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Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1990) 89 (1): 51–67.
Published: 01 January 1990
...Gerald Graff Gerald Graff Teach the Conflicts teach or not to teach the great books? High culture or popular culture? Classics or commercials? Western lit or Westerns as lit? Open canons or closed American minds? King Lear or King Kong? Rimbaud or Rambo? Plato or Puzo? These are just a few...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1960) 59 (3): 448–449.
Published: 01 July 1960
...Robert F. Durden Teach the Freeman: The Correspondence of Rutherford B. Hayes and the Slater Fund for Negro Education . Rubin Louis D. Jr. , editor. Vol. 1, 1881-1887 ; Vol. II, 1888-1893 . Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press , 1959 . Pp. lv , 236 ; 302 . $10.00...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2021) 120 (2): 473–480.
Published: 01 April 2021
...Jamil Mouawad This article looks at Lebanon’s October 17 uprising from the vantage point of teaching in academia when classes were suspended and students were no longer meeting in the classroom to participate in a course of high relevance aiming to address and unpack the unfolding events...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1991) 90 (3): 449–467.
Published: 01 July 1991
...Terry Caesar Terry Caesar On Teaching at a Second-Rate University But if you are forbidden to say second-rate, why then you must leave behind you all good sense nothing can be discussed at all if you can t say second-rate! Wyndham Lewis, Tarr while ago the chairman of the English department...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1981) 80 (1): 49–60.
Published: 01 January 1981
...Charles B. Wheeler Copyright © 1981 by Duke University Press 1981 But Where Did Cain Get His Wife? Reflections on Teaching the Bible as Literature Charles B. Wheeler Generations of American college students have encountered, some­ where along the bumpy road to the baccalaureate, a course...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1918) 17 (2): 136–154.
Published: 01 April 1918
...Edward James Woodhouse Copyright © 1918 by Duke University Press 1918 Function and Method in the Teaching of History Edward James Woodhouse Yale University This is a preachment based on observation of the methods and results of the teaching of history in several colleges and universities...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1907) 6 (1): 45–57.
Published: 01 January 1907
...Jeannette Marks On Teaching Poetry in American Schools By Jeannette Marks, Associate Professor of English Literature in Mount Holyoke College Is there any word which expresses the national dilemma and temper so well as the word culture or the national admission that there is something necessary...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1916) 15 (2): 129–141.
Published: 01 April 1916
...Clyde Furst Copyright © 1916 by Duke University Press 1916 Recent Educational Progress Clyde Furst Secretary, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching In Thomas Love Peacock s novel Headlong Hall, a con­ siderable number of people discuss, among other human prob­ lems...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2009) 108 (4): 651–666.
Published: 01 October 2009
... to frequent institutional reviews, writing programs are often expected to defend their academic practices from the advice of reviewers whose commonsense understanding of writing eschews process and practice in favor of product. Drawing on several reviews of the program in which they teach, the authors argue...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2009) 108 (4): 723–740.
Published: 01 October 2009
...Norman G. Finkelstein The essay focuses on whether academic freedom is compatible with prescribing a code of conduct outside the classroom. I first look at the Bertrand Russell case. Russell was denied a teaching post at City College of New York because of his expressed opinions on morality...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2012) 111 (2): 383–391.
Published: 01 April 2012
... the current maximum tuition fee “cap” of £3,750 and double the recently raised maximum tuition fees of £9,000 per year for all British universities, which will come into effect for the academic year, 2012-2013. In the absence of its own degree-granting powers, it will teach to the University of London's...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2009) 108 (2): 249–264.
Published: 01 April 2009
... “intellectual labor power,” the process through which thought performance, which includes teaching, is commodified on the price-setting marketplace. When viewed in this light, Pierre Bourdieu's influential definitions of cultural capital will be found wanting, as they do not account for the social differences...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2009) 108 (4): 751–764.
Published: 01 October 2009
... “rational and maximizing” in the present cultural-capital economy of university administration, teaching, and research. In short, this essay argues that it's the practice of tenure, rather than the idea of academic freedom, that needs to be expanded, affirmed, or saved in the context of the corporate...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2015) 114 (4): 781–801.
Published: 01 October 2015
... teach (and learn) about the past in ways that recover lost histories and incite new—and unexpected—connections. © 2015 Duke University Press 2015 Chicana feminism digital humanities feminist archives feminist pedagogy References Moraga Cherríe Anzaldúa Gloria . 1983...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2015) 114 (4): 878–891.
Published: 01 October 2015
... and political activism, we are witnesses to teaching and learning methods that seek to engage Indigenous youth not for the purpose of radicalizing them but, rather, to prepare them to honor a long history of asserting rights and fulfilling responsibilities, as these responsibilities are associated with legacies...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2020) 119 (3): 511–520.
Published: 01 July 2020
... the masses are collectively engaged in action; it is the expression of action itself. In a more general sense, May ’68, the first global protest movement in postwar history, teaches us that revolutions (especially so-called color revolutions) are no simple textbook events: they are propelled by a specific...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2023) 122 (3): 651–659.
Published: 01 July 2023
... but an expression of the global logic of carceral racial capitalism. It then engages with teachings shared by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson about the beaver's practice of building dams that sustain life and, in some cases, threaten it. If we understand Canada as both a liberal democracy and a “criminal empire...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2025) 124 (1): 39–56.
Published: 01 January 2025
... not knowing what is to come allows an authentic future again to become possible. This is in stark contrast to the ideologies of capitalist realism, which teach us that there are no alternatives, that the current interregnum is permanent, and that there is no future that is not a repetition of the past...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2024) 123 (4): 689–710.
Published: 01 October 2024
...Mashuq Kurt This article examines the intricacies involved in the process of decolonizing education. It draws on the author's first‐hand teaching experiences and observations as an activist scholar and a critical pedagogue at Bingöl University in Turkey from 2013 to 2016, during a period marked...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1992) 91 (3): 765–784.
Published: 01 July 1992
... of new kinds of teaching positions and practices of so-called decentralization, whereby faculty and staff at all levels of edu­ cation had to assume ever-greater responsibilities for independent fund-raising and administrative work. We accepted such economic problems by developing ingenious ways...