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Journal Article
Small Axe (2011) 15 (2 (35)): 59–77.
Published: 01 July 2011
... and New York, this essay explores gendered and routinized modes of travel across sites of migration that displace the home-away dyad. How might we explain these visits to Caribbean people in places other than the Caribbean and to Caribbean places in North America? How might we account for the prominence...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2013) 17 (3 (42)): 182–192.
Published: 01 November 2013
...Vanessa Agard-Jones As we consider the points of articulation between and among scales of analysis, Michel-Rolph Trouillot's theorization of how small places matter in the world, and further, of how seemingly marginal people might be central to our understanding of systems of power, remains...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2020) 24 (3 (63)): 164–180.
Published: 01 November 2020
... and institutions in Jamaica might tell us about the literary 1950s. Beginning by rethinking the historiographical gaze toward London, the author then raises key questions about what the narrative of the founding of the English department at the University College of the West Indies and the work of Focus magazine...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (1): 75–89.
Published: 01 March 2009
...Rinaldo Walcott The attempt to narrate and represent a coherent black masculinity in its singularity is in part what I want to respond to in this essay. But even more, I want to suggest that thinking about a range and variety of black manhoods and masculinities might provide analysts with a set...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2011) 15 (3 (36)): 22–38.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Myriam J. A. Chancy This investigation addresses the degree to which African diasporic writers might free the term travel from its etymology. Chancy is interested in how shifts in social class for descendents of those formerly termed “subaltern” have occasioned concomitant shifts...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2018) 22 (3 (57)): 47–55.
Published: 01 November 2018
... studies and security studies that might lead to keen interventions in both fields. The concept first allows us to talk about military praxis (and in particular, guerilla warfare) as a key part of the Maroon experience and narrative but also, at the same time, allows us to link this to strategies...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2008) 12 (1): 169–181.
Published: 01 February 2008
...Krista A. Thompson Are there intrinsic and unique ways of representing the “visual atmospherics” of the Caribbean? Might phenomenological studies of embodied perception offer insight into distinct forms of Caribbean visuality? How would contrapuntal interpretations of colonial archives result...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (1 (58)): 195–207.
Published: 01 March 2019
.... Ada Ferrer’s Freedom’s Mirror: Cuba and Haiti in the Age of Revolution uses extensive primary source documentation alongside an evocative prose style that allows for speculative possibilities. Despite silences in the historical record, how might free and enslaved blacks in Saint-Domingue and Cuba have...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (3 (30)): 74–83.
Published: 01 November 2009
... of the world are in constant connectedness to each other, capitalism being only the crudest example of this reality. Finally Chamoiseau queries the extent to which the term `postcolonial' can be a useful one for formerly colonised peoples, given the risk that it might sanctify or give undue prominence...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2010) 14 (3 (33)): 33–44.
Published: 01 November 2010
...Michaël F. Ferrier At first sight Japan would appear to be what might be called “degree zero of `creolity' ”. By geographical chance but also as a result of the vicissitudes of its history—Japan was closed to almost all foreign penetration from the 17 th to the 19 th century— the particular laws...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2011) 15 (3 (36)): 1–21.
Published: 01 November 2011
... “specificity” but rather as a basis for such relation, offering a sophisticated poetic articulation of how an open community grounded not on identity but on strategic alliance might look. It is precisely in a moment of defeat, or failure, at a time defined by “living without an alternative,” that Texaco...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2010) 14 (1 (31)): 200–211.
Published: 01 March 2010
... of sunlight that allow us to create a usable Jamaican past in which even planters might have some place. Small Axe, Inc. 2010 Jamaica as America, America
as Jamaica: Hauntings from
the Past in Vincent Brown’s
The Reaper’s Garden
Trevor Burnard
Edward Long’s brilliant history of Jamaica...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2014) 18 (2 (44)): 36–52.
Published: 01 July 2014
..., loudspeakers, words, and sounds become actants in this story. This essay looks at what difference they made in the waning moments of British rule in Jamaica and whether it might it be useful to attend to the role of sound in discussions of governance and colonial encounters. © Small Axe, Inc. 2014 “Let...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2014) 18 (1 (43)): 173–180.
Published: 01 March 2014
...Rivke Jaffe This essay engages with Exceptional Violence and builds on Deborah Thomas's attention to state formation, statecraft, and political community to tentatively explore how “the state” has featured in Caribbean studies and what the role of Caribbeanist anthropologists has been and might...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2017) 21 (3 (54)): 43–47.
Published: 01 November 2017
... of the making of a “modern” Jamaica has been crucial to a nationalist historiography—a paradigm that might be less cogent in the contemporary period. © Small Axe, Inc. 2017 1960s identity race independence These notes sketch, in a preliminary way, a gradually evolving project that literary...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2018) 22 (2 (56)): 1–17.
Published: 01 July 2018
... discussion of (ethno)technology and futurology as well as work by Aimé Césaire and Antonio Benítez-Rojo all address the dually oppressive and liberatory roles that emergent technologies—from the sugar mill to the World Wide Web—have played and might continue to play in past, present, and future Caribbean...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (1 (58)): 208–219.
Published: 01 March 2019
... of the interactions explored in Freedom’s Mirror points to the possibility that, even in more ordinary times, stakeholders in Caribbean slave societies paid substantial attention to political and social developments among their regional neighbors. New studies in Caribbean comparative slavery might well focus more...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (3 (60)): 185–193.
Published: 01 November 2019
...Christopher Taylor This essay serves as a response to the review essays by Adom Getachew and Petal Samuel on the author’s 2018 Empire of Neglect: The West Indies in the Wake of British Liberalism . Exploring how the history of liberal capitalism that Empire of Neglect tells might afford critical...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2015) 19 (3 (48)): 102–120.
Published: 01 November 2015
... into the same heritage? What is the proper time and place of a poet or a poem? What is the work of legacy? How might the effort to memorialize a poet detach us from the material conditions of his or her emergence? © Small Axe, Inc. 2015 René Char Edouard GLissant Saint John Perse Martinique...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2016) 20 (1 (49)): 155–163.
Published: 01 March 2016
... registers, the essay begins with the author's analytic and affective responses to the book, before posing some questions it raises. Specifically, it asks for further explorations of our understanding of the publics generated by performances of Cuban music, in particular publics that might be critical...