Creating the conditions for neurodiversity in the university is not about creating a space for difference, a space where difference sequesters itself. It is about attuning to the undercommon currents of creative dissonance and asymmetrical experience always already at work in, across, and beyond the institution. It is about becoming attentive to the ways in which the production of knowledge in the register of the neurotypical has always been resisted and queered despite the fact that neurotypical forms of knowledge are rarely addressed or defined as such. It is about exploring a juncture, a cut I perceive in the here and now, a change I want to linger with, that puts the university at risk in the very same gesture that it puts neurodiversity at risk. It is about asking what happens when the turn toward neurodiversity begins to be felt in a way that neurotypicality is truly threatened.
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September 01 2018
Me Lo Dijo un Pajarito: Neurodiversity, Black Life, and the University as We Know It
Erin Manning
Erin Manning
Erin Manning is author of The Minor Gesture (2016). She is professor in fine arts at Concordia University and director of SenseLab ( Current art projects are focused on the concept of the minor gesture in relation to color and movement.
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Social Text (2018) 36 (3 (136)): 1–24.
Erin Manning; Me Lo Dijo un Pajarito: Neurodiversity, Black Life, and the University as We Know It. Social Text 1 September 2018; 36 (3 (136)): 1–24. doi:
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