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Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2011) 110 (3): 693–713.
Published: 01 July 2011
..., the pleasures of Internet pornography, and the sexual networks of the cellular—part ways with the cinematic. © 2011 Duke University Press 2011 Matthew Tinkcom
“You’ve got to get on to get off ”:
Shortbus and the Circuits of the Erotic
Two events open the discussion...
Journal Article
Labor, Finance, and Counterrevolution: Finally Got the News at the End of the Short American Century
South Atlantic Quarterly (2012) 111 (4): 803–823.
Published: 01 October 2012
...Morgan Adamson This article revisits the crisis of the American automotive industry and Fordist industrial labor in the late 1960s and early 1970s through the lens of the radical African American labor organization at the heart of that industry. By way of an analysis of the film Finally Got...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1926) 25 (2): 154–167.
Published: 01 April 1926
..., therefore, had altogether insufficient evidence for con necting Marat with Maratt Amiatt. Nevertheless, when he came home he spread the story, telling it to Mr. Harford, Sr. and probably to others. The news got abroad, then, in Bristol that a man who had once been in a Bristol jail was now the bloodthirsty...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly 11557841.
Published: 08 October 2024
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2011) 110 (1): 243–251.
Published: 01 January 2011
...Christopher Newfield While most commentaries trace Barack Obama's decline to his failure to fight for the progressive policies whose supporters got him elected, this article argues that Obama's rise and fall are both functions of his embodiment and then betrayal of a collective psychology here...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2018) 117 (3): 653–658.
Published: 01 July 2018
...José Esteban Muñoz Editors’ Note: We include this unpublished essay by José Esteban Muñoz in this issue of SAQ on Wildness to honor the project that we both began with José on wildness but never got to complete. The essay here was presented as a talk at the Experience Music Project (EMP) Pop...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1978) 77 (3): 307–319.
Published: 01 July 1978
..., the room ing houses, and the small apartment buildings where he has resided and asked for Mr. Henry George Macon, the people there would say they had never heard of such a man. Henry George Who? You sure you got the right name? asked the seventy-four-year-old woman who looks after his room and col lects...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1975) 74 (2): 164–177.
Published: 01 April 1975
... works out that way, she told me one warm after noon. You d think for all the millions of hours my husband worked, and for all the millions of dollars they get in taxes and all their other deals, and what they got from our paying our taxes, that I could get a break somehow. Some of us older folks have...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2006) 105 (2): 391–395.
Published: 01 April 2006
..., and every week I checked out two
or three. I branched out into football and track, and got caught up in Jim
Thorpe’s life story. I watched Burt Lancaster play Jim in the movie. These
were stories about heroes for boys in grade school. By the time we moved
to Indianola I was hooked. I was in junior high...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1981) 80 (3): 272–280.
Published: 01 July 1981
..., but it s not. I was in California when I wrote the poem, the summer of 31. I got the impulse to write a poem about a man who was living in the East and heard of his mother s death. I wrote the poem, and it took possession of me for quite a while; I worked real hard, it bothered me for a long time, I wrote...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1958) 57 (4): 433–442.
Published: 01 October 1958
... near the stand. I got out and knocked at the door. A man came to the 436 The South Atlantic Quarterly door and I said, Where s the Kian meeting to be held? You passed it, he said. Go on back up the road a piece and you ll see an old empty house. The field is right above it. We drove back up...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1992) 91 (2): 427–458.
Published: 01 April 1992
... invisible. This was especially true for the children and grandchildren of the Italians who came here from the old country. The old-timers, the greaseballs, the ones who, as we used to say, still seemed as if they just got off the boat, simply recreated, to as great a degree as pos sible, the lives...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1934) 33 (1): 63–82.
Published: 01 January 1934
... woman, We got triflin , no-count folks here same as everywhere and we got folks as good as they come; they ve got no call to lump us all with the least. I reckon we re hard to do much for. When the good fellers need help they re too proud to take it and them that ll take it is too worthless to deserve...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2000) 99 (2-3): 472–516.
Published: 01 July 2000
JOLENE He came to her VW bus, and all that was left was
6472 South Atlantic Quarterly 99:2/3 / sheet 212 of 353
KASPER An empty parking space.
JOLENE He went back to
KASPER Pinche high school. Got fucked up torcido...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1969) 68 (4): 536–542.
Published: 01 October 1969
... of Pravda and was making a tour of the country, escorted by some State Department man. They called from Nashville to the local newspaper there in Oxford and then called Phil to see if he could persuade Bill to see him. Phil said no, that he knew how Bill felt about those things. But then he and I got...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1961) 60 (4): 469–483.
Published: 01 October 1961
.... You know optimism seems to me like a smile written across the face of a skull. I m afraid I m a Pessimist in my philosophy but really any sensible person has got to admit that we re living in a tragic scheme unless we re like these fools who write for the Pollyanna prize in the newspapers, this high...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1993) 92 (4): 669–680.
Published: 01 October 1993
... got a little bit confused, and she left him dry-humping the refrigerator door. Wait till he tried to throw that away. Talent squeezes out brains. Jolene, looking older, but good-older, wiser, full of dignity. Shit, you told me that the first time I helped you drag Mark home. How s he surviving...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1937) 36 (3): 289–301.
Published: 01 July 1937
... and interrupts the saga with Mosby's Men Thundered Through Upperville 293 the inevitable question: Have you got any relics of the war in your store? The ponderous head wags slowly in hesitant denial, and the rheumy eyes are kindled with a faintly perceptible flicker of anima tion while the lips drawl...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1951) 50 (4): 530–541.
Published: 01 October 1951
... for such emergencies, and I breathed more freely. I worked with a Japanese boy once of the same age as your Hideo, and when I got through with him, he produced a great piece of inspired litera ture, she ended. I think I sniffed. I do not like people working with children, for the expression is really an inversion...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1911) 10 (1): 70–78.
Published: 01 January 1911
... the surveyors appeared Thomas Polk and a band of his Scotch-Irish neighbors appeared with long switches in their hands and effectively interrupted the proceedings. One of the surveying party, we learn, got one damnable wipe across the nose and mouth, and another was stripped from the nape of his neck...