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counter-politics of care

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Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2025) 124 (1): 214–221.
Published: 01 January 2025
...Sarah Philipson Isaac This essay explores the entanglement of racial capitalism, carceral geographies, and counterpolitics of care within the sociopolitical landscape of Sweden. It analyzes the government's response to gang violence in 2023, which mobilized the figure of a “racial threat...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2020) 119 (1): 153–165.
Published: 01 January 2020
..., and not enough on the question of reproduction. It is also a crisis that women have to leave their countries to come to the US or go to Europe to work as nannies, care workers, maids, cleaners in public spaces, because their countries have been economically devastated by the politics of structural adjustment...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2021) 120 (1): 190–193.
Published: 01 January 2021
...Ranabir Samaddar India revolution anti–Citizenship Amendment Act References Engels Friedrich . (1851) 1896 . Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany , edited by Aveling Eleanor Marx . London : Swan Sonnenschein and Co . marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2024) 123 (1): 203–213.
Published: 01 January 2024
... with people imprisoned as a result of the uprising. As an event, the Chilean uprising shone a spotlight on care practices that took on a political character in Juan and Marta's lives, through awakening the couple's solidarity with the oppressed, and through motivating them to engage in counter-behaviors...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2022) 121 (1): 1–10.
Published: 01 January 2022
... to reclaim time isn t altogether new but harkens to the 1970s Black feminist imperatives of self-care most famously realized in Audre Lorde s ([1988] 1996) proclamation, Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare (332). The return to Black...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2011) 110 (4): 1003–1005.
Published: 01 October 2011
... 2011 Index to Volume 110 Amador, Carlos, UCLA’s Underground Students Rise to Fight for Public Education 565 Armstrong, Amanda, States of Indebtedness: Care Work in the Struggle against Educational Privatization 546 Benson-­Allott, Caetlin, The Chora Line: RealD Incorporated 621...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2022) 121 (1): 53–73.
Published: 01 January 2022
... and consumption might be a site to counter the invisibility and remoteness that ensures enslavement in the contemporary moment. I also want to distinguish care from the myth of conscientious consumption, because the latter is ineffectual within a capitalist labor market. For instance, when all the laborers...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2021) 120 (4): 689–702.
Published: 01 October 2021
... emerging in the face of the growing platformization and sketch the outlines of a counter-platform politics. Carlotta Benvegnù, Niccolò Cuppini, Mattia Frapporti, Floriano Milesi, and Maurilio Pirone (Into the Black Box) Platform Battlefield: Digital Infrastructures in Capitalism 4.0 Digital platforms...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2012) 111 (3): 608–615.
Published: 01 July 2012
... health and hygiene have been wielded against the movement to criminalize and delegitimize it. At the same time, in the con- text of the current crisis, care and welfare are key social and political con- cerns of Occupy London. This pertains not just to a call for a less selfish and more caring...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2003) 102 (4): 809–823.
Published: 01 October 2003
... wherein the women use conventional gen- der roles such as care-giving and nurturing to subvert patriarchal authority and political repression. The women thereby provide a gender-constructed document of the Palestinian struggle...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2022) 121 (4): 655–673.
Published: 01 October 2022
... precisely through the problem of the subjectivation, specifically concentrating on notions such as counter-conduct, care of the self, and parrhesia.11 I want to focus here on a notion that has been relatively under-explored, namely the idea of political spirituality first introduced in Foucault s writings...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2016) 115 (1): 113–124.
Published: 01 January 2016
... care, electrification, access to water, sanitation, and other basic infrastruc- ture. In sum, the new politics has been overwhelmingly invested in making the state meet its responsibility to both rectify the material deprivations of apartheid and to recognize that full or substantive citizenship...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2024) 123 (1): 183–191.
Published: 01 January 2024
... the desire for a different form of life in common. The coproduction of event and subjectivation confronted its participants with issues that would require political and ethical decisions both in everyday living and in street protest. In response they deployed counter-conducts against the intolerable...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1937) 36 (1): 74–84.
Published: 01 January 1937
... or poetic nature. That the process of political conversion was not a Kenneth Burke: The Critic's Critic 79 painless one may be seen by a consideration of his view on the eco­ nomic interpretation of art in Counter-Statement. Though he then conceded that the economic attack upon art contained a grain...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1976) 75 (4): 510–524.
Published: 01 October 1976
... warnings, the Italian comedians led by the famous Scaramouche provided spicy entertainment for Paris until Lieutenant General of Police, D Argenson, sealed the doors of their theatre in 1697 and banished the troupe from Paris. Careful censorship of the Parisian stage continued into the eighteenth century...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2014) 113 (3): 443–446.
Published: 01 July 2014
... of their resistance, may lend themselves as an archive of inspira­ tion for political action in other cognate sites. References Agozino, Biko. 2003. Counter-Colonial Criminology: A Critique of Imperialist Reason. London: Pluto Press. Cheliotis, Leonidas K. 2014. “Decorative Justice: Deconstructing...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (1972) 71 (1): 40–53.
Published: 01 January 1972
... institutions. As a result, those who preach the destruction of society feel no need to present alternative solutions to the problem of government. That, they say, will take care of itself. Comparing this attitude with that of the German Does the New Left Have a Political Philosophy? 49 intelligentsia during...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2005) 104 (2): 205–215.
Published: 01 April 2005
... Schmitt’s earlier The Concept of the Political, the sovereign enjoystherighttopolitics. And modern politics is defined by three notions: (1) a friend/enemy distinction, in which the enemy is the just enemy; (2) the sovereignty of both friend and enemy; and (3) war between the parties, in which...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2020) 119 (3): 655–663.
Published: 01 July 2020
... for autonomy that ensure survival at the margins of the death logic of neoliberal capitalism. d) The caravan as a strategy of migrant self-defense, of collective self-care (Glockner 2019), as a new type of migrant struggle. It is a form of recategorizing migrant political agency. Varela Huerta Notes...
Journal Article
South Atlantic Quarterly (2017) 116 (3): 606–611.
Published: 01 July 2017
... and authoritarian political forces are on the rise throughout the world, United States President Donald Trump has promised to roll back the “liberalism” of Barack Obama by repealing health care laws, building a wall along the Mexican border, and, as a postscript, rolling back LGBT recognition, including...