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Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (3 (96)): 59–78.
Published: 01 September 2008
...Maria José A. de Abreu This essay examines what a seemingly trivial bodily reaction such as goose bumps tells us about the relation between spirituality, technology, and voice. Based on ethnographic research, the article examines the media ministry of a Brazilian priest named Padre Marcelo Rossi...
Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (3 (96)): np.
Published: 01 September 2008
... Christianity in Postconflict Ambon Patricia Spyer 11 Cultures of Death: Media, Religion, Bioethics  •  Charles Hirschkind 39 Goose Bumps All Over: Breath, Media, and Tremor Maria José A. de Abreu 59 Enemy Voice  •  Jonathan Sterne 79 Ahmed Deedat and the Form of Islamic Evangelism...
Journal Article
Social Text (2001) 19 (3 (68)): 115–129.
Published: 01 September 2001
... but an expressive out- burst that comes from a numbing of the face. To support their thesis, they observed an anomalous bump on her right hand, between thumb and forefinger. So how has the image of this woman stayed in fashion for four...
Journal Article
Social Text (2005) 23 (1 (82)): 37–42.
Published: 01 March 2005
... behind plate glass that seduces, suspending much of narration. LA in the permanent fetish state of the photograph, whispering “look but don’t touch,” demanding privacy, retreat, and emotional disengagement. In LA, when strangers bump into each other on trains, buses, or streets, it evokes...
Journal Article
Social Text (2010) 28 (1 (102)): 107–124.
Published: 01 March 2010
... Lisa Velez.12 This making light of freestyle indicates the refusal of certain lines of descendants that make music and a general neglect of their influence. They are perceived as frivolous, incon- sequential bumps in the masculinist lineage that has been perpetuated by much of music...
Journal Article
Social Text (2024) 42 (1 (158)): 81–101.
Published: 01 March 2024
... Invasion” ; City of Cape Town, “Empolweni Land Invasion.” 4. Plato, “Land Invasions Hampering Delivery.” Plato occupied the position of city mayor for two, nonconsecutive terms: May 2009–June 2011 and November 2018–October 2021. 5. eNCA, “Cape Town Mayor.” 6. Bump and Bennett...
Journal Article
Social Text (2003) 21 (4 (77)): 127–138.
Published: 01 December 2003
... hostage. The siege dragged on for days, usually reported on page three of the New York Times, with accounts of the sniper on page one. What bumped Mos- cow’s story to the front page was its final solution to the hostage crisis. Deftly and ruthlessly the Russians pumped an as yet undisclosed poison gas...
Journal Article
Social Text (2005) 23 (3-4 (84-85)): 57–68.
Published: 01 December 2005
... and temporal alterity, but its “feelings” are both unpleasant and at one remove from the body (with the exception of goose bumps). Perhaps more important, the productive sense of alternate times in the uncanny—so fruitful for postcolonial theory—centers on the distinctly...
Journal Article
Social Text (2006) 24 (2 (87)): 21–33.
Published: 01 June 2006
... that cannot be forgotten or ignored? What to do with those cracks and bumps and detours on the highways and byways of national his- tory that seemed smooth from a safe retrospective distance? The answer: a virtual history that can be modified after periodic tastes. This is the more dangerous, if less...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (2 (111)): 43–74.
Published: 01 June 2012
... of a turbaned Barack and a fully armed-­ with-­afro Michelle Obama bumping fsts inside the Oval Offce while an American fag burns under a hanging portrait of Osama bin Laden (fg. 3). This image portrays a malicious intention, carefully hidden by Michelle 50...
Journal Article
Social Text (2016) 34 (2 (127)): 71–87.
Published: 01 June 2016
... is to be defined as the capacity to shudder, as if goose bumps were the first aesthetic image.” 3 In relation to the schemas and stereotypes of gendered and sexual life on television, we quiver and respond, and it is in this spectrum that I locate queer television. 4 It is not, then, merely a choice to write...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (3 (120)): 11–28.
Published: 01 September 2014
... mother had called the pastor. Earlier that month, on the outskirts of town, she had bumped into the pastor’s hunting party (grupo de cacería). This is what the industry calls the four or five men tapped to collect users from the streets. More often than...
Journal Article
Social Text (2006) 24 (3 (88)): 35–54.
Published: 01 September 2006
.... And then I bump into her in a restaurant with her communities was husband and her two kids. . . . She could have said that first night she met someone she liked to get together. And the husband was clueless, not knowing their ability to that she had slept with the guy...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (4 (145)): 125–147.
Published: 01 December 2020
... formations tend to emerge from the jostling or bumping up against one another of competing ideas. In this regard, the sibling rivalry narrative overlaid onto trans and queer theory has some truth and substance. Although I’d not want to hazard a clear line of demarcation around the question of material...
Journal Article
Social Text (2004) 22 (4 (81)): 91–112.
Published: 01 December 2004
... are constituted within the limits of the networks that bump up against each other there. Sufi religious brotherhoods, Lebanese business- men, Ibo traders, and Hausa politicians are based in Kano but embedded in their own discrete networks that extend in different directions worldwide. Space in this account...
Journal Article
Social Text (2000) 18 (2 (63)): 59–82.
Published: 01 June 2000
...- ing for The Barry Miller Show, one of the “realistic” dramas which would have been bumped to late night if the “family hour” scheme had succeeded. See Eric Barnouw, Tube of Plenty: The Evolution of American Television, 2d rev. ed. (New...
Journal Article
Social Text (2014) 32 (2 (119)): 25–51.
Published: 01 June 2014
... melody, or a military march, or a throbbing beat, or a bump in the night, or the caress or sucker punch of a well-­timed word. Our bodies are uniquely attuned to sounds; they are frequently driven by sounds into drastic states. Under normal circumstances...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 53–79.
Published: 01 June 2007
... colonialism in the name of bringing law, religion, and industry to native peoples. Colonial atrocities, within this logic, are always either disavowed altogether or else acknowledged as highly regrettable bumps on the difficult road to civilization. In its pessimistic Conradian variation...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (3 (124)): 75–113.
Published: 01 September 2015
... for a virtuosic dance solo, then bump and grind with Jagger, holding him around the waist, groin to groin. The visual effect is both homoerotic and heteromiscegenous — a black man in a towering afro (wig) dirty dancing with a diminutive white woman...