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Journal Article
Social Text (2019) 37 (3): 25–46.
Published: 01 September 2019
.... The article stages an encounter with the affective registers of refusal enacted in a genre of black visuality defined as still-moving-images. Still-moving-images hover between still and moving images and require the affective labor of feeling with or through them. The article concludes by expanding...
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Journal Article
Social Text (2019) 37 (1 (138)): 107–115.
Published: 01 March 2019
... . Sandweiss Martha . “ Still Picture, Moving Stories: Reconstruction Comes to Indian Country .” In Civil War Wests: Testing the Limits of the United States , edited by Arenson Adam Graybill Andrew R. , 158 – 78 . Berkeley : University of California Press , 2015 . Taylor N. G...
Journal Article
Social Text (2016) 34 (2 (127)): 45–70.
Published: 01 June 2016
... is a fixed overhead shot of Brandon lying motionless in his bed, staring off with empty eyes, a beautiful male corpse drained of any signs of vitality. It could almost be mistaken for a photographic still until the blinking of his eyelids signals a glimpse of movement. The moving image is no longer the image...
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Journal Article
Social Text (2018) 36 (3 (136)): 71–91.
Published: 01 September 2018
... In Virno’s work, the medium for these cognitive and communicative abilities is, above all, language. Jonathan Beller, however, argues that radical changes throughout the twentieth century, beginning with the advent of the moving image, have instead turned visual forms into the predominant medium...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (3 (132)): 1–16.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Laurel Ahnert This article interrogates artist Hasan Elahi’s claim that an increased supply of a surveillance commodity will decrease its demand, a premise that led to his web-based artwork Tracking Transience . As a form of “artveillance,” the website archives thousands of images documenting...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (3 (132)): 41–70.
Published: 01 September 2017
...-intensive process selects the most animated visual package. Thus, not only the performative register but also the very distinction between moving images and still images was being increasingly eroded. Compressed within an infinitesimal time stamp, the performative register becomes a mere suggestion, muted...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (4 (113)): 127–141.
Published: 01 December 2012
... invites further slants of perspective. The essay does not seek to distinguish reality from image, world from screen, the tangible from what is otherwise elusive. Instead, the essay seeks fidelity to the kind of experience into which cinema often leads: the sense of a life beyond or between oneself...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (2 (115)): 19–48.
Published: 01 June 2013
... as Rubble: Temporalities of Spectacular Destruction One of the most striking emblems of the entwinement of land appropria- tion and human surplusing within global neoliberalism is Jia Zhangke’s cinematic image of the Three Gorges Dam in Still Life (2006...
Journal Article
Social Text (2004) 22 (3 (80)): 133–150.
Published: 01 September 2004
... anyone living below the poverty line).3 The diagnosis is not new but still remains pressing: progressive move- ments sustain aggressively heteronormative and racist organizations and actions, while queer organizations suppress the interarticulated differences of gender, race...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (1 (130)): 101–121.
Published: 01 March 2017
... images and sensation. In the film, the speakers’ testimonies convey only the most basic plot points about their lives. But coupled with the camera’s extreme close-ups of faces and still shots that emphasize the material reality of their surroundings, these fragments take on a tactile quality...
Journal Article
Social Text (2004) 22 (4 (81)): 113–139.
Published: 01 December 2004
... of foregone conclusions from images read as if evidentiary. Therefore inscriptions. Then we come to “I still don’t believe my man is gone” (fi g. 7). This is a memorial on which Robin Kelley comments movingly.19 Here a felicitous public space of mourning/inscription is moving into that anonymous...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (3 (92)): 125–145.
Published: 01 September 2007
... worlds. Despite his framing narratives, the photographs assert the immediacy and contemporaneity of the work being done. Most of workers of his images do not draw on the classicizing gaze, turning the gestures of labor into composed still lives of muscle and metal, as in the Dunkirk...
Journal Article
Social Text (2001) 19 (1 (66)): 75–102.
Published: 01 March 2001
... the fact that departure offers to memory a relatively clear image of loss: one can say to oneself, “At this particular moment in this particular place, I lost these things.” This is a luxury, for usually losses are messier, more grad- ual, harder to pin down...
Journal Article
Social Text (2019) 37 (1 (138)): 27–50.
Published: 01 March 2019
... these images for the ways their sleeping figures lie around in public spaces but do not let you in on their dreamy interior life; they are exhausted for reasons that we cannot fully know but that we can imagine might be due to the stresses and maneuvers required to move through the world as racialized, marked...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (2 (115)): 123–143.
Published: 01 June 2013
... technologies of course moved from fingerprinting to DNA testing.) The pedophile appears on-screen in this last phase as an updated image of what Benjamin describes as a technological apparition of unme- diated reality. Harry Zohn’s 1968...
Journal Article
Social Text (2024) 42 (1 (158)): 105–122.
Published: 01 March 2024
.... SS: Right, since we're already at vision, let's move to the image. Key concepts like dialectical optics, dialectical image, and the nonrealist ways of seeing lead us throughout the book to critical openings. You beautifully weave what you call the “nonrealist way” of seeing in the Marxist tradition...
Journal Article
Social Text (2023) 41 (2 (155)): 1–18.
Published: 01 June 2023
... anything other than surface, but undercurrents still lurk. While this image exemplifies the imbrication of commodity, shine, and blackness that Thompson describes, it also allows us to theorize sweat. Technically speaking, sweat is the liquid that emerges from glands embedded in the skin...
Journal Article
Social Text (2018) 36 (1 (134)): 131–143.
Published: 01 March 2018
..., and when did modernity emerge? European history tells us that the advent of modernity was in 1648, with the Treaty of Westphalia. Europe moved from religious to secular societies through the emergence of sovereignty—each nation-state was entitled to its own religious self-determination, as it were. Carl...
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Journal Article
Social Text (2021) 39 (4 (149)): 7–26.
Published: 01 December 2021
... in our bodies because our muscles were releasing their hold, and the clenched look about everyone gave way to limpid faces and deep eyes. Neferti X. M. Tadiar Figure 2. Still from Aimee Meredith Cox's Moving Meditation . The video can be viewed at www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCyF6Ywu1Kg...
Journal Article
Social Text (2002) 20 (3 (72)): 45–65.
Published: 01 September 2002
...- industrial complex still remained intact and active, it was the soft side of the operation of the Cold War that had come to center stage in public discourse and imag- capital has the ination. To be sure, the Cold War, declared as an ideological and religious...