Adedayo Agarau is a Wallace Stegner fellow at Stanford University, Cave Canem fellow, 2022 Robert Hayden Scholarship fellow, and a recipient of the 2022 Stanley Awards for International Research at the University of Iowa. He obtained his MFA at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop ’23. His poems have been featured in Poetry Magazine, Poetry Society of America, World Literature Today, Tab Journal, Anomaly, Frontier, Iowa Review, Boulevard, and elsewhere. He is the author of the chapbooks Origin of Names (2020), and The Arrival of Rain (2020). Adedayo is the editor in chief at Agbowó: An African magazine of literature and art.
Sara Burge is the author of Apocalypse Ranch (2010), and her poetry has appeared in Virginia Quarterly Review, Willow Springs, Prairie Schooner, CALYX Journal, The Louisville Review, The Los Angeles Review, River Styx, and...