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cultural materialism

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Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (4 (101)): 67–94.
Published: 01 December 2009
... interpellation occurs through confrontations in the material world, through dances between people and things. © 2009 Duke University Press 2009 Dances with Things Material Culture and the Performance of Race Robin Bernstein In a photograph from Yale University’s Beinecke Rare Book and Manu- script...
Journal Article
Social Text (2016) 34 (3 (128)): 51–74.
Published: 01 September 2016
...Minh-Ha T. Pham This essay examines the contradictory politics around the appropriation of cultural material in the fashion world. While fashion does not qualify for copyright protection, a common set of copynorms based on socially accepted racial constructions of authorship, originality, creative...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (4 (125)): 109–130.
Published: 01 December 2015
....” It explores forms of historical storytelling across a broad range of cultural materials, from Chinese American activist Wong Chin Foo's 1874 “fugitive coolie” narrative and bilingual Spanish-Chinese labor contracts to the novels of contemporary writers such as Cristina García, Amitav Ghosh, Toni Morrison...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (2 (131)): 39–67.
Published: 01 June 2017
... of contemporary cultural materials (classics like the movies of John Waters and the early performances of Bette Midler, as well as such recent works as Zadie Smith’s novel White Teeth , the television show Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! , and music videos by Fergie, Nicki Minaj, and Psy) and show how...
Journal Article
Social Text (2024) 42 (4 (161)): 33–49.
Published: 01 December 2024
...Kerry Keith Abstract This article unpacks the material publication process of George Jackson's Soledad Brother. While much has been written on the enduring political and intellectual significance of this work, cultural materialist analysis can unpack how this book reached publication and why its...
Journal Article
Social Text (2010) 28 (2 (103)): 1–30.
Published: 01 June 2010
...Nicholas Thoburn Following recent research in historical and cultural studies of “the book” and the practitioner field of book arts, the book is now approached no longer only as a vehicle for content but as a rich and mutable material entity. But in this materialist framework, is it possible...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (1 (118)): 67–92.
Published: 01 March 2014
... but also for ecocritics interested in the cultural ramifications of environmental efforts to preserve indigenous agricultural resources, as well as postcolonial scholars interested in identifying situated material practices that are contributing to the global struggle for the decolonization of knowledge...
Journal Article
Social Text (2016) 34 (2 (127)): 125–141.
Published: 01 June 2016
... will nevertheless focus here on materialism, a theme particularly relevant to Jameson and twentieth-century cultural Marxism as a whole. Having fallen out of fashion, materialism is once again a topic of debate thanks to so-called new materialism and the ontological turn in contemporary theory. A capacious if also...
Journal Article
Social Text (2022) 40 (4 (153)): 125–151.
Published: 01 December 2022
... blackouts and brownouts due to the consumption of more energy than is available on the grid, 80 but WXYZ-TV's reporting manipulatively occludes the perspectives of individuals and communities denied access to the material, cultural, and social networks made possible by access to electricity. The news...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (3 (124)): 75–113.
Published: 01 September 2015
... compelling. This article follows Bowie's lead through an assemblage of material—songs, performances, film, and images, as well as historical and theoretical texts—to demonstrate how Bowie's cultural reading of Mick Jagger as mother resonates with the concerns of recent scholarship on race and psychoanalysis...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (1 (114)): 21–41.
Published: 01 March 2013
...Tryon P. Woods This essay explores the ethicopolitical context in which black art, black performance, black social movements, and black popular culture find expression. I configure the critical study of hip hop within an accounting of the materiality of antiblack sexual violence in which the modern...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (3 (120)): 87–107.
Published: 01 September 2014
... of culture,” Tylor thought about the limits of his own will in such a way as to systematize those limits. Culture was, by definition, a self-organizing spirit, a system whose strength derived from bodies in space and whose materiality was severe in its organizational effect. Might this spirit remain quite...
Journal Article
Social Text (2016) 34 (2 (127)): 89–107.
Published: 01 June 2016
... are visualizing or otherwise materializing the specificity of their contemporary geopolitical and geocultural situation in relation to capitalism. How might this specificity allow these artists to elucidate aspects of contemporary capitalism’s cultural logic that are all too often invisible to people living...
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Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (3 (108)): 93–124.
Published: 01 September 2011
... of it determine how cooperation will occur and to what ends) but the medium through which we come to imagine social relations. In this sense, money mediates between capital’s material and cultural worlds...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (4 (145)): 49–76.
Published: 01 December 2020
... and gender but also the cultural politics of liberalism; in turn, scholarship on the geopolitics of injury demonstrates the situatedness of both identity and economic forms. Brought together, these scholarly approaches provide an important lens on many of the contradictions of contemporary college campuses...
Journal Article
Social Text (2021) 39 (3 (148)): 1–16.
Published: 01 September 2021
.... Locating the afterlives of sexology in material and aesthetic form, this introduction to the special issue engages the largely unmarked detritus of a disaggregated sexological project, whose components have found renewed life in the biopolitical apparatus. The contributors to this issue identify not only...
Journal Article
Social Text (2023) 41 (1 (154)): 47–70.
Published: 01 March 2023
...Rachel Jane Carroll Abstract This article unspools the history of nylon as a commodity between two Black feminist cultural expressions, Senga Nengudi's R.S.V.P. series and Audre Lorde's Zami . The first popular petroleum‐derived synthetic fiber, nylon was a crucial material in building what Dwight...
Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (3 (100)): 123–127.
Published: 01 September 2009
...Livia Tenzer This essay surveys the feminist work published in Social Text over its thirty-year history, while noting an initial lack of interest in feminism among the journal's founders. It shows that early feminist work in the journal focused on cultural analysis, while later work engaged...
Journal Article
Social Text (2024) 42 (1 (158)): 1–26.
Published: 01 March 2024
... in the name of urban renewal. Their novels and artwork, respectively, provide some of the only uncovered (to date) literary and cultural representations of New York City's SROs. Pharr's and Weston's works memorialize rituals of survival that center care and interdependencies over and against competitive...
Journal Article
Social Text (2004) 22 (1 (78)): 17–33.
Published: 01 March 2004
... safe below belt. Sowetan , 7 December. ____. 2001b . Mixed feelings over chastity belt. Sowetan , 14 December. Crimmins, Barry. Baby rape: A survivor's story. Wounded Healer Journal. www.Twhj.com/092896.htm . Gilroy, Paul. 2001 . Driving while black. In Car cultures: Materializing culture...