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Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (4 (109)): 1–27.
Published: 01 December 2011
...David L. Eng; Teemu Ruskola; Shuang Shen This introduction frames a special two-part issue consisting of eleven essays and a visual dossier, which collectively investigate the conceptual, political, historical, and cultural relationships between China and the human. By juxtaposing China...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (4 (109)): 29–56.
Published: 01 December 2011
... and selfishness are counterposed as the defining qualities, respectively, of superior persons and their inferior counterparts. I then consider this dyad as an argumentative device at work in actual and textual acts of dissent in post-Maoist China, focusing on an event that occurred during the student protest...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (4 (109)): 129–150.
Published: 01 December 2011
...Dai Jinhua This article reads a Chinese blockbuster film, City of Life and Death ([南京! 南京! Nanjing! Nanjing! ] dir. Lu Chuan, 2009), as an allegory of China and the human for contemporary China. This movie illustrates the historical entanglement...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (1 (110)): 1–25.
Published: 01 March 2012
...Douglas Howland This essay argues that the democratic centralism of the revolutionary People's Republic of China did produce a form of popular sovereignty. As the process that created the people as a political subject, democratic centralism produced popular sovereignty as an effect...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (1 (110)): 51–69.
Published: 01 March 2012
...Camille Robcis This article examines Louis Althusser's writings on China and Maoism in conjunction with his structural rereading of Marx, both of which occurred during the 1960s. In particular, I focus on the role of contradictions, antihumanism, and ideology in Althusser's texts of this period. I...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (1 (110)): 71–89.
Published: 01 March 2012
... understanding of the historical phenomenon of queer human rights discourse in and against China. I analyze this discourse as the political instrument that allows the Republic of China (ROC) to distinguish itself from the People's Republic of China (PRC). As my narrative shows, Taiwan has indeed made some civic...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (1 (110)): 91–108.
Published: 01 March 2012
...Ackbar Abbas A visual dossier on China and the human cannot just focus on recognizable human figures like the dissident, the human rights activist, or the victims of state violence, important as these figures are. There are also emergent figures that the new China is producing out...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (1 (110)): 143–157.
Published: 01 March 2012
... an understanding of human beings as interrelated individual subjects but one differing from Western notions of individualism. The idea of Da Tong, for instance, carried an idealistic, utopian charge. It was foundational for Chinese visions of revolution that aimed to change China not by embracing modernity...
Journal Article
Social Text (2009) 27 (3 (100)): 63–66.
Published: 01 September 2009
...David L. Eng; Teemu Ruskola How should we go about interpreting, reading, and understanding “China” as a social text, in the face of persistent Orientalism and self-Orientalism, in an age when the ghosts of socialism are still all around us? Given its semicolonial history and its passage through...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (4 (109)): 57–79.
Published: 01 December 2011
...Magnus Fiskesjö Until the mid-twentieth century, the written Chinese names for China's “barbarian” others included components that purposefully classified such people with animals. This long-lived official definition of ethnic others as subhuman was accomplished by using a range of standard...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (3 (144)): 1–26.
Published: 01 September 2020
...Corey Byrnes This article centers on cultures of anxiety and threat across the Pacific. Threat is an especially useful category for writing about a “rising” China, which is often imagined both as a site of localized environmental ruination that prefigures imminent global collapse and as a source...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (2 (107)): 21–46.
Published: 01 June 2011
...Joshua Neves This essay supplements a growing body of work on domestic television in China by exploring some histories of the screen outside the home. Rooted in Olympic-era Beijing, this discussion converges around three intermedial contexts: (1) contemporary art and exhibition; (2) nondomestic...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (4 (109)): 81–105.
Published: 01 December 2011
...Eric Hayot This essay argues that the work of Chinese film director Jia Zhangke constitutes an important commentary on the relationship between globalization, humanness, and China. It begins with a discussion of Jia's relationship to international art-house and documentary realism, focusing...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (1 (110)): 27–50.
Published: 01 March 2012
...Shu-mei Shih This essay brings into dialectical consideration the relationship between postsocialism and posthumanism in China through the life story of Marxist humanism from the global 1960s to the present across Eastern Europe, France, and the United States. It especially foregrounds the American...
Journal Article
Social Text (2018) 36 (2 (135)): 107–122.
Published: 01 June 2018
... discourse to exist. It does so through what may seem to be an unusual set of objects: the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy of books. The popular, middle-brow appeal of Crazy Rich Asians (2013) and its successor volumes China Rich Girlfriend (2015) and Rich People Problems (2017) acts as register of the many...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (2 (115)): 19–48.
Published: 01 June 2013
... neoliberalism as exemplified in the cinema of Jia Zhangke and Brillante Mendoza and situated within the regional context shared by China and the Philippines. I look at the practices of attention of these filmmakers and the specific forms of rendering what I call “life-times” of disposability, life-producing...
Journal Article
Social Text (2010) 28 (4 (105)): 45–63.
Published: 01 December 2010
... of safety, fear, and threat. The analysis works through three different media productions that intersect with contemporary concerns of governance and economy: an advertising spread for clothing, a magazine article about cyber labor in China, and billboard advertisements for storage services. Assessing...
Journal Article
Social Text (2022) 40 (4 (153)): 153–179.
Published: 01 December 2022
...? China Miéville's story “Covehithe” mobilizes the literary imagination to depict sunken oil platforms as revenant and reproductive organisms that pose new questions about relationships among humans, nature, and technology, and about the care, responsibility, and politics such forms of life demand...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (1 (74)): 29–55.
Published: 01 March 2003
... . The children can't wait: China's emerging model for intercountry adoption . Cambridge, Mass.: China Seas. Chang, Kimberly. 2001 . Personal communication. Chen, Vivia. 1999 . No recipe for being Chinese-American. Families with Children from China 6 : 17 -18. Davies, Lindsay. 2000 . Navel gazing...
Journal Article
Social Text (2002) 20 (3 (72)): 45–65.
Published: 01 September 2002
... categories. One set idealizes a long tradition of Chinese cultural heritage and the other is mostly narrative accounts of harrowing experiences of living in contemporary China. Books like Red Azalea by Anchee Min, White Swan by Jung Chang, and Red Flower of China by Zhai Zhenhua form a genre...