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Journal Article
Small Axe (2010) 14 (3 (33)): 21–32.
Published: 01 November 2010
...Mary Gallagher Milan Kundera's claims In L'Art du roman (1986) that the European novel subsumes the American novel are implicitly contradicted by Édouard Glissant's study of `le roman des Amériques' in Le Discours antillais (1981). In Les Testaments trahis (1993), although Kundera relativizes...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2009) 13 (3 (30)): 63–73.
Published: 01 November 2009
.... The fact that Patrick Chamoiseau dedicated his novel Texaco to Milan Kundera’s wife can be interpreted as a means to secure the patronage of the Czechoslovakian expatriate who was very influential among the Parisian literary elite.17 Publishing manifestos such as Eloge de la créolité can also be seen...
Journal Article
Small Axe (2013) 17 (3 (42)): 35–62.
Published: 01 November 2013
... in the first half of the twentieth century, see Thomas Harrison, Essayism: Conrad, Musil, and Pirandello (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991). 2 Milan Kundera, Le rideau (Paris: Gallimard, 2005), 87. 1 For specific texts generally cited to illustrate active essayism within...