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Journal Article
the minnesota review (2020) 2020 (94): 124–141.
Published: 01 May 2020
... of urban life applaud the city as a space that is hospitable to encounters with difference; they fail to consider the ways in which processes of bordering and differentiation are part of economies that exploit migrants. This article focuses on Hage’s portrayal of migrant mobility in the city. By bringing...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2008) 2008 (70): 167–171.
Published: 01 May 2008
...Jennifer Ruth © 2008 the minnesota review 2008 Work Cited Robbins Bruce . Review of Amanda Anderson, The Way We Argue Now . Criticism 48 . 2 ( 2007 ). Jennifer Ruth A Downwardly-Mobile Professor Reads Bruce Robbins’ Upward Mobility and the Common Good...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2018) 2018 (90): 91–99.
Published: 01 May 2018
...: crawling with amateur adventurers who can afford it and littered with the corpses of those who do not make it down. Indeed, the mountaineer summiting Everest has become the ultimate figure of human achievement, a sort of mascot of upward mobility. Today’s climbing body is more often than not presented...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (100): 60–64.
Published: 01 May 2023
...Kiene Brillenburg Wurth; Iris van der Tuin; Nanna Verhoeff Special Section: Mobilizing Creativity, Part 1 Kiene Brillenburg Wurth, Iris van der Tuin, Nanna Verhoeff Introduction to Mobilizing Creativity, Part 1 A Humanities Perspective Every inventive nature continuously produces one shape...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (101): 123–150.
Published: 01 November 2023
... to Ruysch’s floral bouquets and referencing the (fetal) anatomical dioramas created by her father, Frederik Ruysch. The poet aims to mobilize the creative mode of linguistic inquiry, poetry, to build a new vocabulary for attending to and grieving both living and nonliving things without reinforcing modern...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (100): 151–170.
Published: 01 May 2023
... is projected from within the bodies of each lizard. The mobilization of creativity in this discussion aims to open out the “ineluctable modality of the visible” occurring in the first sentence of Joyce’s chapter into a sensory manifold that both plays and is played by the voices of the meteorological forces...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2008) 2008 (70): 161–166.
Published: 01 May 2008
... Crime Fiction and the Rise and Fall of New Deal Liberalism . Durham : Duke UP , 2000 . Robbins Bruce . Upward Mobility and the Common Good: Toward a Literary History of the Welfare State . Princeton : Princeton UP , 2007 . Schoenbach Lisi . “A Jamesian State: The American...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2020) 2020 (94): 104–123.
Published: 01 May 2020
... Il mio viaggio della speranza (My Voyage of Hope) Literatures of postcolonial mobility and migration, or migritude litera- tures, include a significant number of life narratives and therefore are often productively read within the parameters of life writing. Migritude, understood both as a reworking...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (101): 79–83.
Published: 01 November 2023
... in World Philosophies: A Toolkit for Philosophers , edited by Flavel Sarah Robbiano Chiara , 361 – 68 . London : Bloomsbury Academic . Brillenburg Wurth Kiene van der Tuin Iris Verhoeff Nanna , eds. 2023 . “ Mobilizing Creativity, Part 1 .” Special section, minnesota review...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2007) 2007 (69): 207–208.
Published: 01 November 2007
... of books we have received from publishers (bear in mind that they might already have been sent out to people by the time the issue is printed): Antliff, Mark. Avant-Garde Fascism: The Mobilization of Myth, Art, and Culture in France, 1909-1939. Durham: Duke UP, 2007. Awkward, Michael. Soul...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2005) 2005 (63-64): 211–218.
Published: 01 May 2005
... Charles . The Bell Curve . New York : Free Press , 1994 . Lavin David Hyllegard David . Changing the Odds . New Haven : Yale UP , 1996 . Mac Donald Heather . “ Downward Mobility: The Failure of Open Admissions at City University .” City Journal ( Summer 1994 ): 10 - 20...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2009) 2009 (71-72): 47–61.
Published: 01 May 2009
..., but if I was thinking about writerly influence, I probably learned the most from that. Actually, de Certeau’s work is still for me quite productive because I’ve been thinking a lot the last few years about mobility. The reflections in The Practice of Everyday Life on what it means...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2006) 2006 (67): 129–135.
Published: 01 November 2006
... consensus are often screened out or discouraged by the process of academic training and tenuring. As an additional problem, tenure also tends to discourage mobility between institutions. Most universities and colleges prefer to hire junior candidates because their risk exposure is lower (you...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2020) 2020 (94): 85–103.
Published: 01 May 2020
... in postcolonial history. As mentioned ear- lier, Sinha re-creates a postmodern kala pani dislocation as a memorial to South Asian immigration history. Her novel demonstrates how border mappings do not facilitate border mobility when an individual is located on the othered side of these drowning countries (13...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2006) 2006 (65-66): 13.
Published: 01 November 2006
... when I left them for another slice of plastic who too would land splayed in a pit. The mass grave that preschool boredom digs. Nana diverted me, I'll tell you now. Ice cream, new crayons, a lily-pink dress. Mobilized, roaring with rage, they can form Special Forces...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2020) 2020 (94): 67–84.
Published: 01 May 2020
... migritude back to Africa, as it were, Patel constructs Africa as the site of arrivals and departures, of settlement and displacement, of home and diaspora. Femme Migritude and Diasporic Unsettlement I coin the term femme migritude to name a mode of queer femininity within which Patel mobilizes her migrant...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2021) 2021 (96): 101–134.
Published: 01 May 2021
... Barr-Telford et al. (2003: 12, 23) discovered that nearly two- thirds of all full-time students in Canada, eighteen to twenty-four years of age, lived with their parents or guardians. Because of the lack of geographical mobility for most Canadian undergraduates, professors with baccalaureates from...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2009) 2009 (71-72): 131–136.
Published: 01 May 2009
..., processual, and more lateral than upwardly mobile. Amateurism is also a way of de-dramatizing the risk of having ideas in public, a position that critiques self-authorizing claims of credentialed expertise and the tedium of reproducing disciplinary norms. It allows the creative type to mix...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2020) 2020 (94): 157–166.
Published: 01 May 2020
... to in the 1970s, come and study here and go home, or stay, or go to another, third country? Why is general mobil- ity denied to those from the global South? That s the question we need to be asking. As it stands, this system fuels trafficking. When you fuel trafficking across water, then you do so on terra firma...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (101): 113–122.
Published: 01 November 2023
... . “ Mermaids Have Always Been Black .” New York Times , July 10 . https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/10/opinion/black-little-mermaid.html . Brillenburg Wurth Kiene van der Tuin Iris Verhoeff Nanna . 2023 . Introduction to “ Mobilizing Creativity, Part 1 ”, edited by Wurth Kiene...