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critical eating studies

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Journal Article
Social Text (2022) 40 (2 (151)): 93–111.
Published: 01 June 2022
..., and a photograph by Nayland Blake. [email protected] Copyright © 2022 by Duke University Press 2022 asexuality feedism Black feminist theory critical eating studies Scrolling through the bittersweet archive of my camera roll, I am drawn back here: When the video begins we're each holding up...
Journal Article
Social Text (2005) 23 (3-4 (84-85)): 171–191.
Published: 01 December 2005
... to think- ing race critically, a resistance that habitually classifies almost any form of race studies as a retreat into identity politics. This defensive posture helps entrench institutionally the transparent white subject characteristic of so much queer...
Journal Article
Social Text (2006) 24 (1 (86)): 81–102.
Published: 01 March 2006
... but, lacking his critical gaze, with a modicum of control over her reproductive life. However, the abortion administered by an uncertified practitioner in the next village compromised her health. Though I often stopped by to find her in tears, she remained one of my most garrulous interlocutors...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (3 (120)): 69–86.
Published: 01 September 2014
... project about the relations that bodies and environments have to food in urban India, based on studying eating in a lower-­class neighborhood, the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic dis- orders in clinics and hospitals, and the commercialization of food through its marketing. This article draws...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (4): 53–86.
Published: 01 December 2017
... of building quare studies by focusing not on black cultural production but, rather, on the history of racist practice itself. This is a sound and fair critique and represents a real challenge to the work of critical race theory and minoritarian political thinking as it seeks to carve out a space in the print...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (3 (76)): 135–153.
Published: 01 September 2003
... Hageman, in her introduction to Studies in Scottish Fiction: 1945 to the Present, writes that new Scottish fiction has little inter- est in defining “Scottish.” Reacting as contemporary writers do against Irvine Welsh’s Novel Subjectivities 137...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (4 (117)): 49–76.
Published: 01 December 2013
..., gold jewelry, and swept-­back hair give him the studied appearance of the eccentric impresario. The more subdued Oppong lives down the road. Before leading his own group, he became famous as a female impersonator, a crucial acting role in old concert...
Journal Article
Social Text (2005) 23 (3-4 (84-85)): 1–17.
Published: 01 December 2005
... time of war and death, and of U.S. unilat- eralismand corporate domination, queer studies now more than ever needs What does to refocus its critical attentions on public debates about the meaning of democracy and freedom, citizenship...
Journal Article
Social Text (2017) 35 (1 (130)): 37–57.
Published: 01 March 2017
... consequence). The difference for Timmie is that her inconsistencies matter because her actions are, or are felt to be, a critical commentary on the values of the world as it is. The tyranny of consistency has one primary and deceptively ordinary function: to exhaust—and I mean, literally, to make people...
Journal Article
Social Text (2005) 23 (3-4 (84-85)): np.
Published: 01 December 2005
.... Roderick A. Ferguson is an associate professor of race and critical the- ory in the Department of American Studies at the University of Minne- sota, Twin Cities. He is the author of Aberrations in Black: Toward a Queer of Color Critique (University of Minnesota Press, 2004...
Journal Article
Social Text (2001) 19 (3 (68)): 151.
Published: 01 September 2001
... of my life.” During Zé das Drogas’s administration, daily life in the recovery area was structured around worship and Bible studies; now the emphasis is on personal hygiene, civic values, eating well, total abstinence...
Journal Article
Social Text (2001) 19 (3 (68)): 131–149.
Published: 01 September 2001
... of my life.” During Zé das Drogas’s administration, daily life in the recovery area was structured around worship and Bible studies; now the emphasis is on personal hygiene, civic values, eating well, total abstinence...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (1 (118)): 93–113.
Published: 01 March 2014
... for the pie, along with the strawberries and apples we found at the last Dumpster. Or bake them with the yams we found there, with a little brown sugar. In among the soggy cardboard, only slightly sullied by coffee grounds, are untold post-­commodities: some beyond hope, some ready to eat, all purged...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (3 (120)): 29–48.
Published: 01 September 2014
... children — or, 34 Moreton · S’More Inequality more accurately, their teachers and their mothers. Among the most enthu- siastic popularizers of the marshmallow studies are the entrepreneurial critics of public schools. At the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) national chain...
Journal Article
Social Text (2023) 41 (4 (157)): 83–103.
Published: 01 December 2023
... . Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press , 1993 . Eng David L. “ The Value of Silence .” Theatre Journal 54 , no. 1 ( 2002 ): 85 – 94 . Espiritu Yen Le . “ Toward a Critical Refugee Study: The Vietnamese Refugee Subject in US Scholarship .” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 1...
Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (4 (101)): 67–94.
Published: 01 December 2009
... with the material world. The term scriptive thing integrates performance studies and “thing theory” by highlighting the ways in which things prompt, structure, or choreograph behavior. A knife, a camera, and a novel all invite—indeed, create occasions for—repetitions of acts, distinctive and meaningful motions...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (2 (115)): 49–68.
Published: 01 June 2013
... and contradictions. Through readings of Kindred (a time-travel novel about slavery and its afterlife) and “Bloodchild” (a short story about interspecies surrogacy) it suggests how representation of reproductive slavery and surrogacy might yet provide critical awareness of and new responses to neoliberal rationality...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (1 (74)): 1–5.
Published: 01 March 2003
... and communication technology in the construction of the child subject . Unpublished manuscript. Strong, Pauline Turner. 2002 . To forget their tongue,their name, and their whole relation: Captivity, extra-tribal adoption, and the Indian Child Welfare Act. In Relative values: Reconfiguring kinship studies...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (4 (113)): 81–102.
Published: 01 December 2012
... precipitates the colla as a category of abjection in which Indians are literally treated like shit.8 Social Text 113 • Winter 2012 8 3 Symbolic Elites, Discourse Trajectories, Register Formation In a study of the center...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 39–52.
Published: 01 June 2007
.... Of course, many critics of the war have insinuated that certain demands have been made: that access to Iraq’s considerable reserves of oil remains paramount, or that the U.S. government will insist on the permanent entrenchment of military bases in the country. They have doubted George W...