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alternative currencies

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Journal Article
the minnesota review (2023) 2023 (100): 100–117.
Published: 01 May 2023
...Coco Kanters This article analyzes efforts to institute professionally designed alternative currencies in European cities as acts of creative experimentation. The alternative currency consultants, or “the Money Makers,” experiment profusely with alternative moneys. As such, they have instituted...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2014) 2014 (83): 163–171.
Published: 01 November 2014
... everything” has contributed to a highly visible rise in the currency of disaster imagery today. And when natural disasters occur, mass suffering is swept up into an excuse for “disaster capitalism,” in Naomi Klein’s analysis, where free marketeers leap in to remake collapsed social systems...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2007) 2007 (69): 51–60.
Published: 01 November 2007
.... Things have changed a lot since 1968. But academic publishing still moves slowly. In perverse reversal of the history of money, intellectual currency is suspect if not backed by the solidity of paper. That’s what I’m here to write about. I’m an academic blogger. I’m...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (89): 83–102.
Published: 01 November 2017
... An Interview with Sharon Marcus In 2009, Sharon Marcus, with colleague Stephen Best, observed a turn away from “symptomatic reading” to “surface reading.” The new term quickly gained currency, with critics lining up for and against. Some saw it as a refreshing look at what we do “after theory...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2009) 2010 (73-74): 189–203.
Published: 01 November 2009
... sustainable community projects are hampered by the terms on which Goodall has achieved celebrity. Achieving these goals requires exchanges in other currencies, on entirely different terms, and in zones that foster cross-species and relations other than...