This essay argues that associating the developing climate disorder with a new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, is a trap to be resisted but that ignoring the way this disorder puts into question today's autonomy theory is not an option. The proposition to speak about an intrusion of Gaia is approached in the perspective of Félix Guattari's triple devastation, suggesting the necessity of a transversalization of anticapitalist struggles, be they “green” or “red,” and raising the question of the Marxist trust in capitalism unwittingly paving the way to socialism or to an irreversible process of collective autonomization. What capitalism has been paving the way to is a future of inhabiting ruins, and the question of autonomy cannot then be separated from that of a becoming able to regenerate destroyed practices that may make the difference between living and just surviving. Regeneration, when coupled with struggle, constitutes the very meaning of the idea of the activist practices of reclaiming, practices that should be understood not from a theoretical perspective but as an experimental art of the effects. Addressing theoreticians, the Deleuzo-Guattarian figure of the relayer is proposed as relevant when such an art is concerned. The reclaiming the commons movement is given as an example.

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