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Eugenie Brinkema

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Journal Article
the minnesota review (2017) 2017 (89): 57–70.
Published: 01 November 2017
..., and film criticism by C. Namwali Serpell, renée c. hoogland, and Eugenie Brinkema develop methodologies for exploring how the arts move us — how they impress themselves upon our bodies and create effects in the world. Adding to the current conversation about postcritical reading, surface reading, distant...
Journal Article
the minnesota review (2014) 2014 (83): 172–173.
Published: 01 November 2014
... Theory. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Berlant, Lauren, and Lee Edelman, eds. 2014. Sex, or The Unbearable. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Brinkema, Eugenie. 2014. The Forms of the Affects. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Campbell, Timothy C., and Adam Sitze, eds...