Kaja Silverman's body of work spans the disciplines of English, film studies, semiotics, psychoanalytic criticism, feminist theory, masculinity studies, and art history. In this interview, Silverman discusses her career as an interdisciplinarian, beginning with the days when interdisciplinarity was not yet trendy and continuing with her nineteen years in the rhetoric department at the University of California at Berkeley. She describes the evolution of her relationship to Freud's thought, her ongoing commitment to feminism, her more recent engagement with Heidegger, and the place of painting, photography, and poetry in her work. Other figures discussed include John Donne, James Coleman, Gerhard Richter, and Hannah Arendt. The interview culminates with some thoughts on the concepts of flesh and of analogy, the topic of the book she is currently writing.
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May 01 2011
Poetics of the Flesh: An Interview with Kaja Silverman
the minnesota review (2011) 2011 (76): 65–79.
Janell Watson; Poetics of the Flesh: An Interview with Kaja Silverman. the minnesota review 1 May 2011; 2011 (76): 65–79. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/00265667-1222056
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