“Anthropogenic Poetics” considers the new implications for conceiving literary tropes such as personification, apostrophe, and prosopopoeia in light of the ecological relations of the Anthropocene Era, where the nonhuman environment is imbued with signs of human determination. The essay examines one contemporary mode, ecopoetics, as an emergent literature of the Anthropocene and highlights the new questions of voice, relation, and address that it explores. Through readings of poems by Brenda Hillman, Juliana Spahr, Evelyn Reilly, and Michael Leong, “Anthropogenic Poetics” argues that these texts illuminate the intensified problem of anthropocentrism under ecological crisis, pointing, via the mediating work of poetic language, to the ways in which this anthropogenic agency extends into and reshapes nonhuman forms.
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November 01 2014
Margaret Ronda; Anthropogenic Poetics. the minnesota review 1 November 2014; 2014 (83): 102–111. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/00265667-2782291
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