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Published: 01 December 2022
Figure 1. Cedar Point Oil Field, Texas, 2013–14. More
Published: 01 December 2022
Figure 2. Cedar Point Oil Field, Texas, 2013–14, detail. More
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (4 (117)): 79–97.
Published: 01 December 2013
...Alex Lubin; Les W. Field; Melanie K. Yazzie; Jakob Schiller In May 2011, the Anthropology Department and the Department of American Studies at the University of New Mexico offered a class entitled “Technologies of Settler-Colonialism in Israel-Palestine.” This field school was designed...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (4 (145)): 149–156.
Published: 01 December 2020
...Eng-Beng Lim; Tavia Nyong’o The authors formulate “queer reconstellations” as a way to push the field of queer studies beyond its critical settlement in programmatic thinking that often organizes the field in predictable pathways. They also challenge those deviations that do not fundamentally...
Journal Article
Social Text (2010) 28 (2 (103)): 1–30.
Published: 01 June 2010
...Nicholas Thoburn Following recent research in historical and cultural studies of “the book” and the practitioner field of book arts, the book is now approached no longer only as a vehicle for content but as a rich and mutable material entity. But in this materialist framework, is it possible...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (2 (123)): 29–55.
Published: 01 June 2015
... analysts of the science and politics of race, such as Dorothy Roberts, Paul Gilroy, Nikolas Rose, and Karen Fields and Barbara Fields, the author shows how the distorted realism of science fiction can sharply illuminate the contradictory status of race—as an obsolete yet undead, true but false category...
Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (3 (96)): 11–37.
Published: 01 September 2008
... of a dynamic “interocular” field where apparitions, print media, and their painted spin-offs cycle seamlessly into each other. Additionally, the murals refract different scales and modes of visuality ranging from the evidentiary and bureaucratic State-seeing to the hypervisibility of media “spotlights...
Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (4 (97)): 51–76.
Published: 01 December 2008
...Jennifer C. Nash Saartjie Baartman's story has become central to black feminist theory and politics, serving as the primary analytic vehicle for explaining the violence that the dominant visual field inflicts on black female bodies. The re-telling of Baartman's story has also provided black...
Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (2 (99)): 105–131.
Published: 01 June 2009
... that then proliferate within a prevailing interpretive field that posits feminism and multiculturalism as irreconcilable goals. The emphasis in the essay is on reader reception as well as content: whereas some of the texts responsibly recognize and depict local specificities, that nuance often disappears as readers...
Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (2 (99)): 159–164.
Published: 01 June 2009
... with the dominant habits of American intellectual life, they should not conform to the American Geist . In academic fields, the notion of contribution is visible in the positive sciences but becomes more problematic in the humanities, where contribution appears not as a palpable result but as a reflection about...
Journal Article
Social Text (2010) 28 (4 (105)): 65–89.
Published: 01 December 2010
... network. This essay contends that, instead of instrumentally mobilizing networks to fight networks, the work of the critical imagination is better served by isolating the deep specificity of networks in their formal deployment across a number of discursive fields. To that end, the essay explores “network...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (3 (108)): 31–49.
Published: 01 September 2011
...Debali Mookerjea-Leonard Using exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen's novel Lajja ( Shame ), this essay addresses questions of the articulation of a vulnerable masculinity in the political arena. It contends that in South Asia the field of sectarian politics has become the site for asserting...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (4 (109)): 81–105.
Published: 01 December 2011
... place describes and includes, as a kind of phenomenological unconscious, a compelling and usually unstated idea of the human: that the (political, economic, or mimetic) cosmos of a work—any work—is the imaginative correlate of a distribution of humanness across the field of all bodies and thus...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (3 (108)): 127–138.
Published: 01 September 2011
... culture, an aesthetic field that is triangulated among the legacy of British colonialism, decolonization movements on the subcontinent, and the emergence of the United States as a global power. Such a visual perspective shifts our focus away from a dominant American-studies narrative of the United States...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (3 (112)): 97–121.
Published: 01 September 2012
... of primatology and within US popular culture between the 1910s and 1930s. Departing from Donna Haraway’s originary work on the field, this essay argues that primatology was in fact built upon preexisting scientific racial ideologies, such that the animals themselves became parsed according to racial...
Journal Article
Social Text (2019) 37 (4 (141)): 95–102.
Published: 01 December 2019
... logistics as a field of vitality. This dialogue with Deborah Cowen sums up and expands some of the main interpretative lines of research and action in logistics by insisting on the ways that the revolution in logistics has reshaped work and the conditions of work for those in positions or occupations...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (2 (143)): 97–119.
Published: 01 June 2020
... economy through multiple forms of human fungibility. Reading this intervention alongside and against her deployment of neural plasticity, the author reconsiders the relationship between race, gender, and class in the field of Wynter studies and argues for recentering the pieza framework in struggles...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (4 (145)): 25–47.
Published: 01 December 2020
...Petrus Liu This article argues that the development of queer theory as a field has been critically shaped by a desire to dissociate the studies of gender and sexuality from material concerns. Though what is meant by “the material” varies wildly from context to context, queer critiques...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (4 (145)): 1–24.
Published: 01 December 2020
...David L. Eng; Jasbir K. Puar “Left of Queer” examines historical and theoretical developments in the evolving field of queer studies since the 2005 Social Text special issue “What’s Queer about Queer Studies Now?” In particular, it focuses on three themes: first, it explores the possibilities...
Journal Article
Social Text (2021) 39 (1 (146)): 47–67.
Published: 01 March 2021
... pressures, demands, and imperatives—in the midst of the radical transformation of the material conditions that first produced its practices. Despite the increasingly limited ability for faculty to determine how their fields intersect with and are conditioned by forces beyond the confines of their carefully...