic mandate, and spectrality into the (im...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (88): 96–111.
Published: 01 May 2017
...Marc Kosciejew The document is one of the oldest material objects of all recorded civilizations, one upon which we are, in many ways, still dependent today. Documentation — that is, documents and their associated practices, institutions, and histories — plays an important role in helping...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2016) 2016 (87): 171–181.
Published: 01 November 2016
...Jennifer Cotter New materialism claims to offer a postanthropocentric advance over historical materialism by displacing human labor with the “vital agency” of all matter: from humans to objects and machines. By equating people with the objects they produce and positing the autopoiesis of things...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2018) 2018 (91): 56–67.
Published: 01 November 2018
... overlaps with the “bad” Socrates of the Republic , offering in the process an object lesson in the instability of distinctions between good and bad objects. © 2018 Virginia Tech 2018 Works Cited Arendt Hannah . 1990 . On Revolution . London : Penguin Books . Farbman Herschel...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2013) 2013 (80): 131–144.
Published: 01 May 2013
...D. Vance Smith This article examines the various limits of knowledge in Chaucer’s Pardoner’s Tale as a critique of finitude in object-oriented philosophy and speculative realism. The phrase “death shall be dead” is the form of the receding limits that emerge when finitude is revoked, the lack...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2011) 2011 (77): 131–142.
Published: 01 November 2011
... and objectivity, presence and distance in terms of their implicit relationship to secular models of argument, deliberation, and rationality. Drawing on Bruno Latour's discussion of religious speech, the essay suggests that the relevant distinction is not between surface and deep reading but informational...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2021) 2021 (96): 56–68.
Published: 01 May 2021
...Margret Grebowicz This article takes its cue from Timothy Morton’s invitation to think all things in terms of radioactivity. Instead of focusing on objects, however, the author explores radiation in the imagination of animal desire in the nuclear dystopia. Her working hypothesis...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2024) 2024 (102): 71–84.
Published: 01 May 2024
... articulated a politically valuable dialectic of critique and the objects of critique, 2) historians tend to foreshorten their account of the culture wars and make light of their nonreformist origins, and (3) a reappraisal of the culture wars would provide precious signposts for strategic approaches to current...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2021) 2021 (97): 95–121.
Published: 01 November 2021
... between light, vision, and speculation turns into a material and physical force. Theory thereby turns into an objective kind of violence of an in-human scale. In it, intellectual abstraction does not increase the critical distance between an objective viewpoint and the object in focus; it collapses...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (88): 132–138.
Published: 01 May 2017
... modus operandi. This volume
will be vital for scholars and readers, from speculative/new realisms
through new materialisms, posthumanism/posthumanist feminisms,
and object-oriented philosophy and ontology (OOP/OOO) down to
the speculative turn’s related contemporary gestures (nonhuman/
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2016) 2016 (87): 110–115.
Published: 01 November 2016
... . Foucault Michel . (1970) 2002 . The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences . Translation modified by Noys Benjamin . London and New York : Routledge . Garcia Tristan . 2014 . Form and Object: A Treatise on Things . Translated by Ohm Mark Allan Cogburn Jon...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2011) 2011 (76): 55–57.
Published: 01 May 2011
... and certain iron-containing compounds,
though they have not greatly troubled themselves over the matter.
A Philosophical Dispute
I fell into conversation with a fellow student about the character of
objects. I defended the strict Deleuzian position, maintaining that
all objects were really...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (89): 71–82.
Published: 01 November 2017
... is the intermedi-
ary status between what philosophy has called object and subject. Sec-
ond, images are natural beings, in the double sense that they exist not
only in human bodies but everywhere in nature —also, and above all,
outside human and animal minds —and in the sense that there is a
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2005) 2005 (63-64): 225–238.
Published: 01 May 2005
is that if philosophy always takes place within language, and if philosophy
must stand outside its objects in order to have true or systematic cognitions
about them, then philosophy will encounter problems whenever it tries
to think about language since it cannot but do so from within language.
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2015) 2015 (85): 170–179.
Published: 01 November 2015
objects into ritual performances (Muñoz 2003). Bruguera also culti-
vated the political content of the work, choosing to stage the piece on
Fidel Castro’s birthday —a day to celebrate the revolution and reflect
upon its unfulfilled promises (Bruguera).
The performance, titled Displacement...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (100): 80–99.
Published: 01 May 2023
... to it or attaching a small object to the front with staples or tape. Each batch of bagged letters is then distributed by mail to an evolving international network of artists, acquaintances, and friends. Like Luke, these people leave the letters in small piles in public places for members of the public to encounter...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (88): 116–126.
Published: 01 May 2017
... while avoiding rampant scientism has fueled center activities
since its inception. The laboratory is not only or essentially a thermody-
namic system but also a quantum event, by which all individuation of
object or person is the effect of wave diffraction and temporal permuta-