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Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (1 (94)): 29–58.
Published: 01 March 2008
... Press 2008 When Home Is a Camp Global Sovereignty, Biopolitics, and Internally Displaced Persons Kalpana Rahita Seshadri Never to go home again, for this was home!  — Derek Walcott, “Exile” Only in a world in which the spaces of states have been thus perforated...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (2 (123)): 29–55.
Published: 01 June 2015
... of political inclusion and thereby exemplifies a new biopolitical paradigm that decisively breaks from the regime of modern biopower theorized by Michel Foucault. This claim forms the nucleus of highly charged debates across a range of disciplines about the political stakes invested in the recent...
Journal Article
Social Text (2006) 24 (1 (86)): 127–152.
Published: 01 March 2006
...Julian Reid Duke University Press 2006 Life Struggles WAR, DISCIPLINE, AND BIOPOLITICS IN THE THOUGHT OF MICHEL FOUC AULT...
Journal Article
Social Text (2007) 25 (2 (91)): 53–79.
Published: 01 June 2007
...Leerom Medovoi Duke University Press 2007 Global Society Must Be Defended BIOPOLITICS WITHOUT BOUNDARIES Peace and War: Governmentality as a Military Project Leerom Medovoi...
Journal Article
Social Text (2013) 31 (1 (114)): 63–81.
Published: 01 March 2013
...Ashley Dawson Contemporary modes of biopolitical manipulation and commodification entail a radically new political economy of nature, a wholesale shift from the laws of biological evolution and development that have subtended much of the temporal imagination of modernity. In place of the notions...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (2 (143)): 1–17.
Published: 01 June 2020
...Kyla Schuller; Jules Gill-Peterson; Kyla Schuller; Jules Gill-Peterson In this special issue, the contributors argue that plasticity, the capacity of living systems to generate and take on new forms, is a central axis of biopolitical governance. While plasticity has a specific meaning in the life...
Journal Article
Social Text (2010) 28 (4 (105)): 45–63.
Published: 01 December 2010
...Patricia Ticineto Clough; Craig Willse Drawing from theories of affect economies as well as discussion of biopolitical distributions of life and death, this essay explores the public mediation of gendered security and national security in terms of a political branding that circulates notions...
Journal Article
Social Text (2012) 30 (4 (113)): 1–24.
Published: 01 December 2012
...Shane Vogel This essay develops a theoretical framework of biopolitical performance, or more simply bioperformance , with which to approach the 1957 televised broadcast of Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn’s A Drum Is a Woman . Presented on the drama anthology program The United States Steel Hour...
Journal Article
Social Text (2021) 39 (3 (148)): 1–16.
Published: 01 September 2021
...Joan Lubin; Jeanne Vaccaro Abstract Is sexology over? What does one do with its history, at once a seemingly remote relic and a persistent logic of biopolitics today? “Sexology and Its Afterlives” begins from the premise that the history of sexology lives in the infrastructures of the present...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (2 (143)): 73–96.
Published: 01 June 2020
..., represents both the promise of freedom from race and a biopolitical imperative. Even as UNESCO sought to dispel the scientific racism it associated most closely with Nazism, the statement’s privileging of plasticity accommodated and extended strategies of colonial racial management. While UNESCO’s antiracism...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (3 (108)): 51–72.
Published: 01 September 2011
... see the bright, moving images of the young. Some find them unbearable to watch but most feed on them as they might a drug. — P. D. James, The Children of Men Giorgio Agamben’s work on biopolitics, the political regulation and gen- eration of biological life, and his theory...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (1 (106)): 3–14.
Published: 01 March 2011
... take the human subject as its dominant object of analysis. Informed by queer, disability, critical race, and postcolonial theory, it marks a biopolitics that acknowledges how interspecies relations form the often unmarked basis upon which scholarly inquiry organizes its objects, political interventions...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (3 (124)): 45–73.
Published: 01 September 2015
... discourses will produce new biopolitical failures — trans of color, for one instance. Susan Stryker and Aren Z. Aizura call the “production of transgender whiteness” a “process of value extraction from bodies of color” that occurs both nationally...
Journal Article
Social Text (2004) 22 (3 (80)): 1–23.
Published: 01 September 2004
..., these technologies are registering certain political, economic, and cultural tendencies while provoking shifts in thought: in politics, from disciplining to biopolitical control; in economy, from the productivity of human laborers...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (1 (142)): 89–107.
Published: 01 March 2020
...Nicole Charles Bourgeoning technological advances in biomedicine profoundly animate modern biopolitical understandings of risk and protection and related ways of knowing, offering, and seeking care. But what might it mean to embody protection by means of suspicion toward these very...
Journal Article
Social Text (2022) 40 (2 (151)): 69–92.
Published: 01 June 2022
... threats, but which also potentiates their mobility. The observation, found in the editor's introduction to “Left of Queer,” that “biopolitics of race and sex function on a global scale to securitize and even militarize bodies and borders” 3 guides the intervention that permeates these pages...
Journal Article
Social Text (2020) 38 (4 (145)): 1–24.
Published: 01 December 2020
... nonreferential manner, the radical potential of queer critique has often turned on its analyses of gender and sex as “racial arrangements,” indexing complex histories and contingent futures of racial capitalism. 4 “Left of Queer” continues these analyses by considering how the biopolitics of race and sex...
Journal Article
Social Text (2011) 29 (1 (106)): 127–149.
Published: 01 March 2011
... this imagined transspecies torture scene within an emergent posthumanist utopianism among state and capital formations and critiques posthumanist discourses that celebrate the alterity of animal bodies as a signpost for an affirmative biopolitics. Arguing that animal life is too often mobilized by state...
Journal Article
Social Text (2015) 33 (2 (123)): 1–27.
Published: 01 June 2015
... of slavery, settler colonialism, and eugenics have featured the genocidal necropolitics or thanatopolitics that a number of critics have identified as the underside of Foucauldian biopolitics.10 Yet hypohabilita- tion has also increasingly attended the American...
Journal Article
Social Text (2008) 26 (1 (94)): 95–114.
Published: 01 March 2008
... how the “concerns” of health care get construed in bioscientific accounts of HIV/AIDS and reconsider what the salient biopolitical dimensions of health and life actually are. © 2008 Duke University Press 2008 Immune Communities, Common Immunities Ed Cohen The choice...