Here Comes Mister Fingers
Michael Giddings is a writer, cartoonist, and musician from Brooklyn, New York. He studied creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College and Northern Michigan University, and was a member of Grubstreet’s Novel Incubator Workshop. His work has appeared in HASH Journal and is forthcoming in Pidgeonholes, Scribble Lit, and Reservoir Road Review. He was a finalist in the Ember Chasm Review’s 2021 novel excerpt contest and is a reader for Flaw and Masters Review. He currently teaches toddlers about literacy, cartooning, and the Falstaffiad. He can be found on Twitter @mikexgiddings.
Michael Giddings; Here Comes Mister Fingers. the minnesota review 1 May 2022; 2022 (98): 2–5. doi:
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