This essay presents a retrospective analysis of the experience of the migrant caravans that crossed Mesoamerica to the United States, using their bodies to defy the necropolitical border regime of states in the region. These caravans were a specific type of migrant struggle, led by families attempting to preserve life through their displacement. The text is an exercise of reflection based on accompanying the caravan on the ground and through cyber-ethnography, configuring what we call an “emergency anthropology.” Starting from questions that the march of these families provoked in us as we watched them cross Mexico, this essay calls on feminisms and women’s struggles from around the world to deploy a particular anti-racist feminism. This antiracist feminism embraces the migrant feminism of the women and children who, by migrating, materialize the horizon drawn by the Zapatistas when they challenge us to stay alive and to make our lives livable.

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