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Journal Article
the minnesota review (2013) 2013 (81): 126–146.
Published: 01 November 2013
... or lineage but on residency. In explaining her views, Stevens also discusses narrative, Michel Foucault’s political activism, and her work with the Deportation Research Clinic that she directs at Northwestern. She is currently working on a book about how conquistador narratives and chivalry romance novels...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2015) 2015 (85): 132–143.
Published: 01 November 2015
...), plot (that hardly accretes), and agency (which is hardly efficacious) — this essay examines how contemporary accounts of economic and affective precarity theorize the subject's (compromised) relationship to choice. Turning attention to the institution of the zero-hour contract and to Michel Foucault's...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2016) 2016 (87): 139–148.
Published: 01 November 2016
...Benjamin Noys The work of Marx has often been treated as an ontology and metaphysics of labor, and this “ontology” has often been resisted in the name of life. In particular, in a series of recent theoretical works, the “savage ontology of life,” as Foucault names it, has been posed against...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2011) 2011 (77): 87–100.
Published: 01 November 2011
.... Asad was influenced by Marxism but was troubled by its simplified equating of religion with ideology. He read Michel Foucault with great interest, a topic he discussed with his friend Edward Said. Asad published groundbreaking studies such as Genealogies of Religion, Formations of the Secular...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2011) 2011 (77): 101–110.
Published: 01 November 2011
... Foucault. Her most recent work has taken the form of histories of the present, beginning with two genealogical studies of contemporary French feminism, Only Paradoxes to Offer and Parité! She only gradually became interested in Freud and Jacques Lacan. In Politics of the Veil , psychoanalysis proved useful...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2008) 2008 (70): 167–171.
Published: 01 May 2008
... received wisdom about this kind of story, Robbins also manages to check the baleful effects of Michel Foucault’s work on literary and critical theory. In Upward Mobility, the allegedly conservative upward-mobility genre ironically ends up supporting the welfare state...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2006) 2006 (65-66): 177–183.
Published: 01 November 2006
... into to a single, overall thesis or a series of unambiguous statements to make the ideas more manageable. Goldsteins book doesn't succumb to this danger. He is always careful to distinguish between the different phases and contexts of Foucault's materialism, Althusser's distinction between science...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2007) 2007 (68): 125–135.
Published: 01 May 2007
... always touched base. When I was a student at Columbia University, I took courses with Said both as an undergraduate and graduate student. This is when I first read the work of Erich Auerbach, Roland Barthes, Leo Spitzer, Wilhelm Dilthey, R. P. Blackmur, Michel Foucault...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2010) 2010 (75): 109–118.
Published: 01 November 2010
... Italian elaboration of the categories of “bio-history” and “bio-politics,” which were of course influenced by Nietzsche and then Foucault. Yet the fact remains that before the Italian interpretations, Foucault’s extraordinary research into biopolitics remained effectively inactive...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2009) 2009 (71-72): 47–61.
Published: 01 May 2009
... as if it was a vibrant moment. You were in a crew of younger faculty and reading the new theory. Greenblatt I don’t know why we had so much time, but we did. I used to sit in on lots of classes. That’s how I got to know Foucault. If I’d hear someone interesting was coming to campus, I would decide to take...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (88): 132–138.
Published: 01 May 2017
... the editorial statement that Foucault cannot be reduced to construc- tivism and to a textualist treatment of embodiment; her writing trans- ports us to a debate that has lain dormant in SR. Here Foucault appears as a Freudian blunder that misconstrues repression, since “Foucault seeks to replace language...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2022) 2022 (98): 73–92.
Published: 01 May 2022
... by Massumi Brian . Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press . Deleuze Gilles Guattari Félix . 1994 . What Is Philosophy? , translated by Tomlinson Hugh Burchell Graham . London : Verso . Foucault Michel . 1977 . Discipline and Punish . New York : Pantheon Books...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2021) 2021 (96): 82–100.
Published: 01 May 2021
... politics rooted in the presence of a prediscursive I pre- sumes, fixes and constrains the very subjects that it hopes to repre- sent and liberate (148). Michel Foucault (2000, xiv) likewise wrote that we shouldn t demand of politics that it restore the rights of the individual. Alongside Butler...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2006) 2006 (65-66): 171–175.
Published: 01 November 2006
... UP , 2002 . —. Gender Trouble . New York : Routledge , 1999 . —. Undoing Gender . New York : Routledge , 2004 . Edelman Lee . No Future . Durham : Duke UP , 2004 . —. “ Post Partum .” Narrative 10.2 ( 2002 ): 181 - 85 . Foucault Michel . The History...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2006) 2006 (67): 47–63.
Published: 01 November 2006
... invested in literary theory, with famous essays by Edward Said, my teacher Michael Sprinker, and many other people, on Derrida, Foucault, and the new French theory. Spanos First mine was a literary and an ontological postmodernism. The ontological was very important to me...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2014) 2014 (82): 97–110.
Published: 01 May 2014
... . Giving Offense: Essays on Censorship . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . Erasmus Desiderius . 1941 . The Praise of Folly . Translated and with an essay and commentary by Hudson Hoyt Hopewell . Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press . Foucault Michel . 1977...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2016) 2016 (86): 61–80.
Published: 01 May 2016
...: The Protection and Negation of Life . Malden, MA : Polity . ———. 2012 . Third Person: Politics of Life and Philosophy of the Impersonal . Translated by Hanafi Zakiya . Malden, MA : Polity . Foucault Michel . 2007 . Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2010) 2010 (75): 69–70.
Published: 01 November 2010
... became the darlings of literary studies, then of emerging disciplines such as film, media, and cultural studies. As Bourdieu and Foucault, and subsequently Deleuze and Badiou, moved toward center stage, the Anglo-American locus of French theory expanded into the humanistic social sciences...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2012) 2012 (78): 62–82.
Published: 01 May 2012
..., by Hyppolite and others, who are the immediate predecessors of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Jacques Derrida. The invention of the posthuman in all its variations (death of the author, history without a subject, the de-transcendental- izing of “Man,” and so on) was devised in the 1930s...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2013) 2013 (81): 102–125.
Published: 01 November 2013
... their bearings from Arendt, Mi­chel Foucault, and Nietzsche; or Benedict de Spinoza, Maurice Merleau- Ponty, and Gilles Deleuze; or Martin Heidegger and Jean-Luc Nancy; or Jacques Derrida, Étienne Balibar, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, and Luce Irigaray; and more. It’s very rich, a really rich moment...