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Published: 01 July 2019
Figure 3 Ex Mente II , 2019; mixed media on paper, 16 × 20 in. More
Journal Article
Small Axe (2004) 8 (2): 170–178.
Published: 01 September 2004
... that certain segments of Jamaica’s society are not qualifi ed to judge Redemption Song was not uncommon among commentators who supported the monu- ment. Some attempted to explain the negative reaction of some Jamaicans by saying that the monument’s detractors did not understand its symbolism, and were...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (2 (2)): 115–122.
Published: 01 July 2019
...Figure 3 Ex Mente II , 2019; mixed media on paper, 16 × 20 in. ...
FIGURES | View All (7)
Journal Article
Small Axe (2001) 5 (2): 21–40.
Published: 01 September 2001
... Persram GOVERNMENTALITY 5 ere has been a great deal of interest recently accorded to the notion of governmental- ity. In contrast to classical political philosophy, which is concerned with the legitimate foundations of political sovereignty and political obedience—that is, the best govern- ment...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2004) 8 (1 (15)): 63–81.
Published: 01 March 2004
... and the nature of its interaction with the public include the WPA launching program, “Bread & Justice,” by C. Y. Th omas, and Eusi Kwayana’s speech-cum-docu- ment “Racial Insecurity in the Political System.” Th e two documents were published in 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 6644 1978...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2010) 14 (1 (31)): 228–230.
Published: 01 March 2010
... doctorate in the Depart- ment of Art, Art History, and Visual Studies at Duke University, Durham, where she focuses on African diasporic art, with an emphasis on Caribbean performance traditions. Her disserta- tionTrinidad is titled Carnival.” “Carnival Is Woman!: Gender, Performance, and Visual Culture...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (3 (30)): 128–136.
Published: 01 November 2009
... reality. As to the rest, he’s lying. First, his chronology. 5 December 2003: Police surround the grounds of the Faculté des Sciences Humaines. Cameras from around the world and the victims watch in amaze- ment as the police let in chimères, who break the rector’s legs with iron bars, rough up...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2004) 8 (2): 137–153.
Published: 01 September 2004
... of Redemption Song in 2003. Arguably the most visually striking element of Facey Cooper’s sculpture is the treat- ment of mass and volume in the bodies of the male and female fi gures. Th e approach to the bodies in Redemption Song exemplifi es a shift in Facey Cooper’s work since the start...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2008) 12 (1): 93–104.
Published: 01 February 2008
... even as Drayton and Carr promoted the issue across the board, American officials in Guyana worked specifically to deny them permanent academic appoint- ments. “Embassy has successfully used its influence to prevent granting of tenure” to the British pair, the American diplomats...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2004) 8 (1 (15)): 242–244.
Published: 01 March 2004
... ironic. Her subsequent return to and reengage- ment with her own place of birth, in Wales, is a kind of mirroring back of her father’s journeys. Th ere are many fascinating aspects to this story, not least the enriching and com- plicating of the social history of Wales...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2004) 8 (1 (15)): 245–247.
Published: 01 March 2004
... ironic. Her subsequent return to and reengage- ment with her own place of birth, in Wales, is a kind of mirroring back of her father’s journeys. Th ere are many fascinating aspects to this story, not least the enriching and com- plicating of the social history of Wales...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2007) 11 (1): 17–38.
Published: 01 February 2007
... is a Nobler Object than a Gorgeous Slave.” Donovan consistently criticized a host of govern- ment policies that he felt were not in the best interests of Grenadians at large. Moreover, he increasingly advocated local representation in the legislature and town and parochial coun- cils. Under his editorship...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2004) 8 (2): v–x.
Published: 01 September 2004
... and Remembrance,” Laurence Brown docu- ments the debates and representational challenges of monuments to these events in other islands.² From the statue of the abolitionist Victor Schoelcher in Martinique (1904), the emancipation monument associated with slave revolt leader Bussa in Barbados...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2007) 11 (3): 130–138.
Published: 01 October 2007
... offset by compromises. Alexander pays tribute to the Caribbean Association for Feminist Action and Research and Action (CAFRA) and Develop- ment Alternatives for Women (DAWN) in Pedagogies—organizations that were critical to the formation of feminists, including herself, and senior...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (3 (30)): 161–173.
Published: 01 November 2009
... “idea and a move- ment” open to all who “wanted to bring about change,” including the bourgeoisie, the army, and the Catholic Church (90–91). Aristide never made it clear how those dominant interests would be reconciled with those of the broad popular movement that demanded...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (1): 50–74.
Published: 01 March 2009
... with technologies of vision believed for centuries—by the West—to be under the West’s control. With the Enlighten- ment, seeing was made equivalent with knowing, and the eye became the privileged organ of knowledge and authority. The power to see became equated with the power to know...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (1): 112–134.
Published: 01 March 2009
... to him that same year. Through a series of narrative emplot- ments centered on particular figures that existed in different times of the island’s past, the new focus on national heroes attempted to create a mnemonic, national community. Such focus created “sacred periods” of the past that were made...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2003) 7 (1): 72–94.
Published: 01 March 2003
... for them through reasonably democratic elections and involve- OObikabika GGrayray ment in the party system.³ A second shock produced by the current crisis is the realization that neither pro- found failure nor the indecency...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2006) 10 (3): 70–86.
Published: 01 October 2006
.... While Confiant’s literary works offer more complex treatments of cultural fragmentation, this affirmation is problematic because he ignores the possibilities for cultural impoverish- ment as a result of the deliberate obliteration or unconscious repression of cultural fragments...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2011) 15 (3 (36)): 89–98.
Published: 01 November 2011
... resonating at the core of our evolution and informing the way we relate to ourselves and eventually to others. If the portrait is literally a poor-trait of an individual and so being “less than” in facsimile, can the portrayal be “more than” because of the engage- ment? The portrait then becoming...