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Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1990) 89 (1): 27–50.
Published: 01 January 1990
...Richard A. Lanham Richard A. Lanham The Extraordinary Convergence: Democracy, Technology, Theory, and the University Curriculum a mid-September weekend in 1988, a number of scholars met at Duke Univer sity and the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) for another session of the oldest class...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1935) 34 (1): 60–78.
Published: 01 January 1935
...Edgar W. Knight Copyright © 1935 by Duke University Press 1935 SOME EARLY DISCUSSIONS OF THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM EDGAR W. KNIGHT T MUST in all honesty say, that, looking back through the -L years', and recalling the requirements and methods of the ancient institution, I am unable to speak...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1935) 34 (3): 314–332.
Published: 01 July 1935
...Edgar W. Knight Copyright © 1935 by Duke University Press 1935 SOME RECENT CHANGES IN THE COLLEGE CURRICULUM EDGAR W. KNIGHT AS NOTED earlier,* the curriculum of higher education .in the United States since the World War has tended to swing away from freedom of election to a measure of pre...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1925) 24 (2): 131–153.
Published: 01 April 1925
...Elbert Vaughan Wills Copyright © 1925 by Duke University Press 1925 Political Economy in the Early American College Curriculum Elbert Vaughan Wills Brooklyn, N. Y. The progress of the past half century in the field of his toriography has effected a noteworthy change in the method of approach...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2009) 108 (4): 623–649.
Published: 01 October 2009
... by the forces served by the political Right, in a kind of economic conscription that frames student choice within the scaffold of the business curriculum. If faculty and student intellectual freedoms are interrelated in key ways, it is simply difficult to imagine that undergraduate intellectual freedom could...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2009) 108 (4): 651–666.
Published: 01 October 2009
...Linda Brodkey; Holly Bauer Composition programs in American colleges and universities do not enjoy the rights and privileges of other fields and disciplines. The problems have to do with the status of an academic field beset by commonsense criticism of both its curriculum and pedagogy. Subject...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2019) 118 (1): 205–214.
Published: 01 January 2019
... paradigms that foreclosed the possibility for indigenous intellectual integration. This essay focuses on the way in which the university’s insistence on the conclusion of the academic program (curriculum-time), the need to balance university financial books (capitalist-time), and the obsession with research...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1990) 89 (1): 51–67.
Published: 01 January 1990
... is to teach the conflicts themselves. And not just teach the conflicts in separate classrooms, but struc ture them into the curriculum, using them to give the curriculum the coherence that it badly lacks. Not that we should spurn consensus when it proves possible to get it. But when it does not, we should...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1953) 52 (2): 286–306.
Published: 01 April 1953
.... This attitude re flects not only the thinking of those outside the circle of college graduates but also the reservations of many alumni. The teacher sometimes feels himself on the defensive, and institutions reflect this feeling by reorganizations and revisions of the curriculum. The de fenders of a liberal...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1988) 87 (4): 653–700.
Published: 01 October 1988
... kiting checks than like balancing books. But much as we want to evade it, the Q question seems to be coming after us these days. It is very much with us in the university, for the university is like the law courts. It cannot dodge the Q ques tion. It must design a curriculum. And it is, with ever...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1919) 18 (2): 116–124.
Published: 01 April 1919
... to question. In mapping out a school curriculum social efficiency is the inevitable criterion. Each school subject should be weighed to determine the extent to which it will function in better liv ing, and those subjects which promise to be most fruitful in the later lives of the pupils should be given...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1992) 91 (1): 5–17.
Published: 01 January 1992
... illustrates this linkage, as when the attacks on PC hardly pause to distinguish between the issue of ethnic slurs in student dormitories and the issue of revising the literary curriculum. Debates over the validity of a feminist or post colonialist interpretation of The Tempest overlap with debates over...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1911) 10 (3): 277–286.
Published: 01 July 1911
... that they had known there. Which is to say that the embryonic curriculum of all American colleges was the med iaeval monastery. Difficult as it may be for us to realize, it is nevertheless a fact that the original discipline of the convent was pre-eminently util itarian. It embraced reading, writing...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1948) 47 (1): 96–102.
Published: 01 January 1948
... and purposes. Originally, of course, it was to serve the church, particularly the New Light wing of Presbyterianism. Soon, however, to use the words of the author, the needs of the nation rather than those of the church received con sideration in the curriculum and teaching. One wishes that this statement...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1931) 30 (4): 439–452.
Published: 01 October 1931
... policy-making and curriculum construction, frontier thinkers, sociologists, historians, economists, sci entists, and philosophers should be invited to participate. The lack of familiarity with the real work of the public high schools may explain why some educators who are puzzled with the inadequate...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1990) 89 (1): 235–236.
Published: 01 January 1990
... Graff is John C. Shaffer Professor of Humanities and English at Northwestern University, and the author of Professing Literature: An Institutional History (Chicago, 1987). He is completing a book on the curriculum controversy. George A. Kennedy is Paddison Professor of Classics and Chair...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1965) 64 (4): 457–464.
Published: 01 October 1965
.... A university must distinguish between mere academic fashion and fundamental evolutionary trends. Following generations of debate about classical studies, the elective system, and general education, a somewhat stable truce long prevailed in planning the curriculum. That truce has been shattered in the last...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2019) 118 (4): 898–910.
Published: 01 October 2019
... of Anishinabemowin.2 In an effort to revitalize the Algonquin language, the Kitigan Zibi Kikinamadinan (school) created the Algonquin language immersion pro- gram also known as Mokasige. This program places a high priority on Algonquin language instruction and replaces the more traditional Canadian curriculum...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1907) 6 (4): 381–386.
Published: 01 October 1907
... the broader life of the university the intimacy of association and the inspiration it is the task of the preceptor to supply. In order to understand the system thoroughly, it will be neces sary to go into some detail regarding the curriculum, and further more to limit the application of the working out...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1990) 89 (1): 207–215.
Published: 01 January 1990
... a dif ferent charge of failure used against the academy. In February 1985, the Association of American Colleges (AAC) released Integrity in the College Curriculum.7 This report gained immediate national atten tion. At the AAC s annual meeting, before representatives of the press, government officials...