Adelina Rose Gowans is a seventeen-year-old Costa Rican/Honduran American writer and student at the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities. Her work has been recognized by the National YoungArts Foundation, Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, Hollins University, University of Virginia, Leyla Beban Young Writers Foundation, and elsewhere. She is also previously published or forthcoming in Ambit Magazine, Atlas + Alice, Barely South Review, Scholastic’s Best Teen Writing 2020, Cargoes, Interlochen Review, Storyscape Journal, and Tinderbox Poetry Journal, among other places. More of her personal projects can be seen at www.adelinarose.me/.
Adelina Rose Gowans; enter:light. the minnesota review 1 May 2021; 2021 (96): 45. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/00265667-8851394
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