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literary criticism

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Journal Article
Small Axe (2017) 21 (3 (54)): 188–202.
Published: 01 November 2017
...Edna Acosta-Belén This commentary is inspired to a large degree, but not solely, by literary critic Vanessa Pérez-Rosario's remarkable book Becoming Julia de Burgos: The Making of a Puerto Rican Icon . Aiming to undertake a historical and critical engagement with some aspects of Pérez-Rosario's...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2012) 16 (2 (38)): 75–85.
Published: 01 July 2012
... the significance of its publication venue. Donnell attends to Baugh's own standing in the highly charged field of Caribbean literary criticism as a critic of both Walcott and Naipaul, and acknowledges his creative contribution to this field as a poet. She also considers how, in the years between the original...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2008) 12 (2): 133–148.
Published: 01 June 2008
... but also a pithy commentary on the structure of the nation-state, meaning all nation-states, not only the polity of Haiti. The text was consequently misread by literary critics whose stereotype of Haitians and belief in nationalism influenced their mean-spirited dismissals of the novel. This paper rereads...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2024) 28 (2 (74)): 73–78.
Published: 01 July 2024
...Nadia Ellis This essay reflects on Carolyn Cooper’s research on Afro-Jamaican feminisms via literary history, literary criticism, and cultural studies and her use of that research in various pedagogical spaces. The author’s approach is personal and layered, working primarily through memories...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2021) 25 (2 (65)): 142–150.
Published: 01 July 2021
...Vanessa Pérez-Rosario; Antonio López In this interview, Cuban poet Nancy Morejón talks about her early work, her involvement with Ediciones El Puente, her poetry publishing hiatus from 1967 to 1979, and her literary criticism on the work of Nicolás Guillén. (In Spanish; an English translation...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2012) 16 (3 39): 177–187.
Published: 01 November 2012
... of literary criticism surrounding French Caribbean and Haitian literature, and draws on her approach to analyze a selection of novels by Lyonel Trouillot. © 2012 by Small Axe, Inc. 2012 Haiti’s Traces Laurent Dubois Kaiama L. Glover’s Haiti Unbound: A Spiralist Challenge to the Postcolonial Canon...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2012) 16 (3 39): 188–198.
Published: 01 November 2012
... to extrapolate the importance of Glover’s book beyond this key aim. Canon formation is at the heart of what we choose to study when tackling any literature. As for literary criticism of a postcolonial bent, in which stated aims are nearly always either to read canonical works differently or to choose new...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2020) 24 (1 (61)): 11–21.
Published: 01 March 2020
... this effect. This kind of linguistic mixing, especially at the level of individual words, is one of the preferred strategies of critics of literary multilingualism. Many scholars of multilingualism prioritize literary strategies that blur the boundaries between languages and therefore challenge the neat...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (3 (60)): 104–118.
Published: 01 November 2019
...Nalini Mohabir; Ronald Cummings This interview provides a rich account of Frank Birbalsingh’s experiences from his early life in colonial British Guiana in the early part of the twentieth century to his continuing work as a literary scholar and critic in diaspora. What is also revealed...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2010) 14 (3 (33)): 1–20.
Published: 01 November 2010
... continuums and criticism, offers a literary approach to these blue savannahs. Small Axe, Inc. 2010 The Blue Savannahs of Memory: André and Simone Schwarz-Bart’s Un plat de porc aux bananes vertes Elizabeth Duchanaud If I let my pen go, I would say, like everyone: an event just happened in my...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2017) 21 (3 (54)): 48–62.
Published: 01 November 2017
... above. 3 Returning to a corpus of Jamaican writings, twelve novels and one memoir, I examine the heterogeneous nature of the decade's literary pessimisms to argue for a sensibility of radical skepticisms that utilized critical distance to cast doubt on the past, the present, and the very idea...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2021) 25 (2 (65)): 83–90.
Published: 01 July 2021
... of its actual and apparent doctrinaire lauding of Guillén as exemplar of Cuba’s cultural politics. © Small Axe, Inc. 2021 Afro-Cuban women literary criticism racial identity Cuban Revolution This special section on Nancy Morejón’s Nación y mestizaje en Nicolás Guillén ( Nation...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2024) 28 (2 (74)): 90–102.
Published: 01 July 2024
...Njelle Hamilton This essay pays homage to the influential scholarship and activism of the Jamaican literary and cultural critic Carolyn Cooper. In form, it imitates Cooper’s code-switching newspaper columns and analysis of Sistren Theater Collective’s Lionheart Gal , traversing the borderline...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (1 (58)): 62–76.
Published: 01 March 2019
... mostly confined itself to what might be called the “respectably literary”: texts deemed to have, or to aspire to, a degree of aesthetic merit. Very little, if any, critical attention has been paid to the small but coherent body of texts that engage the Jamaican 1970s in a popular-fiction mode. This essay...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2023) 27 (2 (71)): 75–85.
Published: 01 July 2023
... of temporality and family romance against the timeline of colonial constitutional history proposed by historians such as Roy Augier (“History and the Novel: A Literary Critic’s Approach,” 103–13), and Sylvia Wynter’s reading of the novel as an example of the ideological contest between the values of the “plot...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2016) 20 (3 (51)): 123–137.
Published: 01 November 2016
... This brief but important essay established Fernández Retamar as the premier literary critic of the Cuban Revolution, an honor previously held by José Antonio Portuondo, thus passing the torch from an older generation to a younger one that came of age with the success of the Castro government. Calibán also...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2022) 26 (1 (67)): 124–144.
Published: 01 March 2022
...Gordon Rohlehr This essay, an extract from a longer two-hundred-page manuscript, traces the author’s literary friendship with Kamau Brathwaite from their first meeting in 1968 to Brathwaite’s passing in 2020. It relies on correspondence over fifty years, memories of meetings, and critical responses...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2018) 22 (3 (57)): 28–36.
Published: 01 November 2018
... and celebration of diverse literary voices. Alongside his endeavors to foster the values of human dignity through literature, Saint-Éloi has forged his own literary career, primarily through poetry but also through reflective narrative and critical essays. With these dual roles he occupies a unique position...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2019) 23 (1 (58)): 77–96.
Published: 01 March 2019
... of the PNP’s execution of its vision and, critically, of the Jamaican population itself, from these literary perspectives. With the PNP’s defeat in 1980, race and class relations quickly reverted to the status quo position of white (light) economic power/black subservience. The year would signify not only...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2008) 12 (2): 45–62.
Published: 01 June 2008
...Michael Hanchard In addition to providing some conceptual and theoretical cues from fiction, literary and visual criticism, history, and philosophy that treat the subject of memory, this paper provides an outline of a critical method to distinguish among various deployments of black memory...