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Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (4 (113)): 55–80.
Published: 01 December 2012
...Vicente L. Rafael Much has been written about the vicissitudes of counterinsurgency as a crucial complement to counterterrorism in the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan since 2005. Such a strategy necessarily depends on the mastery of local languages by way of translation. This essay focuses...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (2 (119)): 25–51.
Published: 01 June 2014
...J. Martin Daughtry This essay explores the relationship between sound, violence, and the sensorium within the context of the recent war in Iraq. It argues that, at extreme volumes or in extreme psychosocial circumstances, wartime sounds become untethered from their indexicality, losing much or all...
Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (4 (101)): 1–23.
Published: 01 December 2009
... of the recent U.S. occupation of Iraq. As an examination of the vexed position of Iraqi translators working for the U.S. military shows, attempts to deploy American notions of translation in war have devolved instead into the circulation of what in fact remains untranslatable and so unassimilable to U.S...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 1–11.
Published: 01 June 2007
... warfare still enshrined in the mythic active-combat phase of the invasion of Iraq has been kept carefully uncontaminated by the brutal, chaotic realities of the occupation. According to its unstable temporal logic, the invasion of Iraq (20 March  –  1 May 2003), like the 100-hour 1991 Gulf War...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 39–52.
Published: 01 June 2007
...” It’s the Thought That Counts On 20 March 2003, the U.S. military, with minor assistance from Eng- land, Australia, and a smattering of other countries, invaded the state of Iraq with the avowed purpose of overthrowing the authoritarian and bru- tal government of Saddam Hussein and replacing...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (2 (75)): 125–140.
Published: 01 June 2003
... into the forces of freedom and “the evil ones.” The proposition articulated in the president’s January 2002 state of the union address that North Korea, Iran, and Iraq constitute an “axis of evil” may well be the most flawed and unsophisticated understanding of interna- tional affairs to have been offered...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 103–142.
Published: 01 June 2007
... for the particular forms of violence that occurred in Abu Ghraib and other spaces Ghraib state under U.S. military control in Iraq. And it is to that particular question that that most of I want to turn in the pages that follow. There is, as Pierre Clastres says...
Journal Article
Social Text (2018) 36 (4 (137)): 81–110.
Published: 01 December 2018
... of the disaster, not only as colonial or civil violence within Iraq, or in relation to Iraq’s wars with Iran or its invasion of Kuwait, or even as the violence of intervention, but as what Silva calls a “global mandate” that authorizes the international body of the United Nations to “facilitate global capital’s...
Journal Article
Social Text (2002) 20 (4 (73)): 1–18.
Published: 01 December 2002
... closely a govern- ment is allied with Washington, the more Islamic its politics. Egypt under Nasser, republican Iraq, the Palestine national movement, postinde- pendence Algeria, the Republic of South Yemen, and Ba’thist Syria all charted courses independent of the United States. None of them declared...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 169–180.
Published: 01 June 2007
... A group of insurgents screeches out of a dusty alleyway in an old pickup Ashley Dawson truck on a typical sweltering day in Iraq and begins lobbing mortars toward one of Baghdad’s primary power stations. Coalition forces are quickly deployed to quell the attack...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (2 (75)): 49–74.
Published: 01 June 2003
.... Prior to their arrival in Israel, Jews in Iraq, for example, had a differ- ent self-designation. They had thought of themselves as Jews but that Jewish identity was diacritical—it played off and depended on a relation to other communities. Hyphens, in a sense, were used to highlight diverse aspects...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (4 (77)): 1–7.
Published: 01 December 2003
... against Iraq not only is a violation of interna- tional law and the U.N. charter but forecloses consideration of other notions of global engagement precisely at the moment of their formation. In the context of this war, purgation requires...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 143–168.
Published: 01 June 2007
.... (war mongering Impressed by the power of the Pentagon, some “progressives” have advocated a coalition linking militarism, “cosmopolitanism,” and humani- banked as votes), tarian intervention in places like Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.3...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (4 (77)): 51–67.
Published: 01 December 2003
... used to suspend many people in a state of insecurity has been scapegoat- ing, which has failed to discriminate between high-profile enemies and price of duct-tape ordinary citizens. For example, to link the war against Iraq to the events of and plastic...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 13–22.
Published: 01 June 2007
... for this war is that it is joined by everyone everywhere, its century-long future borne as a calling in our present. Despite the assertion of Septem- ber 11 as its genesis, the war of which Bush speaks in my epigraph has been a long time in the making.1 Afghanistan and Iraq were the objects...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (2 (75)): 1–6.
Published: 01 June 2003
... and human dignity, of their personal security and political future, could instead be framed as a battle of civilization against terror, of democracy against hatred, of the West against Islam. Under the banner of the war on terror, the United States then announced its plans for a war against Iraq...
Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (3 (96)): 79–100.
Published: 01 September 2008
.... None of the three 2002 tapes, nor a tape that appeared on 10 February 2003 (shortly before Bush’s invasion of Iraq), was successfully verified through voiceprint techniques.4 Voiceprinting has a long history, and bin Laden’s status as a media...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (4 (77)): 127–138.
Published: 01 December 2003
... by impending war with Iraq and the plummeting economy. Even people far from the sniper’s epicenter, in places like Montana, worried that the sniper would generate copycat versions in their own neighborhoods.3 We, the society...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (1 (130)): 79–99.
Published: 01 March 2017
... On a fall afternoon in 2007, more than a year after Jake had been medically evacuated from Iraq to the US military’s iconic Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC, he and I sat perched on a seasonal grocery store display of pumpkins and haystacks in front of a nearby mall, talking and waiting...
Journal Article
Social Text (2004) 22 (3 (80)): 75–104.
Published: 01 September 2004
...” are the “primary victims of militarism and repression.” They write: Abroad, that war is waged on Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Colombia, Vieques, Puerto Rico, and other nations in the global South. “Endless war” crowns the economic embargos and sanctions, IMF/World Bank-generated debt...