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Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1964) 63 (2): 188–197.
Published: 01 April 1964
...Frank Durham Copyright © 1964 by Duke University Press 1964 Incident in Saigon Frank Durham Early morning is the best time of day in Saigon. The sky then is a deep, clear blue, and the sun has not yet hung itself directly overhead. Often, even in the dry season, there is the ghost of a breeze...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1910) 9 (1): 35–42.
Published: 01 January 1910
...Alvin S. Johnson Copyright © 1910 by Duke University Press 1910 The Incidence of the Federal Corporation Tax By Alvin S. Johnson Professor of Economics in the University of Texas From the viewpoint of the financier, the provision for the taxa tion of corporations, incorporated as section 38...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1948) 47 (2): 265–267.
Published: 01 April 1948
... the Present Condition of the Various Mines Situated There-on—Sketches of the Most Prominent Men Interested in Them—Incidents and Adventures Connected with Mining, the Indians, and the Country—Amusing Stories, Experiences, Anecdotes, etc., etc., and a Full Exposition of the Production of Pure Silver . By De...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1950) 49 (3): 420–421.
Published: 01 July 1950
...Alan K. Manchester Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatán . By Stephens John L. Esq . Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Predmore Richard L. . New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press , 1949 . 2 vols. Pp. xx , 346 , and xiv , 401 . $10.00...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2010) 109 (1): 159–174.
Published: 01 January 2010
...Abdel Khaliq Mahgoub Allegations of engagement in disruptive activity and blasphemy that were widely disseminated in the Sudanese press and subsequent incidents against Sudanese Marxists led the formidable Abdel Khaliq Mahgoub to stand trial before a military court that was hurriedly put together...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2022) 121 (1): 33–51.
Published: 01 January 2022
... temporality. This essay triangulates the various emancipations of Harriet Jacobs in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl , Frado in Harriet E. Wilson’s Our Nig , and Solomon Northup in Twelve Years a Slave to reveal how the nonlinearity of their manumission circumscribes the freedom concept in such a way...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1934) 33 (1): 10–19.
Published: 01 January 1934
..., the sort I learned very early tQ draw up out of incident and anecdote going on about me, and learned to run down in footnote and reminder among my eld'ers. But the sort of story that was prevalent at the time, along in the early nineties when I began to be explicitly interested in the story as a literary...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1947) 46 (3): 407–409.
Published: 01 July 1947
... incident by incident. Only then would he write, always steadily, a thousand words a day. After his death his widow left his manuscript notes and plans ninety volumes in all to the Bibliotheque Nationale. From these papers and from other available material, Mrs. Rufener has reconstructed the composition...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1983) 82 (1): 51–55.
Published: 01 January 1983
.... At this same time, an incident occurred in the New Herbrides Islands, a group of islands that lie about 1200 miles northeast of Brisbane, Australia. In September, 1918, natives murdered a French citizen named Moglia (or Meglia; his name appears both ways in the documents). Official British reports glossed over...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1955) 54 (3): 394–404.
Published: 01 July 1955
... in and with the characters of each book, influenced her concept of her self and her memories of the long years? And, on the other hand, what influence did this secret life of hers have upon her novels? In recalling one incident in her life Miss Glasgow says, . .. or did I remember it? How can one tell where memory ends...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1976) 75 (2): 212–225.
Published: 01 April 1976
..., it may be seriously lacking in accuracy. But what is important is that one Methodist preacher and four Mormons were killed during a mob assault at Cane Creek on August 10, 1884. It is also important that the Cane Creek episode, while the most serious, was not an isolated incident. Between 1865 and 1900...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1924) 23 (2): 124–140.
Published: 01 April 1924
... illusion, still most of the cases where such illusion may be called thoroughly successful are preserved as jokes by these same people; for there is no commoner theatrical jest than that which has to do with the audience accepting as actual occurrences the incidents which take place on the stage. Most of us...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1926) 25 (4): 383–395.
Published: 01 October 1926
... records the incident, one of the dogs having been fired at, had to die on a rock, which he did so admirably that the applause filled the house from top to bottom; at which the other dog, like too many professionals, became somewhat jealous of his friend, and rushed on the stage, to show how much better...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1909) 8 (1): 68–81.
Published: 01 January 1909
... of Hoffmann s work. He walks along a crowded Berlin street in broad daylight. Passing a house in a crowded and busy quarter, he notices a woman s hand drawing back a curtain. Immediately the realities recede and his fancy begins to weave a web of wonder about the simple incident. One could hardly find more...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1950) 49 (3): 421–423.
Published: 01 July 1950
...-volume Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiafas, and Yucatan. Within three months after the publication of the first edition, Stephens was called on to write a preface to the tenth edition. The eleventh and twelfth editions followed. Thereafter the twelfth edition was reissued at least eleven...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1953) 52 (3): 414–430.
Published: 01 July 1953
... triumphant crow and dies. 422 The South Atlantic Quarterly The incidents involving the bill collector and the process server form a corollary to the train symbol but are not sufficiently integrated with it to give the balance needed. But what Melville was trying to do is clear. He sought to isolate two...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1925) 24 (2): 179–190.
Published: 01 April 1925
...) in the peace negotiations with Lysander; and (5) in the rule of the Thirty, of whom he was one and at the hands of whom he met his death. The first two of these are recorded by Thucydidesf; the latter three by XenophonJ. With the possible exception of the third incident mentioned, the accounts as given by Dr...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2003) 102 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 January 2003
... was stifling; the
darkness total.
—Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Iam not and cannot pretend to be a Romanticist...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1973) 72 (2): 243–254.
Published: 01 April 1973
... of a terrible year. While many of the characters in the Journal were real people and many of the incidents actually oc curred, Defoe purposefully modified his sources and convincingly selected incidents and topographical references to achieve greater verisimilitude.1 At the conclusion of his introduction...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1930) 29 (3): 321–340.
Published: 01 July 1930
... of our subjective representations of it. It will suffice, most often, that the phenomenon appear to us to violate only one of those laws, in order that it merit being ranged in the category of the'supernatural. (Page 13, writer s translation.) It strikes us that incidents must be of either natural...